Agent of Heaven

Chapter 135 Mo Yanwu

Chapter 135 Mo Yanwu

Thousands of miles of yellow clouds, the day is bleak.

The streets in Fengdu City looked extraordinarily quiet.There are very few pedestrians on the streets here.Even if there were two occasionally, they all looked ashamed and looked at Mu Feng and the others with a lifeless look.

Both Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue felt terrified at the sight of these people, and they held hands together unconsciously.

Looking at the gloomy-eyed passers-by around him, Laozhu suddenly sighed, showing an extremely compassionate expression, bowed his head and silently recited: "Amitabha."

Only Yang Li walked in the front as if nothing had happened, and he would warmly greet those who did not come by.

"Uncle Liu, are you out shopping again?"

"Aunt Zhang, you got up so early today!"

He didn't seem to notice the blank eyes of those around him at all.

This is really a small county town, and it didn't take long before a group of people walked in front of an extremely tall building.

It is unimaginable that such a towering tower would stand in a modern city.There is also a moon-like mirror above the spire, exuding a strange blue light.

Yang Li walked to the door of the tower building and said with a smile, "Mr. Mo lives here."

The old pig frowned and asked, "This tower of yours only appeared here after that Mr. Mo came."

Yang Li asked with a look of surprise: "How do you know? We didn't have this tower in our place. It was summoned by magic after Mr. Mo came. Everyone in the county knows about it."

The old pig bowed his head and said "Amitabha" and then stopped talking.

At this time, several people dressed as monks came out from the tower.They looked at Mu Feng and others and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Li took the lead in answering: "They are friends I brought here to see Mr. Mo."

One of the monks frowned and said, "Mr. Mo is a saint who came into the world, how can anyone just see him?"

Yang Li said: "They are not ordinary people, they have saved my life, yes! They can also spell, and they are the same people as Mr. Mo."

"Don't talk nonsense!" the monk snapped: "Mr. Mo is a great saint with great compassion. How can ordinary people compare with Mr. Mo even if they know some spells?"

"You..." Yang Li wanted to say more, but was interrupted by the monk waving his hand.

"Please leave Fengdu City, you are not welcome here." The monk directly issued an order to expel Mu Feng and the three of them.

When did Jiang Xiaoyue suffer this kind of anger, she immediately took a step forward, wanting to reason with this monk.But he was stopped by Mu Feng: "The business is important, don't be impulsive, let's wait and see what happens!"

But the old pig stepped forward and yelled angrily at the monk: "Ask why the Bodhisattva is sitting upside down?"

Seeing that the old pig was also dressed as a monk, the monk opened his mouth to ask such a famous saying, and subconsciously replied: "Sigh all sentient beings refuse to turn back."

The old pig clasped his hands together and looked at the monk with burning eyes.

The monk bowed to the old pig and said: "It turns out that your Excellency is also an expert in practice. In this way, the poor monk is rude."

The old pig said: "Don't worry about these vain rituals, we just want to meet that Mr. Mo above, I wonder if you can make it easier?"

The monk still shook his head and said, "No!"

The old pig said: "Why?"

The monk said: "Mr. Mo is a person with great supernatural powers and great opportunities. He is the reincarnation of the Buddha. If you don't have the chance, please go back."

"Buddha reincarnation?" Lao Zhu asked suddenly, "What is Buddha?"

The monk said: "With great compassion and supernatural powers, to educate all living beings and relieve suffering, you are a Buddha."

The old pig shook his head and said, "No!" He suddenly pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other.Then go inside the tower.

Seeing Lao Zhu's movements, the monk didn't stop him, but lowered his head and began to think.

Mu Feng and others saw that for some reason, the monk who was going to stop him turned into a wooden man in a blink of an eye, and followed the old pig directly into the tower.

But it was the other monks on the side who came up.

The old pig sternly said: "Shallow and rough people, how dare you block my way?"

This is a gentle male voice coming from upstairs: "Let them come up!"

The monks bowed to the top and saluted, "Yes."

In this way, Mu Feng and his party went up to the tower without any hindrance.While walking the stairs, Yang Li chirped on the sidelines and said, "Don't be angry, these monks are not like this, they were all good people in the past, and they practiced in Dajue Temple not far away. It was time to save the lives of all their eunuchs, so they are willing to take the initiative to guard the tower for Mr. Mo."

The old pig asked, "How did you save it?"

Yang Li heard that a wonderful light shot out of his eyes: "That's amazing. At that time, everyone in Dajue Temple was infected with the plague except for monk Huiguang, and most of them died. Later, when Mr. Mo came, he just dipped his hands in some willow water and sprinkled it on Inside the monastery, these monks were all resurrected."

The old pig asked: "How many people died in total here? Or, how many people were saved by that Mr. Mo?"

Yang Li said: "This saved a lot. Strictly speaking, all the people in the city died, some died of the plague, and some were killed by monsters. Later, after Mr. Mo came, he used magic to drive away those monsters and rescued them." everyone."

Hearing this, the old pig took a deep breath.Walk quickly to the top of the tower.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Why does the old pig look weird today?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Who knows? Maybe after hearing about Mr. Mo's deeds, he planned to go back and report to Tathagata, and give him an award that moved Lingshan."

Several people finally came to the top floor of the tower.There was a young man in a white Confucian robe standing with his hands behind his back, looking at Mu Feng and the others with a calm smile on his face.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at this young man, her pupils immediately turned into a blank emptiness, and she said to Mu Feng through sound transmission with her power: "I don't know why, but I feel an instinctive sense of disgust when I see this person."

"I have the same feeling as you. This person seems to be a first-class figure, but he seems to be carrying extremely heavy karma and evil spirit."

The old pig looked at the young man and suddenly smiled: "What are you?"

The young man smiled and said, "What am I?"

The old pig pointed to the ground and said nothing.

The young man was suddenly startled, and he cupped his hands at the old pig: "I didn't think about it, there is actually a Buddhist expert here."

The old pig said: "What an expert, compared with Your Excellency, it seems that he is still far behind."

The young man smiled and said, "My name is Mo Yanwu, I wonder who you are?"

The old pig said: "Wu Neng!"

The young man didn't show any weird expression because of this name, but looked at Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue next to him.

Mu Feng said: "Xiao Ke Mu Feng." This young man gave him a very classical feeling, so he bowed his hand in return.

Jiang Xiaoyue said directly: "My name is Jiang Xiaoyue." She frowned beautifully, as if she hated this young man extremely.

(End of this chapter)

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