Agent of Heaven

Chapter 139 The Road to the Underworld

Chapter 139 The Road to the Underworld
Mu Feng picked up a stone from under his feet and threw it into the bottomless black hole in front of him.But there was no sound of landing for a long time: "Is it true that you can enter the Netherworld through this place?"

The old pig laughed and said, "Naturally, why don't you try jumping off now?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Since you've said that, then you don't have to try again, you can't be wrong." After finishing speaking, he began to arrange his clothes, ready to jump directly. ,

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyue grabbed Mu Feng's sleeve and said, "I'll go down with you."

Mu Feng said in shock: "Don't make trouble, I'm going to hell!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I am willing to accompany you to hell!" The expression on her face was very serious.

After hearing this answer, Mu Feng's heart warmed for no reason, and he hugged Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Don't worry, I promise that we both will come back intact this time."

Jiang Xiaoyue's smoke circle was slightly red: "Who wants your dead ghost to guarantee!"

The old pig turned around and said, "Can you two stop being sticky at this time? Forget it, I'm an eyesore when I stand here. I'll go back to Lingshan." fly out.

The handsome Canopy Marshal stood in front of everyone and said, "The canopy is here for you!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You don't need to be too polite, it's just Tianpeng, do you know me?"

Tianpeng smiled slightly, showing his white teeth, and said, "Of course I know everything this deity knows."

The old pig said: "After I leave, the canopy will be stationed here instead of me and take care of you. In the underworld, the monster race probably has already exhausted its advantage, so you should be more careful when you go."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Just go as long as you want, everything in the underworld will be handed over to me."

After the old pig explained everything, he couldn't turn into a streamer and take Mo Yanwu to Lingshan.

Mu Feng looked at the entrance of the bottomless Netherworld, smiled slightly, and took Jiang Xiaoyue's hand: "You wait until I count to three, and we will jump down together!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You count."


Mu Feng said directly, then took Jiang Xiaoyue into his arms, and jumped into the seemingly boundless black hole.

Before Jiang Xiaoyue could react, the two fell down together.

But a strange thing happened, no matter how the two bodies fell, they still couldn't see the ground.After about a long time, Mu Feng took out his mobile phone to look at it, and smiled wryly at Jiang Xiaoyue: "Half an hour has passed, and this pit is really not as deep as usual."

But a strange thing happened, Jiang Xiaoyue, who was snuggling in her arms, didn't answer Mu Feng's question.

"Xiaoyue? What's wrong with you, Xiaoyue?" Mu Feng shook Jiang Xiaoyue a few times.

Jiang Xiaoyue finally came to her senses: "Ah~ what's wrong?" She was actually in a sleepy state at this moment.

Mu Feng said: "You!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What's wrong with me?"

Mu Feng said: "Your ears..."

"My ears~ ah!" Jiang Xiaoyue touched her ears when she heard the words, and then screamed: "Ah! What's going on?"

It turned out that for some reason, her ears had turned into fox ears.

Jiang Xiaoyue panicked and said, "How could this happen! How could this be happening!"

Mu Feng said: "Don't worry."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "How can I not be in a hurry? Ah! On your forehead!"

Mu Feng said: "What's wrong with my forehead?" He touched his forehead, but found a pair of symmetrical protrusions on his forehead.

Jiang Xiaoyue laughed tremblingly, and she couldn't care about her fox ears at this moment: "Haha, you look so funny with horns."

Mu Feng took out his mobile phone indifferently, and took a picture of his current appearance: "Although I have horns, I'm still handsome!"

Jiang Xiaoyue has regained her composure at this time: "It should be that there is a mysterious force in the Netherworld, which can restore some of the characteristics of the previous life to those who are near here."

Mu Feng said: "That's right, there is some light ahead, it should be in the Netherworld!" He pulled Jiang Xiaoyue and accelerated the fall towards the bright place.

Soon, Mu Feng hugged Jiang Xiaoyue and rushed out of a big well!He raised his eyes and found that the surrounding area was vast, and there was a large patch of small red flowers in his eyes.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the red flowers and said, "Manzhushahua, the flower of the underworld, I see that we have arrived in the underworld."

Mu Feng looked around a few times: "It seems that there is no one around, how should we go to the underworld?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This road between the human world and the nether world should be rarely used, so I haven't seen anyone like us exist around here."

Mu Feng said: "There is the simplest question, where should we go?"

Jiang Xiaoyue closed her fox ears, looked around, and pointed to a big rippling river in the distance: "Let's go over there and have a look."

The two walked to the river together, and found that the river here was several times larger than expected.Looking from a distance, the mist is vast, and there is yellow mist floating on the river.

"There seems to be a powerful force contained in the mist. If my guess is correct, this should be the legendary underworld, right?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It is said that the only way to truly reach the underworld is to pass through the underworld. It seems that this time we need to cross this river to reach our destination."

Mu Feng frowned and didn't speak. He pulled out a millisecond, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a bird and flew towards the surface of the Huangquan River.

But a strange thing happened, the bird had just spread its wings and flew above the surface of the Huangquan River, and then fell into the Huangquan River with a plop.

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other: "How should I go to such a place?" Mana seems to be impossible, and the yellow gas floating on the Huangquan River seems to have the effect of swallowing other people's mana!

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "In this case, it stands to reason that there should be a legendary ferryman."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a girl paddling a flat boat not far from the river.

Mu Feng shouted: "Boater! Please come to the shore!"

The girl who rowed the boat had obviously seen Mu Feng, smiled at him, and rowed over.

Mu Feng asked: "Who are you? Why do you work as a ferryman here?"

The girl raised her head and said: "The little girl is from a family of tomb robbers. She has committed too many crimes, so she was punished to ferry here for 300 years."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "Do you know what's going on here?"

The girl said: "It seems that a fight broke out, and a big war broke out, but for the time being, no one has paid attention to this Huangquan River."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you to send me to the underworld."

The girl smiled and said, "It's nothing troublesome, this is what I should have done!"

Only then did Mu Feng help Jiang Xiaoyue get on the small boat, and guided by the ferryman, she went to the underworld along the road to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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