Agent of Heaven

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
The six reincarnation discs rotated slowly, and a faint light radiated from it.This light is different from the gloomy and cold colors that can be seen everywhere in the nether world, but instead reveals a completely different breath of life.

There are many roads leading to the nether world in the human world, but if you want to return from the netherworld to the human world, there is only the six paths of reincarnation!This is the supreme law that has been established between heaven and earth since the beginning of reincarnation evolution.

Reincarnation, the beginning and end of all life.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said to Mu Feng: "Master Mu, quickly take Miss Jiang and leave here from the six realms of reincarnation."

Mu Feng looked at Ksitigarbha King and said, "Then what about you Bodhisattva?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Bodhisattva, come with us, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan is sitting in the world, and his mana power is no longer inferior to Kong Xuan."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "You don't need to worry, Master Almighty, I already have plans."

Mu Feng anxiously said: "Kong Xuan's mana is boundless, but a clone can chase you and me. What else can you do? Let's go back to the world together. After we go back, we will find a way to deal with it together." Kong Xuan."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva shook his head and said, "No! I can't give Kong Xuan the chance to leave the underworld and set foot in the world."

Jiang Xiaoyue was shocked when she heard the words: "Bodhisattva, what are you going to do?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looked up at the six circles of reincarnation and said, "The poor monk will use my cultivation in this life to seal the six circles of reincarnation, so that Kong Xuan and his evil ghosts will not be able to set foot in the world for a short time."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Bodhisattva, do you want Nirvana?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nodded and said: "That's right, since the fall of Shuofang City and the robbery of the bloody Buddhist soldiers, the poor monk has already had this plan in his heart." He turned to look at Mu Feng and said, "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, poor monk I believe you can understand and will not stop my actions."

Mu Feng sighed: "Since you have made up your mind to sacrifice your life for benevolence, I can't stop you, and no one can stop you!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled slightly and said, "Thank you very much." After he finished speaking, Buddha's light appeared under his feet, and he flew up out of thin air, flying to the six circles of reincarnation.

The Buddha's brilliance on his body began to pour into the six realms of reincarnation like a sea of ​​smoke. The light was so intense that it even illuminated half of the entire dark sky.All over the sky, the golden Udumbara flowers fell down, and at this moment, it seemed as if ten thousand Buddhas were coming.

Finally, the Buddha light from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's whole body was poured into the six realms of reincarnation, and the originally shiny skin on his body began to dry and crack, and even gradually turned into stone.In the end, his whole body turned into a stone statue, sitting cross-legged on the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

A very small part of the surrounding ghosts who were about to enter reincarnation were isolated by the Buddha's light.Take a closer look, although these ghosts who have been isolated from the outside have already drank Mengpo soup, but the evil spirit around them is still condensed, obviously they are hungry ghosts with extremely grievances that cannot be overcome.These hungry ghosts used to have to be sent to the [-]th floor of hell before they were captured by Kong Xuan in the past, and they had to be sent to the eighteenth floor of hell to atone for their sins for thousands of years and eliminate their karma before they could reincarnate again.Now because of the changes in the underworld, he has the right to be reincarnated directly, but even if he enters reincarnation, he will definitely be a peerless villain who will cause disaster in the next life.

The compassion of Buddhism, even if the six reincarnations are sealed with the Buddhist technique of sacrificing one's life, it still leaves a way out for kind ghosts, but keeps those ghosts with evil thoughts trapped in the nether world.

Truth lowered his head and let out a whining sound.Suddenly, it flew up and came to the stone statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, opened its mouth and sucked it, and a white stone flew out of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's body.

Di Ting lowered his head and opened his mouth, spit out the shining white stone into Mu Feng's hand and said: "This is the master's relic, you should keep it well, and throw this thing in it when you pass through the human world in the six rounds of reincarnation. The master will be reincarnated, and after thousands of years, there may be a chance to escape from the world of mortals again and regain the fruit status. I will just wait here for the master..." After finishing speaking, Di Ting fell down on the ground At the foot of the stone statue of Bodhisattva Wang, the Buddha's light flashed on his body, and he also turned into a stone statue.

Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't hide her sadness, and leaned her head on Mu Feng's shoulder. Although she had known her not long ago, the compassion of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the loyalty of Di Ting really made people feel pity and admiration.

However, at this moment, a burst of wild laughter was suddenly heard: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sacrificed his life for benevolence, even though Kong Xuan is a monster, he has to admire it!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were shocked at the same time and said: "Kong Xuan!"

The figure of Kong Xuan came out from the void, and the incarnation of Peacock Daming King was still trapped by Meng Po at this time, so the person who rushed over at this time was naturally Kong Xuan's real deity, he smiled and said to Mu Feng: "Fellow Daoist Yinglong, don't Come all right!"

Mu Feng said: "Kong Xuan you! Have you been hiding here and watching all this?"

Kong Xuan said with a smile: "That's right, Brother Ying Long can guess it right away, he is really resourceful and resourceful, and he is worthy of the style of a general."

Mu Feng said: "I don't understand, you've been here all this time, why didn't you just stop Ksitigarbha from sealing the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Kong Xuan asked back: "Why should I stop him?"

Mu Feng said: "Don't you want to take your army of hungry ghosts to sweep across the world and dominate the Three Realms?"

Kong Xuan said disdainfully: "Sweeping the world, dominating the Three Realms? Do you think I'm my idiot brother?"

Mu Feng said with embarrassment: "Does your mother know when you say that about your brother?"

Kong Xuan ignored Mu Feng's nonsensical question, but continued: "As long as I occupy the Netherworld and the Heavenly Court, I will naturally have the power to control the fate of mortals. Why do I need to send troops to the world? So the Ksitigarbha King's move , I will not stop it, but I will thank him very much!" He pointed to the hungry ghost who could not survive through the six realms of reincarnation and said with a smile: "He has provided me with more and more capable subordinates!"

Mu Feng suddenly realized that Kong Xuan led him and others all the way to the present. If he wanted to kill himself and others, he had to come in person immediately.The three of them might not be able to escape no matter what, but at this time he actually only sent a clone of the Peacock Daming King to hunt down and kill them, which is enough to show that he deliberately released the water.The purpose is to wait for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to nirvana and seal the six reincarnations so that he can obtain greater benefits.

Kong Xuandao: "Although my Dapeng brother is just a brainless idiot, the people under him are not all pussies. You must know that my current strength is much weaker than his. In order to strengthen in a short time Strength, I can only use you to choose soldiers for me!"

Mu Feng has fought against Dapeng and Kong Xuan's forces. It has to be said that although Dapeng is Kong Xuan's younger brother, his subordinates are far stronger than Kong Xuan.

Among Dapeng's subordinates, the only one Mu Feng has seen is Jiao Demon King. It is said that his other five brothers are also working for Dapeng. The first-class master in the three sessions, the Black Bear Spirit is also the existence of the Six Great Sages that Don't Rain.There are also Jinyin, Daotong, and Daji, although their strength is slightly weaker, but they are all people with bad abilities.

But Kong Xuan's subordinates are going to be far behind. So far, only Wupao Jun and Nine-Headed Insect have seen the most powerful ones.Although they are all outstanding in strength, they are still on par with the Seven Great Sages.Even the strength of the soldiers in their hands, the hungry ghosts in the [-]th floor of hell, are far worse than the fierce demon soldiers in the demon world.

As for why Dapeng's power is so much stronger than his own brother, this is a long story!

(End of this chapter)

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