Agent of Heaven

Chapter 151

Chapter 151
On the side of Naihe Bridge, in the simple wooden house, Mu Feng and Po Meng looked at each other and smiled.

Meng Po smiled and said, "I went to the human world, how does Fellow Daoist Yinglong feel?"

Mu Feng lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "The way of heaven is changeable, and many times many things and things will exceed our expectations."

Granny Meng's eyes lit up and said: "It's rare, I never thought there would be a god who could see this step."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I still dare not say that I can see through the world, I can only see the current situation clearly."

Meng Po said: "But most people with advanced cultivation are blind and arrogant. Some people can't even see themselves clearly, and they still think that they can see the way of heaven clearly. It's really ridiculous to say."

At this moment, a sound of poetry chanting came from outside.

This is a man's voice, very loud and clear, but also very elegant, the poem says:

Only the nature of heaven knows the truth,

The Nine Precepts and the Three Refugees begin with a new life.

Take off your feathers and go to bliss,
Returning to the original and returning to the present deity.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked in amazement: "Who is it? Can he write such extraordinary poems?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a monk in white robes coming to the door.

The white-robed monk Po Meng fell in love with said coldly, "It's you."

The white-robed monk stood with one palm on his chest and said with a smile, "It's the poor monk."

Ksitigarbha looked at the white-robed monk, sighed and said, "See Peacock Daming King."

The white-robed monk smiled and said, "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva doesn't need to be too polite. You have to know that this poor monk is here to take your life."

King Ksitigarbha said: "Master Ming was transformed by good thoughts, why would he want to do such evil things."

The white-robed monk smiled and said, "It's not a good look, it's not an evil look, it's not a sentient being, it's my look, it's another look, it's a Buddha look."

Although Jiang Xiaole couldn't understand the sarcasm, but she had already guessed the identity of the person who came, she said in surprise: "You are Kong Xuan!"

Mu Feng looked at the monk and said, to be precise, he is Kong Xuan's avatar, Peacock Daming King.

King Peacock Daming said: "Ms. Ying Long, talk about the business."

Mu Feng said: "Then what is the purpose of King Ming coming here? Is he here to eat my head?"

Peacock Daming King smiled and said, poor monks don't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately, as long as I am the head of Ksitigarbha King, you can leave as you please.

If you don't seal the Tao, I don't know what the Ksitigarbha has a problem with you, but you insist on killing him

Meng Po smiled and said, because as long as the Ksitigarbha King is here, he cannot unify the entire underworld.You can't snatch the control of the Six Realms of Samsara from me.

Lu Feng arrived, what is the control of the six reincarnations.

Meng Po smiled and said, this is the greatest right in the world, all things are mortal, and those who are mortal will be judged in the underworld, and then they can enter the six reincarnations and have an afterlife.

Kong Xuan has now occupied the entire underworld. He already has the right to judge the souls of the dead, but he still cannot completely control the six realms of reincarnation.As long as he kills Ksitigarbha, I will also obey him.

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered, why?The dream is not only why you have to obey this villain.

Meng Po said, I take orders from anyone, and I can't decide by myself. It's determined by the way of heaven. After I was born, I was destined to be Du Chengzi, the ruler of the underworld. I can't violate this point at any time.

Mu Feng looked at Peacock Daming Wang Dao, then please do it.

Peacock Daming King smiled and said, wait a little longer, the benefactor does not need to worry.

Mu Feng, what are you waiting for?
Peacock Daming King smiled and said, here we come
But I saw two people walking away not far from the door. They were in black gossip robes, Taoist crowns on their heads, and a long sword with a black scabbard on their backs.Mu Feng knew this person, it was the hundred-eyed centipede spirit, the black-robed demon lord.

Although the previous shogunate had never seen him, they were very surprised by his appearance, but see:

Wearing a rotten silver helmet, to deceive Baixue; wearing a pair of armor, to expose the enemy Qiushuang.The Jinzheng robe is covered on it, which is really a jade cage with colorful clouds; the rhinoceros pattern belt is wrapped around the waist, which really looks like a python wrapped with gold.

Ksitigarbha looked at the person coming and exclaimed, Nine-headed worm?How could it be this guy!

Who are you here?It turns out that she is the former consort of Princess Wanshun of Bibotan Nine-Headed Insect.
It turned out that Kong Xuan couldn't come in person, but he sent a sentence. Now that he is a sixth-born student, he felt that he might not be able to take down Mu Feng and the huntress of King Ksitigarbha, so he sent another hand-in-hand. Two powerful swimmers.
Lord White Night looked at Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and said, "Under the city tower that day, the outcome was not decided between you and me, so I came here specially to see you today."

What he said was shameless. It is obvious that his strength can only compete with the disciples of the Ksitigarbha King. As long as the Ksitigarbha King appears, the dazzling Buddha light can kill thousands of them. The eyes that can emit light are so intimidating that they are worthless.

But now he took advantage of the serious injury from laying the floor tiles, and came to recover the face he lost under Shuofang City.

But Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was naturally not timid, he walked out of the hut, clasped his hands together, unexpectedly the white-eyed demon king Xiaoyu stood on the screen, and the poor monk should accompany him to the end with all his strength.

The Ksitigarbha team became the demon king, and Wufeng naturally looked at the Nine-Headed Insect.

The Nine-Headed Insect smiled and said, it has long been heard that the brave man has extraordinary abilities, and was once even known as the number one God of War in the Three Realms. Jiaotou Village did not demolish it to learn.

Mu Feng's, third sister, you are really ashamed, but it is enough for me to take back you, a flat-haired bastard.

As soon as Mu Feng and the flat-haired beasts came out, Nine-Headed Insect Fei was annoyed. He waved his hand and summoned a crescent shovel to torture Feng Gong in disguise.

Wufeng naturally took out the Overlord Spear from his body, and stood with Nine-Headed Insect.

He was also a good martial artist, and he didn't seem to be inferior to Mu Feng at all. The two fought each other, and they only stood for thirty or forty rounds without deciding the outcome.

What I closed in was a pterodactyl warrior, who has been a retainer for two more lifetimes based on the experience of facing the enemy. It seems that he really looks like a general who has fought on the battlefield for a long time. The Nine-Headed Insect was deeply pressed downwind.

Mu Feng smiled and said that the famous Nine-Headed Insect didn't have any skills, but he was just a nonsense.

I just recorded it secretly, to let you see Grandpa's true abilities, but seeing him change suddenly, revealing his real body, he has a vicious appearance!But I saw that he was born with fluff and feathers, and his body was full of flocks.The square has a size of two feet, and the length is similar to that of a turtle.

The two toes are as sharp as hooks, and the nine heads are ringed together.Spreading its wings, it is very good at flying, and the vertical roc has no other strength;
The sound of the sound is far and wide, and it can be louder than the crane.The eyes are shining with golden light, and the arrogance is different from that of ordinary birds.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You look so ugly, back away quickly, so as not to stain my eyes!" Mu Feng was deliberately speaking to provoke Nine-Headed Insect again.

The Nine-Headed Insect was most jealous of being called ugly by others, so he was really fooled when he saw this, he let out a strange roar, spread his wings behind his back, and rushed towards Mu Feng.

But Mu Feng was waiting for him right now!

(End of this chapter)

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