Agent of Heaven

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

In the formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas, King Ksitigarbha was fighting Kong Xuan. The two fought each other for thirty to fifty rounds. King Ksitigarbha was seriously injured after all. Although he was blessed by the formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he was still not Kong Xuan. His opponents are getting weaker and weaker, and they are about to lose.

Kong Xuan laughed and said, "Ksitigarbha, today is the time for your downfall!"

The Ksitigarbha King showed distress: "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Kong Xuandao: "I'm afraid you won't even be able to enter hell this time, so let me fly away!"

At this moment, the bell suddenly rang again and again, and Kong Xuan lost his mind for a while.

Ksitigarbha, no good, benefactor Xiaoyue, run away!
However, it was too late at this time, Kong Xuan looked meaningfully at Jiang Xiaoyue who was standing on the Shuofang tower, shaking the soul bell.

Jiang Xiaoyue met Kong Xuan's sweeping gaze, and couldn't help showing a look of fear.She was really scared, because in her lifetime memory, she had never seen such a terrifying look in her eyes.

"Luohunling? It's interesting!" Kong Xuan's voice came from behind Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue felt her breathing was stagnant, Kong Xuan grabbed her throat with one hand and lifted her up.

There was no time to react, and even the mana flowing in the dantian was frozen.Jiang Xiaoyue, a high-ranking member of the Ninth Bureau who dominates the human world, has no power to resist in front of Kong Xuan.She found that Kong Xuan looked at her eyes as if he was looking at an ant.

Kong Xuandao: "Cultivation is so weak? Are you still a mortal? A magic weapon like the Falling Soul Bell is not worthy for mortals." He directly sentenced Jiang Xiaoyue to death.

The Buddha's light shone behind Ksitigarbha, turning into a big hand and grabbing towards Kong Xuan! "You must not hurt her!"

Kong Xuan sneered and said, "You'd better take care of yourself first." A huge white peacock appeared from before him, opened it up and sucked it in, killing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the [-] Buddhist soldiers in the Buddha Formation. swallowed them together.

Kong Xuan looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said: "It's your turn, don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to blame it, blame you for not being the owner of such a treasure as the Luohun Bell."

"Am I going to die?" Jiang Xiaoyue's heart was full of despair.

And a familiar voice came from a distance at this time: "Kong Xuan, did you let go of her yourself, or did I cripple your hand!"

"This voice is him!" Jiang Xiaoyue saw a man with a silver gun approaching from a distance.

This person is Mu Feng!But at this time, there seemed to be many things in his eyes that were different from before.

His appearance has not changed, but his eyes are no longer young.His pupils exuded an ancient and desolate vicissitudes of life, as if he had witnessed the transformation of thousands of years of vicissitudes.

Kong Xuan put Jiang Xiaoyue down, looked at Mu Feng and said with a smile: "Old friend, you are back!" It seems that he also knew about Mu Feng's fusion of heaven and soul, and seeing Mu Feng's current appearance, the expression in his eyes In the middle of it, he actually came to show a warlike intention.

Mu Feng said: "Yes, I'm back, luckily I didn't sleep too long!" He threw the black iron overlord spear in his hand, turned into a golden light, and stabbed directly at Kong Xuan's chest.

Kong Xuan put the long knife in his hand across his chest, blocking the point of the spear that shone with a little cold star.But the huge force coming from the gun made him take a step back involuntarily.

Just taking a step back, Mu Feng's figure has passed by like a breeze, bringing Jiang Xiaoyue back to her side.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng and said, "Are you Ying Long or Mu Feng?"

Mu Feng said: "I am Ying Long!"

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes were full of disappointment, she broke away from Mu Feng's arm and stood beside her.

Mu Feng smiled: "But I am also Mu Feng!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was overjoyed and said, "Really? Are you really still Mu Feng?"

Mu Feng said: "Of course, no matter what, I will be by your side."

Kong Xuan shot a divine light, and called Mu Feng head-on: "Fellow Daoist Ying Long, look at the trick!"

Mu Feng knew that Kong Xuan's divine light was powerful, so he immediately shot with all his strength, holding the black iron overlord spear high in his hand, and blocked it in front of him.The power of the divine light is as heavy as thousands of mountains.Mu Feng couldn't help but burst into a tiger's mouth, bleeding from his hands.

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist has entered the cycle of reincarnation for a thousand years, could it be that his methods have already regressed?"

Mu Feng said: "Even if there is only one layer of supernatural power left, it is enough to deal with you little peacock!" He stuck the black iron overlord spear on the ground, and the blood in his hand turned into golden sword energy, and he slashed straight at Kong Xuan. Down!

Kong Xuan swiped his divine light again, colliding with the invincible sword energy.The sword energy fell into the divine light and dissipated!
Mu Feng flew into the air, pinched the sword with both hands, and shouted: "Listen to the rain style!"

