Agent of Heaven

Chapter 152 6 Wheel Chapter Plate

Chapter 152 The Six Paths of Reincarnation

Under Mu Feng's words, he finally forced the Nine-Headed Insect to reveal its real body, which was a strange flying bird.Although he was usually called the Nine-Headed Insect, but at this time there were only eight heads left.There is also a neck that is empty, and a hideous wound is left on the neck.

Let's say that there are five immortals in the sky, they are heaven, earth, gods, men and ghosts; there are five insects, they are dragons with scales and feathers.This nine-headed worm is exactly the feather worm among the five worms.It is also an ancient alien species!
If you ask him why he lost a head, it was the nine-headed worm who stole the Buddha's relic when he was a demon in Bibotan, and was defeated by the monkey and Yang Jian together, and was bitten off by the roaring dog!

The ability of this nine-headed worm is naturally extraordinary. Although he is a defeated general, he was defeated only after provoking Yang Jian and the monkey to join forces!How many people in the three realms are worthy of the monkey and Yang Jian's joint surrender?

Mu Feng looked at the Nine-Headed Insect with only eight heads left and said with a smile: "You monster, now you only have eight heads left, why don't you change your name to Eight-Headed Bird, what is it called Nine-Headed Insect?"

With a flap of its wings, the Nine-Headed Insect attacked Mu Feng.It's just that Mu Feng at this time has already used the supernatural power of Faxiang Tiandi, and his body is much bigger than the nine-headed worm.So the nine-headed worm pounced on it suddenly, and it really felt like a mayfly shaking the tree.

Although Mu Feng kept provoking the Nine-Headed Insect with his mouth, he never let down his vigilance in his heart.Seeing the Nine-Headed Insect attacking, he drew his spear and stabbed at one of the Nine-Headed Insect's eyes!
It can be said that the Nine-Headed Insects are easy to get along with?He lowered his head slightly, and collided with Mu Feng's spear tip.A string of sparks splashed from the place where the tip of the gun collided with the Nine-Headed Insect's forehead.

Mu Feng was shocked, and hurriedly drew his gun to retreat.But it's too late!The other seven heads of the Nine-Headed Insect had already attacked Mu Feng from all directions.

"Yinglong, the majestic ancient god of war, is about to be defeated by me now?" Nine-headed worm laughed strangely.

But suddenly, under the siege of his eight heads, Mu Feng's huge figure disappeared!The seven heads collided together, and a few hairs fell from the air!

The Nine-Headed Insect smiled and said, "Tiangang 36 Changes? Didn't expect you to have such supernatural powers?"

Mu Feng's figure appeared far away, looked at Nine-Headed Insect and said with a smile: "You flat-haired bastard has something to do!"

Nine-Headed Insect said angrily: "It's just a mere transformation technique, don't be arrogant!"

Mu Feng suddenly smiled, pointed at Nine-Headed Insect's back and said, "Let's see who is behind you?"

Nine-Headed Insect said: "Do you really think that I will be easily fooled?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I'm not lying to you, what I said is true!"

Suddenly, a clear voice came from not far away: "Nine-Headed Insect! Are you all right?"

The Nine-Headed Insect exclaimed, and then paused every word, as if it contained great anger: "Yang! Jian!"

I saw a young general in black robe and black armor standing behind the Nine-Headed Insect, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife!Who is Yang Jian who is not Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun?
"Wow!" The Nine-Headed Insect was so angry that its eyes turned black when it saw Yang Jian, and it couldn't care about anything else, roaring and attacking Yang Jian!

But before he flew to Yang Jian's side, he heard another shout from behind him! "Monster, eat my grandson!"

"What!" Nine-Headed Insect exclaimed directly: "The Poor Monkey is here too?" Before he could continue, he felt a gust of wind hit the back of his head!
Looking behind, it was a golden stick pressing down head-on!

Nine Insects knew that Hou Zi and Yang Jian would not be their opponents together, so they had the mentality of retreating again.He shouted loudly: "It's you again! It's you again!"

