Agent of Heaven

Chapter 138 The Road to the Underworld

Chapter 138 The Road to the Underworld
Mu Feng looked at the young general in golden armor flying out of the old pig's head, and said in astonishment, "Who are you handsome?"

The young general who suddenly appeared was very handsome, even if he was not much different from the Song Yu that Mu Feng had seen before.It's hard to imagine that he and the fat old pig are one!
The young general in black robe said with a smile, "I am the marshal of the canopy!" Then he transformed himself into a dharma body with three heads and six arms, holding ax, bow and arrow, sword, duo, halberd, and rope. .

"Shaluo Tree Demon, hurry up and catch it!" Marshal Tianpeng shouted, and shot a sharp arrow straight at Mo Yanwu.

Mo Yanwu's reaction was extremely quick, he deflected the sharp arrow with a flick of the folding fan in his hand, and turned to one side, barely dodging the blow.

But Marshal Tianpeng was even faster, swiping the sword and halberd in his hand at the same time, and smashed it down at Mo Yanwu.

Mu Feng looked at the old pig who had already gained the upper hand and said: "Unexpectedly, the old pig has already beheaded a corpse. I'm afraid this cultivation level is not far behind those of the four great bodhisattvas, right?" The four big bodhisattvas he said Bodhisattvas are Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Avalokitesvara, and Ksitigarbha.Although these four people are all Bodhisattvas, they can be regarded as first-class masters among the Buddhas.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "Cut a corpse?"

Mu Feng said: "It is a supreme state in practice, which cannot be acquired through hard work, but can only be achieved through a thorough understanding of the way of heaven. It is said that if you kill the three corpses of 'good', 'evil' and 'self', you can See through the great terror between life and death, and prove the indestructible Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "If Laozhu is in the state of beheading a corpse now, then this Marshal Tianpeng is the embodiment of his kindness?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Exactly."

While the two were talking, Lao Zhu had completely reversed himself from the disadvantage.With the help of Marshal Tianpeng to hold back Mo Yanwu, the old pig brandished a rake and directly attacked the body of the Shaluo tree.

However, the Shaluo Shuangshu's body naturally possesses not weak mana, and countless vines spread rapidly from it to entangle the old pig.

"The flame turns into a red lotus, eradicating all sins!" Lao Zhu clasped his hands together, and the nine-toothed rake in his hand turned into a huge fire lotus. Numerous scriptures burned on it and hit the body of the Shaluo tree.

Following the impact of Laozhu's move, Mo Yanwu also spurted a mouthful of blood, and his complexion became sallow.It can be seen that he and Sha Luoshu are both prosperous and both are prosperous, and both are lost!
Naturally, Marshal Canopy would not let go of this hard-won opportunity, and the chains in his hands flew up, directly binding Mo Yanwu who was dizzy on the spot.

Mo Yanwu was bound by this iron chain, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out.

The old pig said: "Nie Yi, don't struggle anymore, go with me to the Shaluo Tree Garden in Huiling Mountain!"

Mo Yanwu said angrily: "No! I don't want to go back, I don't want to listen to Shakyamuni's nonsense teachings anymore, let me go!"

The old pig suddenly sighed, "It's not up to you, nor up to me." After finishing speaking, he held Mo Yanwu in his hand, and said to Mu Feng, "This monster is something that fled from Lingshan. If you want to cause chaos in Fengdu City, I will That brings it back."

Mu Feng stroked his chin and said, "I'm afraid everything is not that simple. For example, how the Shaluo tree demon escaped from the spirit mountain is a big question."

The old pig smiled and said, "Of course the Buddha will ask him about this matter, so you and I don't have to worry about it."

Mu Feng said: "You are really enjoying yourself! Anyway, Shaluo tree demon, you are also a god on the Lingshan Mountain, so naturally you will not go to the world for no reason to make trouble. Now you tell me the truth, and I will clean the altar. How about the envoy speak good words for you in front of the Buddha?"

Mo Yanwu said coldly: "Don't want me to confide half a word!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll know if you don't tell me." He approached Mo Yanwu and said, "Is it the Yaozu who sent you here?"

Mo Yanwu opened his eyes wide in shock and said, "Why do you..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said: "Don't always show a surprised expression, what else can make you willing to betray Lingshan like this, except the monster race?"

Mo Yanwu didn't speak, just looked at Mu Feng quietly.

Mu Feng went on to say: "This is not an ordinary place, but Fengdu! This is the entrance from the human world to the Netherworld. Presumably by this time, your demon army should have beaten those Nether gods to the point of being powerless.

The passage between the worlds of monsters and monsters on Jianmu has been sealed by my master.You can't break through the seal in a short period of time, so you are aiming to break through the Netherworld, and then use it as a springboard to occupy the human world.

At that time, the people in the three realms, the two realms of ghosts and ghosts will already be in the hands of your monster clan, and only the heavens will not be able to resist for long. "

Mo Yanwu sneered and said: "Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao are right, Mu Feng, you are really smart. You can analyze the movements of our demon army's movements exactly because I came to the world!"

Mu Feng said: "I'm overwhelmed."

Mo Yanwu said: "Don't be too happy, the Netherworld has already been contributed by us, and the monster army will soon come to the world through Fengdu City. Now even if you guess what we did, it's already too late."

"No! You can't lie to me, your monster army has definitely not completely captured the Netherworld!" Mu Feng shook his head and said: "If you have already captured the Netherworld, it is naturally impossible to send you to the world alone."

Mo Yanwu said: "That's because I'm just a pioneer in exploring the way."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's true that you are the pioneer of the pathfinder, but it doesn't prove that the demon clan has captured the demon world. Otherwise, the people who came here should not know you! Besides, the fighting power of the demon clan is far better than that of the human race, and most of them are arrogant. Under normal circumstances, you will not send out pioneers, so there must be some reason that prevents you from directly attacking the human world."

Mo Yanwu looked at Mu Feng, gritted his teeth, but there was obvious fear in his eyes.

Mu Feng suddenly turned around and stopped looking at Mo Yanwu: "So, I'm going to the Netherworld, don't worry! I will definitely not let you monster race have the opportunity to set foot in the human world!"

Mo Yanwu sneered and said, "Even if you guessed everything right, so what? You also want to go to the Netherworld. Although the entrance to the two worlds is in the city, can you find it?" This Fengdu City is at least a small city. In the county seat, if a person is asked to find the entrance to the Netherworld like this, it is indeed like finding a needle in a haystack.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern, but I have already found the entrance to the Netherworld!"

Mo Yanwu said anxiously: "Impossible!"

Mu Feng returned to Mo Yanwu, squatted down and said, "Just now I was talking to you, and in less than 10 minutes, you looked in the direction of the roots of the Shaluo tree seven or eight times. Usually there is only one person The place he cares about the most makes him so obsessed with it, I guess, the entrance to the Netherworld is just under the root of the sala tree!"

Mo Yanwu was startled and said, "You..."

Mu Feng smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the dying sala tree under the old pig's attack: "Mo Yanwu, this should be your real body!"

The old pig said: "This sala tree will naturally be brought back to Lingshan." After speaking, he reduced the sala tree to the size of a bamboo slip and stuffed it into his bosom.

Sure enough, right at the place where the sala tree had originally taken root, a huge black hole with bottomless depths appeared, and there was a monument beside it, with the words "Nether World" written on it!
(End of this chapter)

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