Agent of Heaven

Chapter 141 Battle Deer Sheep

Chapter 141 Battle Deer Sheep

Mu Feng quietly looked at Immortal Hu Li who had sunk into the bottom of the lake, and sighed, "If you practice evil for a thousand years, once you do evil, and now you are ruined once, after all, you can't blame others."

Jiang Xiaoyue took a step forward and took Mu Feng's hand. She said softly, let's move on.

Mu Feng sighed and said, "When we first entered the Nether Realm, we met such a famous monster as Huli Daxian. I really don't know what kind of opponent we will meet if we continue to walk."

Jiang Xiaoyue knew that Mu Feng was not a cowardly person, and he was really worried about his own comfort when he said this: "No matter what, I will accompany you to the end."

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's firm eyes, and sighed softly: "You are enough."

At this moment, two mournful cries were suddenly heard from a distance: "Brother!"

Two middle-aged men in Taoist robes came out of the bamboo forest in the distance.One is a roe-headed rat, and the other has a goatee.

Mu Feng looked at the two people who came forward, and smiled softly at Jiang Xiaoyue: "It seems that trouble is coming!"

Before the goatee priest came to Huangquan, he looked at the corpse of Immortal Hu Li who had not completely sunk to the bottom of the lake, and was angry at Mu Feng: "Why did you kill my elder brother!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's not that I want to harm your elder brother, but that he is seeking his own death."

The Taoist priest said, "Who are you? Tell me your name!"

Mu Feng said: "My surname is Mu, and my single name is Feng."

When the two Taoist priests heard this, they took a step back and said in shock, "So you are Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng smiled: "So I'm already so famous in the demon world? Even the two of you already know my name."

The Taoist priest said: "Of course we know your name, you are the one whom the Lord Demon Emperor asked to meet!"

Mu Feng said: "Yaohuang, do you mean Dapeng?"

The Taoist priest with a goatee said with a smile: "That fellow Dapeng, how dare you pretend to be the demon emperor? My lord is here, so it's never his turn!"

Mu Feng said: "The big roc, that is the son of Phoenix, the uncle of Shakyamuni Buddha, who is your master? How dare you be above him?"

The Taoist priest with a goatee said: "Although Dapeng's status is noble, it is still inferior to my master."

Mu Feng sneered: "Could it be that your ancestor was Shakyamuni!"

The goatee proudly said, "Of course my lord is not Sakyamuni, but even Shakyamuni, when he sees my lord, has to be courteous."

Mu Feng: "I've never heard of such people in the demon world! What's the name of your master?"

A goatee Taoist, Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "My master was born between the city road and the prehistoric world before the universe. His surname is Kong, and his single name is Xuan."

Mu Feng was shocked: "Could it be that your ancestors were during the Battle of the Conferred Gods? The one who carried the Zhun Ti and led him to the Western world, the Peacock Daming King!"

The Taoist priest with the head of a rat said: "Nowadays there is no peacock Daming King Bodhisattva, only the Demon Emperor Kong Xuan!"

After hearing this, Mu Feng already had some calculations in his heart. It seems that the demon world is not twisted together. Dapeng and his gang are attacking the heavenly court, trying to open the intersection leading to the human world from the heavenly court to me again, and then unify the demon world. three realms.

And Kong Xuan took his supporters and began to occupy the underworld. Now it seems that Kong Xuan's magic power is higher. Although there is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in charge of the underworld, it has already been laid down seven or eight times.

But Dapeng is still in the heavenly court, constantly dealing with the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Jade Emperor, and it is difficult to distinguish the outcome for a while.

The Taoist priest with a goatee and a deer-headed mouse said respectively: "I am the Lord Demon Emperor. Sit down, the Great Immortal of Sheep Power, the Great Immortal of Deer Power. Mu Feng, hurry up and get caught, and follow me to see the Demon Emperor!"

Mu Feng: "You want to catch me later, but you have to see if you have real skills. If you are like your big brother, but you should retreat quickly to avoid being poisoned. It's a pity that you are true colors."