At this moment, King Peacock Daming's white monk's robe fluttered between the two of them, and he raised his hand to block the stick.

Peacock Daming King suddenly shouted: "This is not Monkey King! Nine heads, you have already fallen into Yinglong's illusion!"

But the Nine-Headed Insect was squeezed by Mu Feng's series of words, and it was difficult to keep his heart under the ups and downs of emotions. At this time, he easily fell into Mu Feng's "Phantom Heart Style"!The five senses were bewildered, and the inner demon was deeply rooted, but the voice of Peacock Daming King could no longer be heard.With a panicked and timid expression on his face, he fled to the distance!

Mu Feng looked at the Nine-Headed Insect going away, and smiled at Peacock Daming King: "Not everyone can see through demons like Your Excellency."

Peacock Daming King lowered his eyebrows and sighed: "The Nine-Headed Insect is not good enough after all, so he is not worthy to be an enemy to Fellow Daoist Ying Long."

In fact, the mana of the nine-headed worm is really not low. Even the old pig and the monkey couldn't beat him after Bibotan showed his true body.He is the No. [-] general under Kong Xuan, and his strength is still higher than Wupao Lord.So seeing that he was easily defeated by Mu Feng's illusion because of his fear of Yang Jian and the monkey, Peacock Daming King couldn't help showing regret.

Mu Feng said: "This flat-haired animal has an unstable mind and cannot control his emotions and anger. Although he has some mana, he may not be able to escape from the ashes in the midst of a catastrophe!"

Peacock Daming King said: "Then only the poor monk will come to learn the brilliant moves of Fellow Daoist Yinglong!"

Mu Feng frowned, this Kong Xuan had already beheaded the two corpses of good and evil, and was only one step away from proving the Hunyuan Daoguo, and his illusion posture had no effect on him.Although he was only a clone of King Peacock Daming this time, he himself was not his opponent.

"Fellow Daoist Ying Long hasn't fully recovered his mana, so let me fight your Excellency." Po Meng walked out of the wooden house.

All the little purple flowers on the side of the Naihe Bridge were suddenly blown up by the wind, turning into a shower of flowers, surrounding the Peacock Daming King in the middle.

Peacock Daming King arrived: "Could it be that even the Great God Meng Po wants to take action regardless of her status?"

Meng Po said: "You are not the master of the nether world, so I can attack you of course!"

Peacock Daming King didn't say a word, but the Buddha's light lit up all over his body, bumping towards the surrounding purple flowers.

The little purple flower seemed to be weak and weak, but it was extremely tenacious. Under such a strong Buddha's light, it didn't give in at all, and still firmly surrounded the Peacock Daming King.

Granny Meng pointed at Wupao Jun again, and a large purple petal flew out, enveloping him too!

Lord Wupao was fighting against the Ksitigarbha King, he was caught off guard for a while, and was wrapped in purple petals all over his body.He fell to the ground, unable to move for a while.

Granny Meng looked at Mu Feng and the others and said, "Hurry up and go, cross the Naihe Bridge and go back to the Six Realms! I can trap them for a stick of incense at most."

Mu Feng nodded when he heard the words, and couldn't care about anything else at the moment, so he quickly pulled Jiang Xiaoyue up and took Ksitigarbha and Di Ting.Let's head towards the Naihe Bridge together!
The Naihe Bridge is extremely wide, and walking on it is like walking through thousands of mountains and rivers.Even if Mu Feng used the heaven and earth escape method, it took him half a stick of incense to walk over.

Just after crossing the Naihe Bridge, I saw a huge round disk sinking and floating between the sky and the earth, and it was constantly turning slowly.

There are pictures engraved on the disc, which are the world, the hell, the heaven, the animal, the hungry ghost, and the asura.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked up and said, "Could this be the legendary 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and recited: "When the Dharma arises, it arises. When the Dharma ceases, it perishes. Suffering arises from the combination of causes and conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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