Agent of Heaven

Chapter 155 Liu Ziji

Chapter 155 Liu Ziji

Sunny, windy, blue sky.

A small stream flows slowly along the hills and surrounds the surrounding fertile land.This is a peach forest, as if it had just rained, the pink petals fell on the ground, mixed with the soil, as gorgeous as a young girl's floral skirt.

A flash of light flashed, and the figures of Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly appeared beside Xiaoxi.

It's just that Mu Feng's complexion is a little sallow at this time, obviously the damage done to him by Kong Xuan's five-color divine light not long ago still hasn't recovered.He raised his head and looked around, looking at the blue sky, white clouds and peach blossom forest in front of him, he couldn't help saying happily: "Finally back to the human world."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked carefully at the surrounding area: "There... seems to be a little weird."

Mu Feng wondered: "It's strange, why didn't I find it?" He looked around carefully as he spoke, and then smiled: "Xiaoyue, are you too nervous? Don't worry, we have already left the underworld. , there should be no danger here."

With a serious face, Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head and said, "No, just listen to what's going on around here!"

Mu Feng closed his eyes, listened, and then frowned: "It's... so quiet here!" Now that his cultivation base is profound, his hearing power is naturally far superior to that of ordinary people, and no slight sound within a thousand miles can escape him. ears.

but!It's impossible to hear even the slightest sound within a thousand miles here!
Here is a dense peach forest, it is impossible that there is not even the sound of insects and birds!But Mu Feng really couldn't hear any living things from here.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This place can be described as dead silence!"

Mu Feng looked down at his own reflection in the stream, and smiled, "Interesting!"

At this time, he suddenly saw a young scribe walking over.

That's right!In this peach blossom forest that seemed to have no living things, a young scribe walked out for no reason.But I saw that he was dressed in blue linen, wearing a lun scarf on his head, and carrying a burden on his back, as if he was leisurely traveling in the mountains and rivers.

Naturally, the young scribe also saw Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue, and he walked over on his own initiative, saying hello, "You two, you are polite!" He cupped his hands at Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue.

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other, and they both saw the astonishment in Du Fu's eyes.Then they bowed to the young scribes together, and Mu Feng asked, "Dare you ask me your name?"

The young scribe was very modest, obviously having received a very strict etiquette education, and replied: "My surname is Liu, my name is Ziji, and I am from Nanyang. May I ask who you are?"

Liu Ziji, the name Mu Feng sounded somewhat familiar to him, but he couldn't remember it when he thought about it carefully.

Mu Feng said: "My surname is Mu, and my single name is Feng." He then pointed to Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "This is my wife Jiang."

Jiang Xiaoyue gave Mu Feng a blank look, then pinched Mu Feng's waist calmly.Mu Feng endured the pain and said to Liu Ziji: "The two of us lost our way while playing again, please let me know."

Liu Ziji was embarrassed when he heard the words: "This way out...Actually, alas, I also lost my way here."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "So we are connected to the same disease, how about finding a way out together?"

Liu Ziji waved his hand and said, "No need, although I lost my way here, but I'm closer to the place I'm looking for."

Mu Feng asked, "Oh? Where is Brother Liu looking for?"

Liu Ziji smiled and said, "Have you heard of 'Peach Blossom Spring'?"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other again, and they both saw the shock in Du Fu's eyes.Both of them had heard of "Peach Blossom Spring" by Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty, and not only had they heard of it, but they had also memorized this text quite well when they were young, so they naturally thought of Liu Ziji.

Liu Ziji of Nanyang, a noble scholar, heard of it, and went there with pleasure.If it fails, the search ends.After that, no one was interested.

This is the last sentence of "The Peach Blossom Spring", inexplicably explaining a man named Liu Ziji who dreams of finding a peach blossom garden.And at this time, Liu Ziji was actually standing in front of him, which was really unbelievable.

Jiang Xiaoyue secretly asked Mu Feng through a voice transmission: "What's going on, do you know what's going on? Have we traveled to the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties?"

Mu Feng said: "What is time travel? You have read too many novels! In this world, only the Kunlun mirror can control time travel."

Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly asked Liu Ziji, "How many years is it now?"

Liu Ziji replied: "Yixi first year."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were very surprised when they heard this.But in their hearts, they have some guesses about the current situation of the two of them.

Mu Feng said: "Brother Liu, I have heard a little about the Peach Blossom Spring. It's still early in the day, how about we look for it together? The Peach Blossom Spring should not be far away!"

Liu Ziji was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Of course you can! The two of you will come with me."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue followed Liu Ziji to find the legendary Peach Blossom Spring.

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes had become clear at this time, but in the blink of an eye, she had an overview of the surrounding situation, and he secretly sent a voice transmission to Mu Feng: "Guess what I found?"

Mu Feng also said via voice transmission: "I have already guessed the cause of what happened here recently."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Tell me what you found first."

Mu Feng said: "This place is definitely not the human world, and there is even a distance from the human world. It should be a small world, right?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Yes! According to my observation, the human world is not too far away here, and there should be a special place leading to the human world!"

Mu Feng lowered his head and thought: "It stands to reason that this should be a junction between hell and the world. There should really be no living things here. But why did we meet Liu Ziji?"

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed, "Actually, Liu Ziji has a strong sense of death, didn't you notice it?"

Mu Feng put his mana on his eyes, and looked at the back of Liu Ziji who was walking in front.

But Liu Ziji was surrounded by streaks of black death aura, among which there were many vicious and unusual death auras.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Liu Ziji's back and said, "Strange, this man is sober, but he doesn't seem to know anything."

Mu Feng looked at Liu Ziji with a calm expression, and looked back at him smirking from time to time, and said very firmly: "Looking at his reaction, I'm afraid he really doesn't know, and it's not an act."

The few people walked together for a while, and finally, the peach forest ahead had come to an end, and the creek here had also reached its source.A mountain appeared in front of everyone, and there was a small mouth on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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