Agent of Heaven

Chapter 147 Ten Thousand Buddha Formation

Chapter 147 Ten Thousand Buddha Formation

Looking at the Buddhist soldiers around them, although all of them are covered in golden armor and their bodies are shining with Buddha's light, they have raised eyebrows and raised eyes, looking fierce and fierce, and some even have eight heads and ten arms, their appearance is really beyond extreme.

Kong Xuan would not be afraid of these Buddhist soldiers? , He withdrew his avatar and smiled contemptuously, just because you want to fight me too?
His voice and attitude were cold and arrogant, and he didn't take these Buddhist soldiers seriously.

King Ksitigarbha tried his best to stand up, and King Peacock Daming really had boundless mana, and the poor monk was no match for him!

Peacock smiled and said, you monk is different from the bald donkeys on Lingshan Mountain, how real are you?There is also a bit of Taoism, why don't you follow me, I will make you a demon master, and follow me to conquer the north and south, and unify the three realms, wouldn't it be great?

In the way of Ksitigarbha King, the poor monk received Buddhist teachings, bathed in Buddha's grace, and dared not have other thoughts, which failed the bodhisattva's good intentions.

Kong Xuan snorted coldly, don't you know that the way of heaven has changed?Buddhism can be strong for a while, but it cannot last forever. All things have the aura of birth and death.

Ksitigarbha smiled wryly and said, "Although the poor monk's cultivation is superficial, he inadvertently got a glimpse of some secrets. Although the monster race should be prosperous, but my Buddha Dharma has saved all living beings and accumulated countless merits, so it should not be extinct."

Kong Xuan sneered, your hypocritical principles and the teachings of the Buddha are almost enough to fool the common people.I have existed since the beginning of the world. You two sages of the Western religion are still in the Taoist school. I have already achieved the right result.Isn't it ridiculous that you talk about compassion and Buddhism in front of me?

Ksitigarbha bowed his head and said, the Dharma is boundless.

Following his low groan, the Buddha's light that had been sluggish in the surrounding world suddenly rose again, reflecting the surroundings as if they were in the grandeur of a spiritual mountain.

Five colors of light radiate from the eyes of the peacock. Ksitigarbha, I really underestimate people. At this moment, you still want to win back the defeat. Who gave you the courage?Have you all forgotten?Who am I, Kong Xuan!

The skin of Ksitigarbha King's whole body turned golden, as if he had turned into a Buddha statue, with a solemn treasure, he could no longer speak, but his voice came from around. Mr. Kong Xuan's magic power was boundless, so the poor monk naturally didn't dare to speak alone. To fight against the enemy, on this city tower, Wanfo Town has been laid down, and Master Kong Xuan is invited to dress properly.

At this time, he finally stopped referring to Fear Deep as the Peacock Daming King, and there was a bit of determination in his words.

Kong Xuan looked at the shining Buddha light around him, and sneered, what is the Ten Thousand Buddha Formation?Come, let me see how it compares to the Ten Jue Formation and Zhu Xian Sword Formation back then

After speaking, he summoned a long knife, held it upside down in his hand, and entered the battle.

Let go for three or two steps, only to find that there is really a big mountain standing in front of you.It is really a good place to see the mountain view from a distance, but see

On the mountain, under the green pine forest, there are noble women, and there are scattered scholars among the green cypresses. There are rare treasures and delicacies; in the temple, there are eight Bodhisattvas, four Vajras, five hundred Arhats, three thousand Jiedi, eleven Dayao, and eighteen Jialan.

Of course, these gods and Buddhas are all transformed by the condensed mana of 10 Buddhist soldiers, not the real bodies of the gods and Buddhas of Xitian.

Kong Sheng looked at it for a moment and said, even if these rats really come, you will be afraid that they will fail?At this time, they actually changed their appearance to fool me.

After saying that, he took the knife and flew towards the high mountain.

Five hundred arhats came in front of them. The Buddha's light loomed behind their heads, each of them had a dignified treasure, and the whole body was shining with golden light.

