Agent of Heaven

Chapter 143 Shuofang City

Chapter 143 Shuofang City

Shuofang City is located beside the blood sea of ​​Shura.This place should have been a ghost town, but when Mu Feng raised his head, he could see the sun, blue sky and white clouds. It seemed that even the air floating in the distance revealed a fragrant atmosphere.

These things gave Mu Feng the feeling that he is not in hell now, but on an outing in the world.

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes turned into nothingness. She looked at the sunlight and said lightly, "These are not sunlight, but Buddha's light. Shuofang City is a city shrouded in Buddha's light!"

When Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue walked into the city, they felt as if they had returned to the world. This place is very similar to ancient China. There are endless street vendors hawking their goods and pedestrians in different clothes.On both sides of the street, there were even large restaurants for a few days. Above the restaurant, there were seats next to the windows, on which sat a few well-dressed people, either dressed as businessmen or scholars.They order a few dishes, a jug of wine, and watch the pedestrians coming and going on the street below while drinking.

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Anyway, we've arrived at Shuofang City, why don't we go up and have a drink first!"

Seeing such a Shuofang City, Jiang Xiaoyue also felt an unprecedented sense of relief, a feeling she hadn't felt for a long time since coming to the underworld, and he showed a faint smile: "In that case, let's go up and have a look, Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, I haven't eaten in this kind of place yet."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue walked to the front of the restaurant. At this time, one of them was wearing a golden crow Taoist robe, and the other was wearing a light gauze robe. They looked like a couple of gods and immortals.

The waiter hurried forward to say hello: "You two are very nervous, are you new here?"

Mu Feng bowed and said, "I'm just here for the first time."

The waiter said: "Then you must try the squirrel mandarin fish in our shop. This is something that only Shuofang City can eat."

Jiang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Look at the signature dishes, just order a little of each, and warm a pot of good wine, you will definitely be rewarded."

The waiter in the shop narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Well, please go to the private room upstairs, both of you."

The two of them went upstairs together, and were taken to a seat by the window by the waiter. They first served a jug of wine and a plate of soaked peanuts.

Pour out some of Mu Fengzhen's wine and put it in the cup, but the color of the wine is light yellow, the liquid is clear and transparent, the aroma of the wine is pure, it is a rare and good wine.

He raised his glass and sniffed it, then smiled at the waiter and said, "Your wine must be Zhuyeqing. It smells like it's about six years old."

The waiter stretched out his thumb and said to Mu Feng: "Master, you have good eyesight, it seems that you are also a connoisseur of wine."

Jiang Xiaoyue glanced at Mu Feng, her cheek was broken: ": Alcoholic!"

Mu Feng pretended not to hear, and said to the waiter in the shop: "You actually know that I am an expert in wine, so don't fool me with this kind of thing, give me a jar of 30-year-old Zhuyeqing, and keep the six-year-old ones. Mix and drink."

Generally, old wine has just been opened, and it needs to be mixed with heart wine to drink.Mu Feng is quite knowledgeable about drinking.

The dishes began to be served one after another, and the entire table was filled in a short while.

Mu Feng picked up a piece of fish for Jiang Xiaoyue, and said with a smile: "This is called squirrel mandarin fish. In the world, only the Songhe Tower and Deyue Tower in Suzhou and Hangzhou can eat it. I never imagined that we can enjoy such delicious food in hell. "

Jiang Xiaoyue put the fish into her mouth, it felt fragrant and tender, and she began to savor it carefully.

She closed her eyes and pondered: "The ingredients of this fish dish are mandarin fish, sliced ​​ginger, dried shrimp, tomato sauce, pine nuts, pepper powder..."

Every time Jiang Xiaoyue uttered a word, the waiter's expression became ugly. Finally, he said with a wry smile, "Maybe the girl came here specially to steal her teacher?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You don't need to worry, he can't steal your business."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, and began to immerse herself in tasting other foods on the table. I have to say that the food in this restaurant is really delicious. Their chef, who has been dead for a long time, must have been in the world of chefs during his lifetime. Is a man of the hour.

The two quickly cleaned up the dishes on the table. Mu Feng said to the waiter in the shop: "You go down first and bring me a pot of tea. I want a good Tieguanyin."

The shop waiter smiled and said: "Okay, wait a moment, two guest officers, I will come as soon as I go."

Looking at the back of the waiter who turned to leave, Mu Feng suddenly whispered to Jiang Xiaoyue: "Have you brought any money?"

Jiang Xiaoyue's complexion changed drastically, and she took out a few hundred-yuan bills from her wallet: "I only brought this."

Mu Feng smirked and said, "Have you ever eaten the overlord's meal?"

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head and said, "Never..."

Mu Feng suddenly grabbed Jiang Xiaoyue's hand and stood up: "Then I'll show you the feeling of eating a king's meal." After speaking, he pulled her out of the window and jumped out of the window.

After the two of them ran for a certain distance, there were shouts and curses from the hotel staff behind them. Several big men, carrying sticks, chased after them.

Mu Feng didn't use spells either, just smiled, pulled Jiang Xiaoyue, and ran fast with both legs.After running for half an hour, the group of big guys were thrown away.

At the side of a deserted alley, Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue sat on the ground. He smiled and said, "It's so exciting, I never thought that I would eat Bawang's meal in a restaurant like yours, and then be chased by the guys inside." hit."

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and said, "Follow you, I've done all the embarrassing things!"

Mu Feng laughed and said: "This is called marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog!"

When Jiang Xiaoyue heard the words, she said "bah", saying nonsense: "Who wants to marry you, a scoundrel."

When the two were sweetly flirting, they suddenly heard a Buddha's cry from the side: "Amitabha!"

Mu Feng looked back, and saw an old monk in gray and shabby robes standing in front of the two of them.

The monk's whole body reveals not weak mana fluctuations, and there is a circle of Buddha's light looming behind his head, obviously a master who has reached the realm of Arhat.A Buddhist master of this level in the underworld can only be a member of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!
Mu Feng hurriedly saluted and said, "Dare to ask Master's Dharma name."

The monk said with a smile: "The poor monk is patient, and the donor's mana is powerful, far surpassing the many ghost cultivators in Shuofang City. I don't know what is the purpose of coming here this time?"

In fact, when Mu Feng first entered the city, he noticed that the old monk had already set his sights on him, but he had the mentality of coming to visit Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, so he didn't expose it.Waiting for this monk to show up on his own initiative!
Now that he saw the old monk, Mu Feng said bluntly: "Mine is here to pay homage to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Old monk An Ren said: "Dare to ask the benefactor's name."

Mu Feng's: "I'm Mu Feng, and the person next to me is Jiang Xiaoyue."

The old monk said with a smile: "It turns out that there are two of you. The Bodhisattva has already ordered you. If the two of you come, you can go directly to Du'e Temple to meet each other."

Mu Feng followed the old monk to the center of Shuofang City. There is a rather magnificent temple here. The huge and gentle Buddha light emanates from this temple, covering the whole city like the sun.The plaque on the temple says "Du'e Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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