Agent of Heaven

Chapter 137 Old Pig vs. Shaluo Tree Demon

Chapter 137 Old Pig vs. Shaluo Tree Demon
The old pig looked at the towering giant tree with scorching eyes, and said word by word: "Sara tree demon!"

Mo Yanwu laughed and said, "I never thought that the envoy of the altar would still remember me."

The rosary in the old pig's hands was spinning, and the Buddha's light was shining in the back of his head: "You didn't listen to the Buddha's teachings in Lingshan, but why did you come to the mortal world?"

Mo Yanwu asked back: "The Bodhisattva no longer listens to scriptures in Lingshan, but why does he come to this mortal world?"

The old pig snorted coldly, but didn't reply.

Mo Yanwu continued to laugh and said, "I'm afraid the Bodhisattva is tired of listening to the Western scriptures."

The old pig said angrily: "Presumptuous!" The nine-toothed rake in his hand instantly turned into a hundred feet in size, and suddenly smashed towards Mo Yan Wudang's head.

Mo Yanwu looked at the nail rake with lightning and thunder when it fell indifferently, and stretched out a hand with a smile, and a few vines grew from the sala tree behind him to protect him before he was alive.

As soon as the old pig raked it down, the vines of the salo tree were shattered inch by inch!But when the vines were all broken, Mo Yanwu's figure had moved hundreds of feet away.

The old pig said: "You dare to try not to dodge, eat my old pig!"

Mo Yanwu waved his fan in his hand: "Since that's the case, then the little demon has come to learn the Bodhisattva's brilliant moves!"

After finishing speaking, the figures of the two collided into each other in the air, and they fought fiercely.

One is the Marshal of the past and the present Bodhisattva, and the other is the Buddha's Nirvana Sala Tree.It's really a match for a match and a match for a good talent!One casts the 36-changing Tiangang technique!One uses the impermanence of life and death to evil demons.The Bodhisattva waved the nine-toothed rake to attract the strong wind; the tree demon lightly shook the wooden folding fan, and the style changed dexterously.The two fought directly in the air for a hundred rounds, but they were evenly divided.

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, clicked their tongues secretly.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I knew that Lao Zhu's strength should be very high, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. If he fights with all his strength, even if he confronts Second Brother Yang head-on, I'm afraid the outcome will be uncertain."

Mu Feng clutched his chin and said: "The Shaluo tree demon Mo Yanwu is even more powerful! The old pig has clearly used all his strength, but he still hasn't been able to get half a cent from him. Listening to the old pig's words just now, it seems to be the same I met this guy in Lingshan, what is his background?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Have you never heard of the Saluo tree?"

Mu Feng shook his head embarrassingly: "I really haven't heard of this."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Sakyamuni became enlightened and became a Buddha under the bodhi tree, and then died under the sala tree! In Buddhism, the sala tree represents death and new life!"

Mu Feng took a closer look at the bones in Fengdu City, and sighed: "No wonder this person has the ability to bring the dead back to life!"

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned beautifully and said, "I just don't know why the Shaluo tree demon came to the world for no reason to stay in Lingshan."

Mu Feng watched the battle between the old pig and the Shaluo tree demon, and exclaimed, "No, old pig, be careful!"

Just when Mo Yanwu was fighting the old pig inextricably, a dozen thick tree vines suddenly emerged from behind him, trapping the old pig's hands and feet in an instant.

The old pig struggled hard, but couldn't get out of trouble.

Mo Yanwu smiled and said: "The Bodhisattva has great supernatural powers. If we really fight, the little demon is really no match for the Bodhisattva, so we can only do this. I hope the Bodhisattva will forgive me!" After finishing speaking, he put his hands together and said to the old pig sorry.

The old pig sneered and said, "Isn't it a little too early to say such things now?" During this time, he was full of Buddha's light, and his whole body began to grow taller. All the vines that bound him were also broken inch by inch.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Faxiangtiandi!" This move is the Faxiangtiandi that can only be used after the Tiangang 36 transformation has been used to the extreme.Strictly speaking, in fact, Mu Feng can also use this trick, but the power of using it is much weaker than that of the old pig.

"The head of the evil! Follow me back to Lingshan to accept the crime!" The old pig roared, and a palm the size of a hill pressed down on Mo Yanwu.This momentum seems to be more ruthless than the Buddha's pressure on his elder brother back then!
Seeing this, Mo Yanwu hastily raised the fan in his hand, and a demonic aura shot up into the sky.Green light radiated from his whole body, and the folding fan in his palm became the size of several sticks, catching Lao Zhu's slap abruptly.

The old pig slapped the folding fan hard, and Mo Yanwu vomited blood, his body went limp, and he staggered and almost fell to his knees.

"Do you still want to resist?" The old pig's voice was as majestic as a Sanskrit chanting?

Mo Yanwu smiled and said, "Ask me to surrender? I'm afraid you don't have the ability to be a Bodhisattva! It's useless if you defeat the Buddha." As he finished speaking, a little green light floated over the sala tree, flying into his body.It made his original broken body slowly recover.

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes became blank, and she looked at Mo Yanwu and said, "No, this guy and the sala tree behind him coexisted in life and death, so no matter what injuries he suffers, he will be quickly healed by the sala tree!

Mu Feng said: "Let's wait and see what happens before we make plans, but no matter what, we must not let the old pig get hurt. If there is any sign that the old pig is going to be defeated again, I will take action immediately.

The fight between Laozhu and Mo Yanwu in the air became even more exciting. There was a huge difference in body shape between one big and one small at any time, but there was also a huge aftermath spreading between them!
Mu Feng used his magic power to form a protective shield in front of him, protecting Jiang Xiaoyue together, and continued to watch the battle between the old pig and the Shaluo tree demon!
The nine-toothed rake in Laozhu's hand had also become hundreds of feet in size, and when he waved it vigorously, it looked like thousands of lightning bolts dancing in the sky.

Mo Yanwu avoided the old pig's rake very quickly, and roared angrily: "The messenger of the altar, you forced me!" He turned to the southeast direction, and finally jumped to distance himself from the old pig.

At this moment, the Shaluo iron tree behind him began to float, like a ray of clear light, floating above his head, and the thin vines behind the mouth of a bowl moved towards the old pig with a whistling sound of breaking the wind. Call to go.

The old pig sneered and said: "Small tricks!" The nine-toothed rake danced like a windmill in his hand, isolating all these vines out!

But a strange thing happened, these vines seemed to be endless, even if all the vines in front were broken into debris, there were still a steady stream of vines replenishing from behind.The old pig couldn't escape for a while!

Mo Yanwu smiled and said, "I won't play with Bodhisattva anymore, I'll take care of those two kids!" He turned around and walked towards Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue.

Mu Feng quickly held the Black Tie Overlord Spear in his hand, but he still felt that Mo Yanwu was putting him under a lot of pressure, and he didn't have the slightest feeling that he could overcome it.

The old pig sneered and said: "Tree demon, don't be too happy too soon! Fellow Taoist, help me!" With his shout, a clear light appeared on his head, and a handsome young god general walked out of the clear light.

(End of this chapter)

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