Agent of Heaven

Chapter 136 Tree Demon

Chapter 136 Tree Demon
In fact, Mo Yanwu should be a person who can be easily liked by others.He has a handsome face and always has a friendly smile.Wearing a spotless white robe, it gives people a very clean feeling.

But for some reason, Mu Feng always felt an extremely disgusting aura emanating from this person.This feeling is as if standing in front of him is an exquisite corpse instead of a living person.

Lao Zhu clasped his hands together and looked at Mo Yanwu with burning eyes: "Why did you do this?" His tone was very unfriendly.

This was the first time Mu Feng heard Lao Zhu speak in such a harsh tone. You must know that Lao Zhu is usually lazy, but he is also extremely gentle and good-tempered.

Mo Yanwu smiled: "I just satisfy what they want."

The old pig frowned and said, "You are just satisfying your own bad taste."

Mo Yanwu said: "You can say whatever you want." His tone was still very gentle, as if he was not angry at all because of Lao Zhu's questioning.

Mu Feng was confused about the conversation between the two, so he said to Jiang Xiaoyue via voice transmission: "Can you understand what the two of them are talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Didn't you find out? Those people we saw more along the way just now!"

Mu Feng wondered: "What's wrong with those people?" He could only feel that he saw a few pedestrians in a hurry on the road just now, they were all very ordinary people.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Most of the people in this city are dead!"

Mu Feng was startled and said: "What? Dead! How is that possible." He only felt a chill in his palm. It turned out that Jiang Xiaoyue stuffed her catkin into Mu Feng's palm: "Why are your hands so cold?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Close your eyes and look around with your heart!"

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes according to Jiang Xiaoyue's instructions.In an instant, he felt that the surrounding scenery turned into black and white, and he could feel every move of everyone in the entire city.

This is when he finally sees clearly that everyone in this city has a very thick layer of dead air floating on them.

"How could this be?" Mu Feng murmured, "Obviously they are all people who have been dead for a long time, but they still think that they are still alive, and all their habits follow the way of life before them."

Mo Yanwu showed his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Isn't this good? They are greedy for the prosperity of this world and don't want to die. I just give them what they want. So they all respect me like a god!"

The old pig looked at Mo Yanwu and said, "You are wrong."

Mo Yanwu sneered and said, "Where did I go wrong? Ordinary people always hope that God can satisfy all their requests. Isn't it good that I have done it for you? Purifying altar messenger Bodhisattva!" He finally gritted his teeth and said every word Then he read out the old pig's Buddha name.

Mu Feng was shocked, this person recognized Lao Zhu's identity at a glance, and he still had a calm expression.I'm afraid he must also be a person with great background.

The old pig said: "Life and death are countless, and reincarnation is endless. Birth and death together form a complete life. It is against the heavens that you prevent these people from entering reincarnation."

Mo Yanwu smiled and said, "Master of the altar, you have only listened to the Buddha's lectures for a few years, and you dare to come here and talk to me about days!"

"Amitabha!" The old pig proclaimed the Buddha's name, golden lotuses gushed out from under his feet, and the Buddha's light emerged from the back of his head, his sleeves fluttered, and he said kindly: "The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back and come to the shore!" Following his voice, one after another Buddha's light penetrated from the tower Come out and shine on the whole street.

All pedestrians who are walking or sitting will turn into skeletons and lie quietly on the ground when they are irradiated by this Buddha's light.In less than a moment, the entire Fengdu city was already full of bones.

"Haha, I underestimated you as an idiot for being so capable. I thought you would just hide behind that monkey and shout!" Mo Yanwu didn't show the slightest nervousness. Walk among the towers like a stroll.He suddenly walked up to Yang Li who had turned into a skeleton and said with a smile: "You don't even let such a small child go, Buddhism is really hypocritical!"

The old pig put his palm on his chest and said: "The poor monk is doing something of great mercy, so that all these souls who were originally restless can be buried in peace."

A folding fan appeared in Mo Yanwu's hand, he shook it slightly, opened the fan and said, "You can do whatever you want, anyway, no matter what you do, I can bring them back to life again." But he didn't finish speaking, a The bright Buddha light hit him.

Mo Yanwu took up his fan to block the Buddha's light, and took four or five steps back to stabilize his body. Looking at the Buddha's light again, it turned out to be a nine-toothed rake floating in the air!
The old pig held the rake in his hand and said: "The poor monk must start killing today." He waved his hand to Mu Feng who was about to step forward to help: "You step back, don't go forward, this evil has a connection with my Buddhism It's huge, and let Lao Zhu personally clean up the house."

General Mo Yan waved his folding fan in his hand, and said with a smile, "Kill me? Just rely on the guy in the field in your hand?"

The old pig sneered and said, "Farmer? Do you know what I have in my hand?" As he spoke, he swung the rake downwards and hit Mo Yanwu's head.

Mu Feng also knows a thing or two about the origin of the nine-toothed rake. It is said that this thing was made by Laojun swinging a hammer, five directions, five emperors, six Ding and Liujia. It was originally called "Shangbaoxun Golden Rake"!In fact, it is a bit more famous than the Monkey King's Golden Cudgel.

When the four masters and apprentices were traveling west, they encountered a yellow lion spirit and swept away their weapons.But it was just a nail rake banquet!It can be seen that this treasure was also famous in the Three Realms at that time, and had a great reputation!

The rake raises flames and shines, and rains snow and wind.It coincides with the transformation of Yin and Yang in Taiji, and it is very powerful!

"Good job!" Mo Yanwu laughed wildly, retreated quickly, turned into a white light and flew out along the window of the tower, narrowly dodging the rake: "The envoy of the altar, come out and fight with me! "

The golden lotus surged under the old pig's feet, and it turned into a ray of Buddha's light and chased after him.

Mu Feng hurriedly pulled Jiang Xiaoyue up, and followed the footsteps of the two with the escape method of heaven and earth.The old pig's posture seems to be ready to go all out!I didn't see this idiot make a few shots with all his strength during the trip, most of the time he was just gagging and waiting for the monkey to solve the problem.Seeing that he is finally going to show his true skills this time, Mu Feng is of course unwilling to give up the opportunity to fight.

That Mo Yanwu also looks like an extremely powerful person, he waved his folding fan!The surrounding scenery began to change rapidly, and the tower turned into a towering giant tree with two branches.One branch is covered with lush green leaves, and small flowers of various colors bloom, as if in early spring.The other branch is bare and gray, but there are countless vine branches spreading out from it, and there seems to be a skeleton hanging on each vine!
(End of this chapter)

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