Kong Xuan shouted loudly, ants, step back!
After finishing speaking, he swung his knife and slashed. Wherever the blade passed, the Buddha's light disappeared, and all the arhats he valued turned into nothingness.

Three thousand Jiedi, eleven Great Glory, and eighteen Jialan.They came up and shot at Kong Xuan one after another.

Kong Xuan said with a smile, the pearls of rice grains also radiated brilliance, and then, the five-color divine light shone around him, and with a swipe to the left, all the eighteen indigos were wiped away.

With another long cry, the blade in his hand shone like a God of War classroom, and he entered the formation of Arhats. He raised the sword and fell like a gust of wind, and he killed most of the five hundred Arhats in just a moment.

At this moment, the Eight Great Bodhisattvas also surrounded him. Who do you think they are?Exactly that:

Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Vajrapani Bodhisattva, Kongkongzang Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Of course, apart from the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, which is the real body coming, the others are all illusions shrouded in welfare

Kong Xuandao, are these little tricks the only thing in Wanfu Town?
King Ksitigarbha said, the blessings are boundless, why don't Mr. Air Force let go of his current obsession?Return to Lingshan?

Kong Xuan sneered, returning to Lingshan, hum, wishful thinking!Now that the demon clan is revived, I will be the Demon Emperor, in charge of the Three Realms. You are a mere Lingshan, what can I do?
Amitabha and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas sighed seven times, and Kong Xuan of the Kyodo Society launched an attack.

Avalokitesvara is not a sacrificial utensil, a mutton fat jade bottle, when a willow branch is raised, it seems that Kong Xuan is calling
Kong Xuan lowered his head and looked back, with a swipe of the five-color divine light, Avalokitesvara was also swiped in.

But before he could react in the future, the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus smashed towards the head, the hole failed to dodge, he was hit on the shoulder, and in an instant, an arm hung down limply.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun!Kong Xuan snorted coldly, and flew towards Manjusri Bodhisattva with the long knife in his hand.

The document set up a seven-treasure golden lotus to resist, but it was not able to block the five-color divine light that came immediately, and was also brushed off, turning into a Buddha's light and dissipating.

At this time, it is confirmed that Puxian Bodhisattva is holding a five-hook sword, stepping on a third-grade golden lotus, and even Kong Xuan is calling.

It's just that this public election has been prepared for a long time. When it was carried out, the clear light flickered, and a huge white peacock flew out from behind, and opened its mouth to swallow Samantabhadra Bodhisattva into its belly.

Vajrapani Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Shattering the Void, flanked Kong Xuan from left to right.

Kong Xuan said with a smile, and the nameless person dares to fight me?The five-color divine light in his hand swiped twice, and the two Bodhisattvas were also brushed into Buddha lights and dissipated.

Maitreya Bodhisattva was smiling, holding a cloth bag and calling towards Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan said with a smile, the Buddha who came from the east is safe and sound.The art in the hands is the art of life, and smashes Maitreya Bodhisattva to pieces.

At this time, except for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva here, the manifested bodies of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas have been eliminated by space.

On the spiritual mountain, the praying Bodhisattva opened his eyes at the same time, Guanyin showed compassion and said, that Kong Xuanmo has not reached the sky, this is Junior Ksitigarbha, and he is probably doomed.

Maitreya smiled and said that this nirvana may not be a bad thing.

Puxian asked, what does the brother mean by this?
Maitreya smiled and said, Junior Brother Ksitigarbha is the reincarnation of Nirvana and is not an ordinary person. He is the one who can protect my luck in Buddhism in the future.

Manjusri Bodhisattva nodded and said, the precept of killing is about to come, Ksitigarbha Junior Brother, that is the first person to respond to the catastrophe, and Buddhism is not completely unfavorable to me.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to everyone that this lecture is over, everyone should go back to their caves, and remember not to leave lightly if there is nothing to do, otherwise they will be killed and die.

All the bodhisattvas put their hands together in ten ways, great kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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