Great Immortal Lu Li roared angrily: "Mu Feng, you are too deceitful, you killed my elder brother, and now you are humiliating us again, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Immortal Yang Li didn't speak, and suddenly made a move. He waved his sleeves, and breaths flew out one by one, but it was a dragon with an icy color all over his body, spewing out cold air and entangled towards Mu Feng.

The original three brothers had practiced Taoism in Zhongnan Mountain for many years. He cultivated an ice dragon, which he hid on his body all day long, which can protect him from water and fire. When necessary, he can release it to attack the enemy. It is his magic weapon.

Mu Feng sneered, showing a sneering expression, is it just such a small trick?
Before he finished speaking, he threw out the Body Overlord Spear in his hand. The tip of the spear was a bit chilly, and collided with the ice dragon. The ice dragon's body protruded with ice blue light, and the surrounding trees were completely frozen, but it was caught by the ice dragon. The ice seal disappeared quickly, because the Overlord Spear directly pierced the ice dragon from head to tail.

Seeing his opponent, Immortal Yangli had already defeated his magic weapon in one round, and said to Immortal Luli next to him because he couldn't match, "Second brother, come and help me."

The Great Immortal Lu Li let out a long roar, transformed into a white-haired deer, raised its horns, thinking that Mu Feng would bump into it.

Mu Feng stretched out both hands immediately, and called out, good job!Then he held down the horn of Immortal Luli.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Great Immortal Lu Li was like a dragon elephant, and Mu Feng was unable to resist with the strength of both arms, and was bumped into a stagger.

Immortal Yangli also took the opportunity to change back to its original form, it turned out to be a piebald antelope, like Immortal Luli, he raised his foot and stepped on Mengmeng's chest.

"Stinky boy, you dare to kill my elder brother, so let's die with Daoist now!"

But Immortal Yang Li's feet have not yet landed, don't feel a chill in the back, it turned out that the Black Iron Overlord Spear just flew back and pierced him from behind.

Great Immortal Lu Li's eyes were about to burst, he raised his head and pushed towards Murong's chest again, roaring angrily: "Return the lives of my elder brother and third younger brother!"

Mu Feng said: "Don't get entangled, now I will let you go down to accompany your elder brother and third younger brother."

Immortal Lu Li made a leap, but jumped past him, and ran away towards the bamboo forest in the distance.

Mu Feng smiled and said, the person who thought you were sleeping together, unexpectedly ran away alone now.

Great Immortal Lu Li just took the opportunity to distract Mu Feng's attention, and at this time, it is of course the most important thing to escape, the temperature rises under his feet, and he runs away to the distance!
Mu Feng said, where is the evildoer going?Now is Chutian's first meal, if you don't step out, you will directly stand in front of Immortal Louis.

Immortal Lu Li said: "Why don't you let me go, I have no destiny or enmity with you."

Mu Feng sneered and said, "If it was me who lost just now, can you make me believe you!"

Immortal Lu Li knew that there was no hope of survival, so he knelt down and wailed, "Shangxian, spare me, I am willing to be your seat."

Hearing this, Mu Feng lowered his head and thought about it. He is considered a god now, but he doesn't even have a mount. The prototype of your heart this way is a white-haired deer. A mount is a good thing.

Unexpectedly, just as Mu Feng lowered his head to touch the number keys, Immortal Lu Li suddenly sent a message and bumped into it
Mu Feng roared angrily: "You evildoer dare you!" Immediately, he swung the Overlord Spear directly, hitting Immortal Lu Li on the forehead, knocking his flesh and blood flying across the ground, and he seemed to be dead.

These tigers, deer, and sheep were not good birds when they were in the human world.He used to be a troublemaker in Chechi country, but was later taken care of by the passing four-member Xixing group. Unexpectedly, his soul went to hell, but became Kong Xuan's minion.Mu Feng killed them, but he still didn't feel any burden, so he directly tidied up their bodies and threw them into the underworld.

Underworld, in the Palace of the Corpse King, a handsome young man slowly opened his eyes, he laughed softly and said: "How could you break my formation like this, and kill a tiger, a deer and a sheep so easily? You are indeed extraordinary, after so many years, you still haven’t let me down.”

(End of this chapter)

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