Agent of Heaven

Chapter 146: Kong Xuan

Chapter 146: Kong Xuan
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came to Shuofang City.A low-pitched cover song resounded between heaven and earth.Thousands of golden lotus auspicious colors are firmly used around, and the rays of the sun are bursting.

Wu Pao Jun's complexion was gloomy for a while, and he quickly stepped back a few steps.

Unexpectedly, Ksitigarbha put his palms together, you fine centipede, when you are in Shuofang City, you can come and leave whenever you want, can't you?
A violent Buddha light emerged from the palm of Ksitigarbha King and shot towards Wupao Lord.

Wu Pao Jun let out a strange cry, turned around and ran, exclaiming as he ran, "Lord, save me!"

Just when his back was less than two centimeters away in the floating light, a figure in white clothes suddenly appeared, holding a ray of multicolored brilliance in his hand, and swiping it vigorously, the Buddha light of Ksitigarbha disappeared without a trace.

"I have seen the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the sun, the moon and the stars; the morality of a spirit is the deepest, and I have no part with the West!" The man in white came singing.

Ksitigarbha put his palms together, nodded slightly to the man in white, and said, "It turns out that the Peacock Daming King is here, and the poor monk is being polite."

Hearing that he called himself the Peacock Daming King, Kong Xuan showed an extremely disgusted expression, and said with a cold snort: "You bald donkey, why are you talking such gossip in front of me? Do you think I will look at the Tathagata?" Can I spare you face?"

Ksitigarbha laughed and said: "Your Excellency, you will be a member of my Buddhist sect for a while, and you will be a member of my Buddhist sect for the rest of your life, but you can't do it if you want to be the demon king!"

Kong Xuan sneered: "It's not up to you, a junior, to talk too much about my pretentious demon emperor! Quickly take your Buddhist soldiers and get the hell out of hell for me, and go back to your Western Paradise."

The Ksitigarbha King said solemnly: "The poor monk once made a great wish that the hell will not be empty, and vowed not to become a Buddha. I will never go back on my words."

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "If you can't become a Buddha, don't let you be a ghost!" After speaking, a blue light appeared behind him, turned into a big white hand, and grabbed the Ksitigarbha King.

The Buddha's light flashed behind Ksitigarbha's head, and it turned into a big golden hand, blocking the palm that looked like an empty mountain.

Kong Xuan yelled, and suddenly there was a peacock's cry in the blue light, and there seemed to be a hint of the sound of a phoenix in that resonant sound.

Following the sound, the lotus flowers floating around Ksitigarbha's body exploded one after another.Even the seventh-grade lotus platform he sat on directly shattered.

Ksitigarbha made flowers with both hands, flicked his fingers, and a Buddhist bead flew out, and the Buddha's light suddenly appeared, like thunder, and hit Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan stretched out his foot and kicked on the ground. The birds and lions collided with the Buddha beads of Ksitigarbha, and they disappeared in the same way.

It seems that the mana of space is really willing to be above Ksitigarbha.

The Ksitigarbha King showed a determined expression. The Buddha light around him became brighter and filled the space between the heaven and the earth. , one, Tianlong protects the mind.

A huge sound of dragon chant rose into the sky, and a golden dragon with claws turned out of the Buddha's light behind his head, roaring towards the empty mountain, and galloped away.

Kong Sheng snorted coldly, you dare to run rampant in front of me even if you are a civet cat, and then a blue light appeared behind him, a huge white peacock flew out of the clear light, screamed loudly, and slammed into the giant dragon abnormally .

After two hours of tearing, it turned out that the giant dragon fell firmly to the downwind, and was torn to pieces by the peacock in a short while.

The Ksitigarbha King was not surprised when he saw this, and sat cross-legged on the top of the city tower, constantly chanting, Ksitigarbha's original vow, and the good results of the two are increasing day by day.

In an instant, a huge character appeared in the air, flashing with dazzling fire, and collided with the peacock flying between the sky and the earth.

Maybe the peacock was actually very fierce, its wings shook, and a gust of wind was blown up, and your Buddha lights collided together.

A huge force spread out, and even the entire Shuofang City seemed to be shaken by this fight.

Ksitigarbha three, all Buddhas protect and come.Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said again.

In an instant, I saw an auspicious cloud floating in the sky, on which there seemed to be thousands of arhats, great monks, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas standing.

Space glanced at those people above the sky, and sneered, they dare to show off in front of me, even if these people really came, am I still afraid that they will fail?
He directly raised a pair of five-color divine lights, and all the gods and Buddhas in the sky disappeared.

At the corner of Dizang King's mouth was a jade rabbit, a grain of golden blood, but he didn't give in at all, and kept chanting, Dizang's original vow, the four Bodhisattvas will never retreat!Fifth, increase your strength!All six things are clear!
After he finished reading all these words, he saw lotus flowers and ten thousand characters floating all around the sky. Finally, the shoes gathered together, exuding a huge Buddha's light, and turned into a golden bodhi tree.

Kong Sheng looked at the bodhi tree, nodded slightly and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite capable, and it's worth fighting with all my strength."

Finally, the blue light behind him became brighter.The huge vacancy flew out and hit the Bodhi tree.

The guppies and bodhi trees collided and disappeared together without a trace, turning into powerful energy fluctuations. Even the walls of Shuofang City became fragmented under such fluctuations.

With the voice of Ksitigarbha King, he took a few steps back again and again, and with the support of the ambush behind him, he finally stood firmly.

He shouted, fellow daoist, help me!
As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a middle-aged Taoist wearing a black Taoist robe, disheveled hair, pale complexion and a green long sword flying out of the Buddha's light behind him.

The appearance of that Taoist is no different from that of Ksitigarbha, and there is a lot more viciousness and determination in the setting
Kong Shan looked at the disheveled Taoist and asked, who are you?Why cast Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

The Taoist Jie Jie said with a strange smile, but the leader of the nether world came here to help me get to the deity.

Kong Xuan smiled, unexpectedly, you have already practiced temporary labor pains, I underestimated you!

In the end, he also roared, fellow daoist, help me!

Finally, he saw a little future flying out of the blue light behind him.Look at her dress.

The body is like gold reflecting the fire, and the armor is bright; the red horse with the sword is majestic, and the five brilliance are visible.

It turned out that this belonged to Kong Xuan, the incarnation of the evil corpse!
Seeing this, the leader of the netherworld came down to the controlled twenty transformations with his sword, and the two fought against each other.

It has to be said that Kunshan is a veteran quasi-sage after all. Among the legendary saints, the No.1 strength is by no means a vain name. The same culprit is the incarnation. The body of the empty mountain defeated the leader of the Nether world.

After a while, the leader of Youming couldn't hold on, so he was slashed on the lute bone by the hollow Huashen!I couldn't move for a moment.

Ksitigarbha vomited blood and sat paralyzed on the tower.

Kong Xuan walked like a leisurely stroll in the court, and when he stepped out, his figure had already arrived on the tower of Shuofang City.

Seeing this, the surrounding Buddhist soldiers raised their weapons and surrounded Kong Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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