Agent of Heaven

Chapter 144 Crisis is approaching

Chapter 144 Crisis is approaching
In fact, Mu Feng has seen many so-called high-level people. Most of them are different from ordinary people. So handsome!

All in all, an expert has a temperament different from ordinary people, at least their appearance can be unforgettable.

This Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva should be a rare expert in the Three Realms, but his appearance is extremely ordinary!

If it weren't for him wearing cassock, shaved his head, and sitting on a lotus throne.Mu Feng even thought that he might be the uncle security guard at the school he had seen before, or the uncle serving vegetables in a certain cafeteria.Or glance at the driver on the bus.

All in all, who looks the most ordinary, as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looks like someone.

Mu Feng thought to himself: I think this is the so-called appearance of sentient beings!

Jiang Xiaoyue covered her mouth and looked at Mu Feng with a light smile, that smile was like a little fox.

Mu Feng even looked down at Xiaoyue, only to find that a little white dog was biting his crotch.

Damn, no wonder I suddenly felt a pain in my egg just now.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand, ready to grab the little white dog, but he seemed to have predicted Mu Feng's movements in advance, he dodged away with a squeak, and escaped smoothly.Jumped to the scripture case of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"Listen, you are being naughty again!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled and stroked the little white dog's head.

Mu Feng was astonished like a tsunami in his heart: This guy is Di Ting, tmd, the legendary beast that can listen to everything in the three worlds, especially good at listening to people's hearts, is actually a dog!

As if seeing through Mu Feng's thoughts, Di Ting bared his teeth at Mu Feng in dissatisfaction.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva chuckled and said, "Actually, when you first arrived at Huangquan Road, Di Ting already found out. I don't know your strength, so I arranged for An Ren to follow you all the time."

It turned out that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva already knew about their arrival!
Mu Feng bowed and said, "I hope to do my part."

King Ksitigarbha said: "The almsgiver came in time. At this moment, the poor monk just needs your help."

Mu Feng said: "The Bodhisattva has great supernatural powers, I don't know if I need Xiao Ke, what should I do?"

Ksitigarbha King: "I have some magic power, but I can't leave Shuofang City. Otherwise, once Shuofang City loses the protection of Buddha's light, thousands of Asuras will emerge from the nearby sea of ​​blood. I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress! So The poor monk wants to entrust you to deal with Kong Xuan instead of me!"

Mu Feng showed distress and said: "Xiao Ke also encountered Kong Xuan on the way before coming here, his magic power is far better than mine, I'm afraid he can't be defeated."

He was not trying to evade, but just telling the truth. If he forced himself to fight Kong Xuan, not only would he not be able to help Ksitigarbha, but he might be hindered.

Ksitigarbha laughed and said, "Kong Xuan's magic power is actually higher than mine. Do you know why he has been unable to break into Shuofang City?"

Mu Feng said: "Please enlighten me, Bodhisattva!"

Ksitigarbha King said: "Because I have been turning Asuras into my Buddhist Dharma protectors in this underworld all the time, for thousands of years, I have accumulated quite a large army.

The Asura tribe was born in the sea of ​​blood. The women in the tribe are all beautiful and coquettish, and the men are all brave and good at fighting, but they are all brave and ruthless, and they are good at killing.It is the one with the deepest demon heart among the six realms.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has been stationed in hell all year round, and it has always been his task to convert the Asuras into Buddhist Dharma protectors by reciting sutras.

Mu Feng asked: "I don't know how many Buddhist soldiers the Bodhisattva has now?"

Ksitigarbha laughed and said, "The hundred thousand Buddhist soldiers are entrusted to you!"

Mu Feng was surprised and said, "What does the Bodhisattva mean? Let me be the commander of the [-] Buddhist soldiers?"

Ksitigarbha King nodded and said: "The benefactor is the reincarnation of Yinglong. He was once the number one general in the Three Realms and commanded a mere [-] Buddhist soldiers. For the benefactor, it should be easy."

He had no idea about this, after all, Mu Feng had never been a squad leader since he was a child, and it was his first time to be a general.

Mu Feng waved his hands again and again: "The Bodhisattva misunderstood, Xiao Ke is not Ying Long, at least I am not right now, so I am afraid that I can't really help you with the matter of commanding troops."

Ksitigarbha smiled and said, "I know you are not Yinglong, so I have already made arrangements." After speaking, he told An Ren next to him, "Bring that thing."

An Ren waved his monk robe, and a small floating wooden box appeared in the air.This wooden box is very delicate, and a dragon with wings is carved on it.

For some reason, when Mu Feng saw the box, half of his heartbeat unexpectedly missed, as if something important to him was locked inside.

King Ksitigarbha said: "People have souls, and there are three souls. Marriage is the sky, the second yellow is the emperor, and the three souls are life.

There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is strength, the fifth is the center, the sixth is essence, and the seventh is heroism.

The living beings in the world are constantly ascending and extinguishing in the six samsaras. Every time they are reincarnated, they will take three souls and six souls with them, leaving only the heavenly soul and staying in the underworld.Many memories of the first life are preserved in it. "

Mu Feng widened his eyes and said, "Could it be that what the Bodhisattva meant?"

Ksitigarbha smiled and said: "That's right, here is your Heavenly Chong Soul, and now you merge with it, you can get back all the memories you had when you were Yinglong."

Mu Feng fell silent for an instant.

Ksitigarbha asked doubtfully, "But why worry?"

Listen carefully, and whispered a few words in Ksitigarbha's ear.The Bodhisattva smiled and said: "I understand what the almsgiver thinks."

Mu Feng sighed: "It's good that the Bodhisattva can understand. If it's easy for me to remember the past life, I'm afraid I won't know whether I am Ying Long or Mu Feng. At that time, what should I do..."

Ksitigarbha laughed and said: "Why don't benefactors worry about the sky, you are you, and you were you thousands of times ago, and no one can change this."

Mu Feng's eyes lit up: "Is that true?"

Ksitigarbha opened the box with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile, "The benefactor will know once he tries it."

A ball of golden light floated out of the box, and it flew into Mu Feng's celestial spirit cover with a chirp.

Mu Feng stood on the spot and shook a few times before falling to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoyue became a little anxious, she shook Mu Feng's body, but Mu Feng didn't answer anything.

Ksitigarbha said: "The benefactor, don't worry, he is just merging his own soul. When he wakes up next time, he will become the number one general in the Three Realms!"

Only then did Jiang Xiaoyue feel relieved, and clasped her hands together and said to Ksitigarbha, "In that case, I have to thank the Bodhisattva."

Ksitigarbha said: "He already has this opportunity, even if I don't give it to him, he will get it, so there is no need to thank me."

At this moment, Di Ting, who had been lying quietly under the Ksitigarbha Sutra case, suddenly stood up uncomfortably. It lowered its head and let out a series of dull growls, as if warning something. There is an unconcealable fear in the eyes!
The head of the Ksitigarbha Demon King Hearing sighed, "Is it them?"

Di Ting nodded.

Ksitigarbha stood up from the lotus platform, with a limited circle of floating light behind his head, shining extraordinarily dazzlingly.

"What should come will always come."

(End of this chapter)

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