Agent of Heaven

Chapter 145 Mr. Wupao

Chapter 145 Mr. Wupao

Nether World, Shuofang City.

Darkness has enveloped the entire underworld, and the dark clouds are forming a ball in the sky. It looks like a hand raised by a responsible twenty-one. He is rushing towards the study room, and it has become a clean and blue sky. A place that still has a glimmer of light.

Under Shuofang City, a large group of ghost soldiers also rushed in densely.All of them had green faces and fangs, disheveled hair, most of them were wearing tattered armor, and there were still black blood stains on the armor.Wherever this army went, there was a monstrous murderous aura.

"Amitabha!" A heavy Buddha's cry echoed continuously in the world, and the Buddha's light in the sky became more intense.Thousands of ambush soldiers in golden armor appeared on the tower
Under the illumination of the Buddha's light, the army of evil spirits under Shuofang City dared not take a step forward, and most of them even started to retreat.

I saw a Taoist coming out of the army of evil spirits, and the army stopped and retreated immediately when he appeared.

And look at the way this Taoist is dressed, but see:
He wears a red and bright golden crown, a black Zizi black soap suit with a collar, a pair of green head and shoes, and a yellow sash for the Duke of Lu.The face is like melon and iron, and the eyes are like stars.The quasi-head is tall and the class is back, and the lips are turned like Dada.The heart of the Tao was full of thunder and thunder, and he subdued the tiger and subdued the dragon.

The Taoist held a sword in his hand, pointed at the foot of the mountain, and shouted: "The demon emperor punished the left angel, and Wupao Lord is here! Listen to me, all the bald donkeys on the tower. If you surrender now, you will still be our demon clan!" I will spare your life. If you dare to say no, when our army captures Shuofang City, your blood will flow like a river."

Monk An Ren has already reached the top of the tower at some point. He is the chief disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and his magic power should be considered the second best in Shuofang City.

An Ren looked at Wupao Lord who was clamoring below, clasped his hands together and said, "Who am I? The words are so vulgar, it turned out to be the one who was tamed by the Lamma Bodhisattva, Baimu Wupao Lord. You are a hair belt How dare you say such words so arrogantly."

Mr. Wupao was told about his sad past, and he said angrily on the spot: "Bulk, come down quickly and die."

A floating cloud appeared under An Ren's feet, the gate of the city opened wide, and thousands of Buddhist soldiers poured out, behind them, forming an auspicious formation.An Ren came to the front of the formation alone, and yelled at him sharply: "You evildoer, when you went west, the Great Sage of Gansu went on your way. Now the oldest living person has been alive for many years, but he still doesn't know how to repent. Today, you are silent, and I want you to be wiped out."

Wupao Jun smiled strangely and said: "If the Ksitigarbha King himself said this to me, I would still be afraid three times, but you, bald donkey, what face do you have to speak wild words in front of me, we know that when the old man became enlightened, you I still don't know where to eat milk!"

"Look at the Zen staff, monstrous!" An Ren's face turned cold, and a section flew out from his sleeves and turned into a golden Zen staff, bringing a golden light, thinking that Wupao Jun would smash it down on his head.

Wupao Jun raised his sword, set aside his Zen staff, and with a strange cry, he raised his sword and stabbed at Monk Anren.

The monk took out a subduing magic pestle from his sleeve, and fought with Wupao Lord.

The two fought a lot, but see:

The goblin turns the sword, and the monk raises the magic pestle.They are all for the land confiscation house, standing under Shuofang City.Now he is showing his economical skills and playing tricks to show off King Wu.Monks are powerful, while demons are courageous.The whole body is like a brocade, and the hands are like a pulley.Ping-pong sword and pestle ring.Dismal wild cloud floating.Speak words, make tricks, come and go like a picture.The killing is so loud that the wind sounds, the sand flies, the wolves and tigers are afraid, the sky is dark, the earth is dark, and there are no stars.

The two people's skills are equal, this fight is evenly matched, and they have stood against each other for seventy or eighty rounds, but they are still tied.

Monk An Ren suddenly took a step back, turned around and ran away, and Wupao Jun immediately raised his sword and chased after him.

Unexpectedly, after running for five or six steps, An Ran suddenly turned around, took out a jade ruyi from her bosom, and struck at Wu Pao Jun's head suddenly.

Mr. Wupao caught off guard and ate this Ruyi, and instantly became dizzy and fell to the ground!
Wupao Jun fell to the ground, pointed at Monk An angrily, and said, "You monk, you actually tricked me into killing me."

Monk An Ren said: "If I hadn't harmed you, you would have killed the poor monk."

"I don't accept it, you won't be fair enough, do you dare to fight me again?"

Monk An Ren smiled and said: "The defeated general, where did he come up with so many words? Someone is here, suppress it!"

More than a dozen Buddhist soldiers swarmed up, thinking Wupao Lord surrounded him.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wupao roared angrily all of a sudden: "And with such a little ability, are you trying to trap this old man?" Then he took off his shirt.

The Buddhist soldiers escorting him laughed and said, "Taking off your clothes at this time will not save you!"

When Wupao Jun raised his arms, there were countless eyes under his ribs, densely packed, each with a different look, and some even had eyelashes, which looked very scary!
Monk An Ren knew Wupao-jun's special ability, so he yelled: "Not good!"

But it's too late!

There are thousands of eyes under Wupao Jun's ribs, all of them suddenly radiate at the same time, it's amazing!

I saw: dense yellow fog, gorgeous golden light.Thick yellow mist, like spraying clouds under the flanks on both sides; brilliant golden light, like setting fire in a thousand eyes.The left and right are like gold buckets, and the things are like bronze bells.This is the magic power of demons and Taoists.The blind eyes cover the sun and the moon, covering people with dryness and haze; thousands of Buddhist soldiers and an eminent monk are trapped in the golden mist.

The mana that Monk An Ren summoned occupied the yellow mist, but he couldn't move forward, nor could he retreat.Even though there seemed to be some poisonous gas in the yellow mist, even with his spiritual cultivation, at this time, he began to gradually become dizzy.

On the nick of time!Suddenly, I heard a crisp bell ringing from the sky.

Monk An actually felt that his sanity was clear for a moment, and after hearing the ringing of the bell, his body recovered a bit of mana. He quickly jumped up and fled back to the Shuofang tower.

The floating person in front of Jiang Xiaoyue was shaking constantly, the falling soul bell.

Monk An Ren came up to Jiang Xiaoyun, clasped his hands together, bowed his head in thanks and said: "Thank you for your help, the poor monk is very grateful."

Jiang Xiaoyue took back the Luohun Bell, but at this moment her face was pale.

This Wupao Lord has at least several thousand years of cultivation, but he is a big monster, and his mana is far beyond Jiang Xiaoyue's comparison!
Just because his own ringtone was introduced into the yellow mist just now, it is convenient to use up all the mana Jiang Xiaoyue said as soon as possible.

At this time, the ghosts under the city tower swarmed up, and the former Buddhist soldiers who had been fascinated by the yellow mist killed all of them in one go.

Wupao Jun pointed at the love on the tower and laughed wildly: "Now, who else dares to fight against me?"

At this moment, all of a sudden, there were thousands of auspicious colors, the rays of the sun were shining, and countless pea-sized raindrops fell from the sky of Shuofang City, which actually washed away the desolation released by Mr. Wupao.

A lotus platform floats on the tower of Shuofang, on which Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is sitting upright, holding a Zen staff and wearing cassock, with a solemn appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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