Agent of Heaven

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
Let's say that Mu Feng and the three of them sat on the backs of Di Ting and escaped from the hands of the leader of Styx. They walked all the way north for about two days before they saw the land appearing in front of them.

Listening to the ground, I saw a beautiful scenery on this piece of land!

There is still no sun in the sky, but it is dotted with stars.A little less gloomy, a lot more quiet.The ground is full of small dark purple flowers, and the surrounding area exudes a soft fragrance.There are many small streams flowing among the flowers, and there are actually a few butterflies flying around the petals.The whole body of these butterflies is also dark purple, only the edges of the wings have some white patterns, if you don't look closely, you will definitely regard them as purple petals flying in the air.

Jiang Xiaoyue saw the beautiful butterfly, and was very happy in her heart, and went forward to catch one.Mu Feng took her hand and said, "Don't touch these butterflies."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with these butterflies?"

Mu Feng said: "This is the hell butterfly."

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered: "What is a hell butterfly?"

At this time, Di Ting has changed back to the image of a white puppy. It said: "Everyone is mortal. After death, the soul will go to hell. After drinking Mengpo soup and stepping over the Naihe Bridge, you can enter the six realms of reincarnation and become a human again. But there are always some people who are nostalgic for all kinds of things in life, unwilling to forget them, and they refuse to drink Mengpo soup and enter reincarnation, and they will turn into hell butterflies by the bridge of Naihe."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at these beautiful butterflies and said, "How much obsession does it take to become a butterfly for life after life rather than forget?"

Ksitigarbha lowered his brows and said, "Love is parted, resentment is reunion, and you can't ask for it. There are always fools who refuse to forget all kinds of suffering in the world."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "I don't agree with the method of forgetting emotions and seeking emptiness taught by you in the West! If you really forget everything in exchange for eternal life, then what's the point of eternal life?"

Ksitigarbha thought for a moment, and replied: "There are three thousand ways, each of which is different, and the Dharma spoken by the almsgiver is also superficial. If you go to the depths, everything is Dharma."

Mu Feng shook his head and continued to walk forward, even though he had a good relationship with both Lao Zhu and Ksitigarbha.But no matter in his previous life or in this life, he absolutely dislikes the way of Buddhist practice.

In his view, those are nothing more than perseverance and hard work.

The three of them and one dog continued to walk for a while, but saw a huge stone bridge in the distance.This stone bridge is very magnificent, there are many pedestrians coming and going on the bridge, it seems a bit crowded.

The strange thing is that even though Mu Feng flew into the air, he couldn't see clearly what was on the other side of the bridge.If you look carefully, you can only see the word "Naihe" written on the bottom of the stone bridge.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Is this the famous Naihe Bridge?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Exactly."

Ksitigarbha said: "Behind the bridge is the legendary Six Realms of Reincarnation! As long as you pass there, you can return to the human world."

Jiang Xiaoyue was overjoyed when she heard the words: "In that case, let's go there quickly." After speaking, she took Mu Feng's hand and ran towards the Naihe Bridge.

"Wait, wait." Mu Feng smiled and stopped Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered, "What's wrong?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "We still need to arrange the following people who are in charge of the Naihe Bridge and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and we can only go there with her permission."

"The person in charge of the Naihe Bridge and the Six Paths of Reincarnation? Who is that?" Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes were full of curiosity.

Mu Feng said: "You should have heard of that name before, it's God Meng Po."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Grandma Meng? The old lady who feeds the undead soup in the legend?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Those are just folk rumors that have accumulated over the years. Meng Po is an ancient god who has existed here since the birth of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. She is not the legendary underworld god."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Six Paths of Reincarnation has existed since its birth? I heard that Six Paths of Reincarnation was transformed by the ancient ancestor Wu Houtu. Could it be that God Mengpo has something to do with Houtu?"

Di Ting said: "Of course, the great God Meng Po belongs to the Houtu Empress... Oops!" Before it finished speaking, it suddenly called out and stopped talking.

Jiang Xiaoyue saw that Di listened to nothing, and said anxiously, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Di Ting murmured: "Great God Meng Po won't let me say..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What?"

Listening to the truth: "Great God Meng Po told us to go see her right now."

Jiang Xiaoyue touched Ti Ting's ears with a smile, and said with a smile: "These ears are good because they can always hear things that we can't hear."

Di Ting Ruo pointed out: "Don't you always see things we can't see?"

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes became clear, and she said with a smile: "How can my little supernatural power compare with Lord Di Ting?"

Truth listened and said: "Your supernatural power may still surpass me in time. Not only can you see through the void, the past and the future, but you can even spy on the secrets of heaven."

Jiang Xiaoyue said excitedly: "Really? Can I really be this good in the future?"

Di Ting pretended to be profound and said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

Everyone followed Di Ting for a while, and when they came to the edge of the Naihe Bridge, there was a small wooden house not far from the bridge.

The Ksitigarbha King walked to the front of the wooden house, clasped his hands together and said, "My little monk, Ksitigarbha, please see God Mengpo."

The door of the wooden house suddenly opened automatically, and a woman's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Mu Feng only felt that this woman's voice was extremely strange, it sounded like a young girl, but also seemed to have experienced many vicissitudes.Like joy, but also like sadness.All in all, it is unforgettable once heard.

The three of them walked into the cabin together, only to realize that there was another world inside the cabin.

The soft sunshine makes people intoxicated, and the fresh fragrance exudes from the green grass. At this time, the three of Mu Feng feel refreshed and happy.There are many people sitting on the grass, and there is a small table in front of them, and there is a bowl of tea soup on each table.

Some people were hesitant and seemed very unwilling to drink the tea soup on the table.But those who have already drank the soup seem to have forgotten all the sorrow and the past, and they all showed bright smiles, feeling the happiness in front of them.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The tea soup in those bowls should be the legendary Mengpo soup, right?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "The answer is obvious."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "You still remember your previous life, so do you still remember the taste of Mengpo soup?"

Mu Feng pondered: "What about the taste? Hmm... a bit sweet!"

At this time, a graceful figure appeared in front of everyone.

When Ksitigarbha saw the visitor, he saluted and said, "I have seen Mrs. Meng Po."

Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed: "You are Meng Po?" There was only one reason for her exclamation, that is, the gap between this Mrs. Meng and the Meng Po she had imagined was too big! "

Although Meng Po wears a veil, Jiang Xiaoyue cannot see her true appearance.But it was definitely a young woman, and she had jet-black, shiny hair.Then she must be a beautiful woman, because she also has a pair of tender and affectionate eyes.

Po Meng nodded to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and then said to Mu Feng, "Brother Yinglong, don't come here without any harm!"

Mu Feng cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Meng Po, don't come here unharmed."

(End of this chapter)

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