Agent of Heaven

Chapter 154 The Human Way

Chapter 154 The Human Way

At the beginning, when the chaos first opened, all things began to grow, and there were birds and beasts (monster races) in the world. The beasts were headed by the unicorn, and the birds were headed by the phoenix, and the phoenix gave birth to peacocks and rocs.

If you just say that, Peacock is the eldest son of Phoenix, and his status in the Yaozu should be higher than that of Dapeng.Indeed, it was always like this before the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

However, since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Kong Xuan was forcibly converted to the Western religion by the Zhunti Taoist.In order to protect himself wisely, he once helped the Western Sect capture powerful demon clans as guardians and mounts.Therefore, he almost offended the entire monster clan, and even his own younger brother Garuda Dapeng was led by him at this time to lead Duobao Tathagata to join forces to cross to Lingshan and become King Garuda Luoming!
Therefore, Kong Xuan has a very high status in Western religion, that is, Buddhism, and even has the title of Buddha's mother. its effectiveness.

Relatively speaking, the Golden Winged Roc Eagle who had the same background as Kong Xuan had a much better reputation. Even if he was transferred to Lingshan, he once secretly became a demon.He also single-handedly created such a super power as the Lion Camel Kingdom, where "there are clusters of monsters and monsters, and all four are wolf elves."He also made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace with the green lion (swallowed up one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers of the Jade Emperor.) Scared the old Jade Emperor to close the Nantian Gate tightly.

Therefore, in the demon world, the Golden-winged Dapeng and Kong Xuan rebelled at the same time, intending to become the demon emperor.But there are countless monsters who went to join the Golden Winged Pengdiao, but very few people came to join Kong Xuan.Even Kong Xuan couldn't even pull out a decent army of monsters. Strictly speaking, the army of evil spirits from the eighteenth floor of hell was considered a ghost army.Lord Wupao and Nine-Headed Insect came to join him because of their past relationship with Kong Xuan.

His power and reputation are far inferior to the younger brother he has always looked down upon, and this can be regarded as a small lump in Kong Xuan's heart.So at this time his primary purpose is not to attack the world, but to enrich the strength of his subordinates.

Kong Xuan looked at Mu Feng and said, "Fellow Daoist Ying Long, can you hand over the Ksitigarbha's relic and volunteer to be a general in front of my camp?" An obsession, because Yinglong's military talent is unquestionable, and he has a great reputation, if he can be successfully included under his command, it will naturally attract a series of changes in the monster clan's view of him.

Mu Feng smiled lightly and said, "If you don't serve the second master in the next life, are you the Yellow Emperor?"

Kong Xuan said angrily: "Presumptuous!" The light behind him flickered, and it turned into a big hand and grabbed Mu Feng.

Mu Feng pushed behind Jiang Xiaoyue and said: "Go to the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk!" After speaking, he drew out the Black Iron Overlord Spear, swept away a huge gun light, and collided with the big hand.

Jiang Xiaoyue is also a woman who knows the general situation. She knows that if she stays here forcibly, she will only increase the burden on Mu Feng.So without saying a word, he directly used the falling soul bell to protect his whole body, and flew away in the circle of six paths of reincarnation.

The gun light and the big hand collided, and the gun light dissipated, but the big hand continued to grab Mu Feng intact.

Mu Feng pinched the sword formula in his hands and shouted angrily: "Xuanyan style!" A huge fiery sword energy flowed out from his fingertips, like the angry blade of the ancient Vulcan, ruthlessly cutting his big hand in half.

Kong Xuan laughed and said: "Yinglong's Seven Styles are really extraordinary." A clear light flashed in the back of his head, and a huge peacock flew out, and that mouth wanted to suck Mu Feng into his belly.

Mu Feng only felt a huge suction coming from the surroundings, and he couldn't completely resist it with his own mana!Then he pinched the sword formula again, and used the "Listen to the Rain Style!" With this move, thousands of sharp sword qi directly penetrated into the belly of the huge peacock with the suction.

The peacock showed a uncomfortable expression, but it was only for a moment, and the monstrous evil spirit rolled up on it, and quickly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in its body.It's just that I can't open my mouth to swallow things again for a while.

Mu Feng looked towards Kong Xuan, but found that Kong Xuan was flying towards Jiang Xiaoyue on the Six Paths of Reincarnation with a sneer. "No, he wants to take Xiaoyue as a hostage!"

But at this moment, a burst of intense Buddha light suddenly radiated from the six paths of reincarnation disk, blocking Kong Xuan outside.This is the enchantment set up by Ksitigarbha, which can prevent people with evil thoughts from approaching the six-path reincarnation disk.It's just that this enchantment can stop ordinary evil spirits, but I'm afraid it may not be able to stop Kong Xuan!
I saw Kong Xuan stretched out a hand, and was about to use his mana to pass through the barrier.Suddenly, someone shouted from behind: "Kong Xuan, don't you want a relic? Look, it's here with me!"

Kong Xuan looked back, and saw a cobblestone-sized relic floating in front of Mu Feng, with a crystal light emitting from it.It is the reincarnation relic left by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!
"Very good, give it to me!" Kong Xuan said.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You can get it yourself if you have the ability!" After he finished speaking, he just took the relic and stood where he was.

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "Okay!" His whole body turned into a stream of light, passing through the air and even leaving a sound of piercing through the air, and he came to Mu Feng in just a moment, and snatched the relic with his hands!

"It's so easy to get it?" Kong Xuan was puzzled. He had prepared a whole set of countermeasures, but he didn't expect to snatch the relic easily.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll see you off!" His whole body turned into a streamer and flew towards the six circles of reincarnation.

Kong Xuanzai squeezed the relic in his hand, and in a flash, the relic turned into a hair!
"Ying Long! You! You! Despicable!" Kong Xuan roared angrily, and then chased after Mu Feng.

It's just that Mu Feng has already entered the six-path reincarnation disk with Jiang Xiaoyue at this time, heading towards the human world!
Kong Xuan said angrily: "Don't think that I will let you go easily!" Say it, he sacrificed the five-color divine light, and brushed towards the backs of Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue!
The five-color divine light was refined from innate chaotic energy, it was extremely powerful and miraculous, it directly broke through Ksitigarbha King's Buddha light enchantment, and hit Mu Feng's back in the human world.

Caught off guard, Mu Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately became pale as paper, staggering and about to fall.Thanks to Jiang Xiaoyue's support, he continued to walk down the human path.

Seeing that Mu Feng was injured, but he didn't fall from the six-path samsara disk, Kong Xuan also felt regretful.But now he is already a veritable master of the nether world, so naturally he cannot be easily chased to the human world, after all, there is still a Styx master who has been watching here.

Kong Xuan didn't want to end up making wedding clothes for others after a busy job.

Let's talk about the six reincarnations, in the human world.Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue saw that Kong Xuan did not chase after them, so they naturally slowed down their flight speed, and began to search for the location of the human world with peace of mind.

Mu Feng threw out the Ksitigarbha King's relic in his hand, and let him be reincarnated without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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