Tens of thousands of golden sword qi appeared between the heaven and the earth, each with a destructive aura, hitting towards Kong Xuan.

The huge white peacock appeared again, flying in front of Kong Xuan, and with a slight wave of its wings, it completely blocked Mu Feng's sword energy.

But!At this moment, I suddenly saw a person coming from the sky stepping on the clouds, and wrote a verse saying:

Wearing a Taoist uniform, holding a branch in his hand.There are often sermons by the Bade Pool, and the Three Vehicles under the Qibao Forest.A relic is often hung on the top, and scriptures can be written in the palm.Piaoran is a true Taoist, and her beauty is amazing.Refining to live in the scenic spot in the west, cultivating eternal life and getting rid of dust.The body of the lotus flower is infinitely wonderful, and the leader of the west, the Great Immortal, comes.

When Kong Xuan saw this Taoist, he first showed panic, and then boundless anger. His voice had become hoarse, and he shouted: "You must mention the old man! Take your life!"

Kong Xuan seemed to have lost his mind, and came to take that Taoist with a knife, completely forgetting about Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue.

Do you know who this Taoist is?Why does Kong Xuan hate him so much?
It turns out that he is the quasi-said Taoist, one of the two leaders of the Western Church!
During the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, Kong Xuan relied on the five-color divine light to defeat Yang Jian and Nezha and others, and also defeated the burning lamp whose Dao Xing mana was above the Twelve Golden Immortals, and Lu Ya, and Jiang Ziya was defeated for a while. One faction of the army fought back helplessly.

At this moment, Zhunti Taoist came in person, regardless of his status as a saint leader, he directly took Kong Xuan down.It was forcibly transferred to the west and became the Peacock Daming King.

He even became Zhunti's mount because of this, which is a great shame for Kong Xuan, who was born since the beginning of the world!
So now when he sees Zhunti again, he immediately loses his mind, and just wants to kill this Taoist and hurry up!
Relying on the five-color divine light, Kong Xuan went to brush Zhunti Taoist, but he was not prepared for Mu Feng's sudden attack from behind. The scorching sword energy of the "Xuanyan Style" directly slashed at the abdomen of his peacock incarnation.

The peacock let out a mournful cry, and immediately opened his mouth to vomit, and the hundred thousand Buddhist soldiers, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, were all spit out by him at this moment.

Mu Feng supported Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and said, "Go!"

Di Ting suddenly sprang out from the edge of the city tower and turned into a giant beast the size of a mountain. I saw that it had an extraordinary appearance, with a tiger's head, a single horn, dog ears, a dragon's body, a lion's tail, and a unicorn's feet.

Di Ting said: "Come up quickly!"

Everyone stood on the back of Di Ting one after another, and clouds were forming under its feet, and it was about to go away in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the white peacock spread its wings and chased after it.

Mu Feng said: "Naughty animal, let's be presumptuous!" In his hands, he used the six forms of Yinglong together, and the sword energy turned into a giant golden sword on his chest. The sword body is engraved with the sun, moon and stars on one side, and mountains, rivers, plants and trees on the other.On one side of the sword hilt is written the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the world.

Ksitigarbha King exclaimed: "Xuanyuan Sword Jue!"

The Xuanyuan sword in Mu Feng's palm flew out, and hit the white Kong Xuan directly on the forehead, causing it to fall from the clouds.

At this moment, the long knife in Kong Xuan's hand actually pierced Taoist Zhunti's chest!Seeing Zhunti's body turning into light spots gradually disappearing, he suddenly said: "Not good! It's the illusion style!"

Kong Xuan, who realized that he was deceived by fantasy, wanted to pursue Mu Feng again, but where could he find Mu Feng's figure?
The huge white Kong Xuan flew back into the clear light behind Kong Xuan, and it said: "My lord, your obsession with Zhunti is too deep, otherwise with your cultivation base, Yinglong's phantasmagoric style will not be able to confuse you!" You have been so long."

Kong Xuandao: "It's okay, in this battle, Yinglong helped me to kill the demons of the past, which made me one step closer to the Dao!" He closed his eyes, and another monk came out of the clear light behind him, with white eyes Light clothes, head crowns, necklaces, ear pans, arm bracelets, and treasures are solemn.

The monk bowed to Kong Xuan and said: "The good corpse Peacock Daming King, I have seen this deity!"

Since then, Kong Xuan has successfully killed the good and evil corpses. Even without using the five-color divine light, it is enough to compete with Zhen Yuanzi, a veteran quasi-sage who used to sit and listen to the Taoist ancestor Yu Hongjun.

If the five-color divine light is used, it will be the No.1 below the real saint!
(End of this chapter)

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