Agent of Heaven

Chapter 142

Chapter 142
In the netherworld, neither the sun nor the moon can be seen.The sky is always dark and gloomy, and the surrounding woods are also deadly silent. You can't hear any insects and birds, and you can only hear the wails of ghosts under the Huangquan River. It feels depressing and only makes people feel Breathless.

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue walked on the road to Huangquan, they didn't know where they were now, nor where they were going.Seems to have been lost in the underworld.

Suddenly, Mu Feng raised his head and looked at Huang Quan. It turned out that there was a small boat coming there!
A white-clothed man sat on the boat, and there was an incense table in front of him, a wine pot on top of the table, and side dishes.The man looked leisurely, still complacent, as if he was just visiting the mountains and rivers, boating and enjoying the scenery.

The man raised his head and saw Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue, she smiled and said, "Come up and have a drink."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other, they both felt that the man in white was too weird, so they winked at each other.The two didn't answer, and they didn't board the boat, but they still walked forward quickly.

Then the white-clothed man's boat followed Mu Feng and the other two.The man in white said again: "Come on, have a drink, it won't do anyone any harm."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I don't drink it because I can't afford it."

The man in white said: "It's okay, I'll treat you to a drink."

Mu Feng shook his head and said: "I will never drink wine that I didn't buy with money, and I will never eat things that I didn't buy with money."

The man in white smiled and said, "You're a strange person, you wouldn't even be willing to be offered a drink."

Mu Feng said: "Because I have always believed that there will be no pies in the sky, and people who are courteous when they have nothing to do will usually steal as soon as they steal."

The man in white stood up suddenly, stared at Mu Feng for a long time, then sighed suddenly: "It seems that you really don't remember anything. I owe you this meal!"

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "You owe me?"

The man in white said: "Ten thousand years ago, I once said that I want to buy you a drink!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I don't think the person you're talking about is me. After all, I'm only 24 years old this year."

The man in white said: "It's you, and it can only be you! Otherwise, it can't be someone else."

Mu Feng said: "Is it Ying Long?"

The man in white said: "You are Ying Long."

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not, at least not yet!"

The man in white said: "One day you will be."

Mu Feng lifted his foot and stamped on the ground, his body was as light as a swallow, and he landed on the small boat.He sat down opposite the man in white, picked up a glass of wine, drank it down and said, "Good wine!"

The man in white said, "Why don't you ask?"

Mu Feng said: "Ask what?"

The man in white said: "Ask who I am?"

Mu Feng said: "Why should I ask who you are?"

The man in white poured another cup for Mu Feng, and said with a smile, "Don't you want to know who I am?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't want to!"

The man in white asked curiously, why

Mu Feng replied: "If I found out, there must be trouble coming to my door, and I hate trouble the most, so it's better not to know."

The man in white sighed: "If you were in the past, you definitely wouldn't say that."

Mu Feng said: "Unfortunately, I'm not him."

The man in white: "Others want to understand, but you want to be confused?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Actually, there are times when you are confused. There is nothing wrong with it. If you are confused, you can live a chic, comfortable and carefree life."

The man in white drank the wine in his glass and said with a smile: "What you said is also reasonable. Sometimes it's better for people to be confused, but unfortunately I can't be confused!"

Mu Feng said: "People who don't want to be stupid can't be stupid no matter what, and people who want to be stupid can't be smart no matter what. People who don't want to be stupid are generally tired, but people who want to be stupid are actually very smart."

The man in white said: "Then I think I'm the most tired person in the world! After saying this, he poured himself another glass of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp."

Mu Feng said: "Sometimes, there is really no need to make yourself so tired."

The man in white directly lifted the jug, drank it clean, and sighed: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves. If I became confused, I might already be decapitated by now."

Mu Feng put the wine glass on the table, jumped out of the boat, put it on when he came back, and said with a smile: "Wine is too rare for a bosom friend, and it's too much if you don't speculate. Thank you for inviting me to drink!"

The man in white smiled and said, "You are walking in a hurry, but where are you going?"

Mu Feng said: "Go to where I should go."

The man in white smiled and said, "Walk three hundred miles to the east, the Ten Kings Hall, then your Ten Kings Hall is already under Kong Xuan's subordinate, so it is now the domain of the demon world.

Three hundred miles to the west is Shuofang City. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stationed there with 10 ambush soldiers. He is the only force in the underworld that can still fight against Kong Xuan. "

Mu Feng said: "Are you showing me the way?" He looked at Huang Quan again, only to find that the man in white and the boat had long since disappeared.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That man was so strange just now, why did he appear like a ghost? Feng, what's wrong with you, why does your complexion look so bad."

Mu Feng sighed: "Do you know who that person was just now?"

Zhang Xiaoyue lowered her head and thought: "That man is handsome and handsome, and I can't fully understand his cultivation. He dares to go boating on the Yellow Springs. He must be a master among masters."

Mu Feng said: "He is not only a master, any master is not worth mentioning in front of him, even Yang Jian was once defeated by him!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was taken aback and said, "Could it be that he is..."

Mu Feng said: "Who else can there be besides him!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "How did you find out his identity?"

Mu Feng said: "I don't know, just looking at his face, I can remember her name, as if I knew him a long time ago. But I was afraid of causing trouble, so I still pretended not to know him. "

Jiang Xiaoyue pondered and said: "According to what he said just now, when you were Ying Long in your previous life, you must have known him, maybe you were a good friend in person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kindly come to show you the way .”

Mu Feng laughed and said, "But this time we seem to be enemies!"

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned slightly and said: "He is full of supernatural powers, earth-shattering, he once defeated Yang Jian in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, such a master as Nezha, even the Vice-Master Cicada and the Daoist Burning Lamp were once in his hands He has suffered a lot. If it weren't for the saints to make a move, I'm afraid no one would be able to do anything to him."

Mu Feng said: "She and Dapeng were both born of the phoenix's mating spirit. They have existed since the beginning of the prehistoric world. Even a saint can't kill him."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "In today's underworld, only Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is left to encourage and support. But according to that person's ability, I'm afraid..."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Let's hurry to Shuofang City! I hope that our arrival can give Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva a boost."

The two set off to the west together, towards Shuofang City!
(End of this chapter)

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