Agent of Heaven

Chapter 156 Corpse Mountain

Chapter 156 Corpse Mountain
The mountain is unquestionably eerie.

Mu Feng had never seen such a mountain before. Peach trees were planted in front of the mountain, but the mountain was bare, with no one at all. From a distance, it looked like a vulture devouring a corpse.

Mu Feng looked at the mountain, frowned and said, "What a strong evil spirit!"

But Liu Ziji couldn't see the strangeness of this mountain. Instead, he pointed to the cave in the mountain very excitedly and said, "This is the cave! This is the cave! The fisherman once told me that as long as you pass through this cave, you can go to the Peach Blossom Spring." !"

Mu Feng said: "In that case, let's go in and have a look!"

Liu Ziji clapped his hands happily and said, "That's great! Let's go in quickly." It seemed that he was really yearning for Taohuayuan, and before Mu Feng and others could continue to answer, he took the lead and walked in.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Brother Liu, slow down!" After speaking, he also followed, letting Jiang Xiaoyue go last, just in case.

This cave is extremely narrow, and at most one person can only walk through it at a time.If it was a taller man like Mu Feng, he might have to tighten his body and lower his head when he walked.

Mu Feng's nose twitched a few times, and he asked Jiang Xiaoyue, "Did you smell something extremely weird?"

Jiang Xiaoyue also twitched her nose a few times and said, "This seems to be, corpse smell!"

Mu Feng frowned and said: "It seems that this Peach Blossom Spring is really not simple!"

Just as Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue said a few words, Liu Ziji had already walked a long way. He stood in the distance and waved to Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue: "Hurry up, you two! It will be more spacious if you walk a little further."

The two had no choice but to follow, and after about a stick of incense in the corridor, the surrounding space suddenly became brighter, and there seemed to be a slight light not far away.

Liu Ziji looked at the light in the distance and said with a smile: "There should be a paradise of peach blossoms there, let's go there quickly." After speaking, he quickly walked towards the place where the light was shining.

Mu Feng hurriedly followed, but suddenly kicked something under his feet, looked down carefully, it turned out to be a skeleton!
Jiang Xiaoyue also saw this skeleton, but with her knowledge, she naturally wouldn't exclaim or anything, but she became more vigilant: "This hole is really weird, let me take a closer look!" After finishing speaking, her eyes melted. As a clear color, it took a long time to return to its original state.

Mu Feng asked: "What did you see?"

Jiang Xiaoyue's complexion was very ugly, but she answered irrelevantly: "This cave is actually very spacious from the beginning to the end."

Mu Feng said: "Then why is the place where we come in so narrow?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That's because it's blocked!"

Mu Feng said: "Is it blocked by something?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Bones! There are countless, densely packed bones, almost filling the entire mountainside!"

Mu Feng said: "Has the corpse merged with the mountain?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This mountain is a real mountain of corpses!"

Mu Feng said: "In this way, I finally understand why there are so many peach trees planted in front of me."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Peach trees are the essence and blood of the ancient great witch Kuafu, which has the effect of restraining evil, and along the way we have walked, there are at least tens of thousands of peach trees, and they all follow special rules. The emission is obviously to set up a magic circle to suppress evil. If it is not to imprison something, what is it for?"

Mu Feng said: "This place should be regarded as the junction of the human world and the Nether world, and occasionally there will be some gaps between the two worlds for walking through. The person who planted the peach tree here and set up the formation must also be a peerless expert. "

The two were talking, but they had already walked out of the cave, and it suddenly became clear to them that it was a small village.The farmhouses seem to be in order, with chickens and dogs chirping on the road.There are also many people dressed as farmers who come and go to plant, but their expressions are all at ease.It is like a scene of paradise.

Liu Ziji looked at the scene here and said joyfully: "This is indeed the Peach Blossom Spring, just like what the fisherman said!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue both looked around without saying a word.

When the surrounding villagers saw someone coming, they all gathered around, showing surprised expressions, but their attitudes were extremely kind.

An old man asked, "Who are you and where are you from?"

Liu Ziji said: "My next Liu Ziji is from Nanyang."

Mu Feng just cupped his hands slightly and said, "Mu Feng!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "My name is Jiang Xiaoyue."

The old man said with a smile: "Our place is extremely difficult to find. Usually, few people come here. It must be fate that a few of you can come here. Why don't you stay and have a light meal together?"

Liu Ziji smiled and said, "Since the old man wants to stay, I naturally won't refuse." He seems to be a casual person.

Now that the old man came to a house of blue bricks and tiles, the house seemed to be a bit old, but there was no damage, and it looked like it had been renovated several times.The yard was cleaned very well. There was an old locust tree planted in the center of the yard, and there were a few chickens jumping on the locust tree!
The old man seemed to be the head of the village, and the surrounding villagers followed him, preparing to entertain Mu Feng and the others.

Liu Ziji chatted happily with the people in this village, but Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were unwilling to take care of these villagers.

Seeing Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue's indifference, the villagers all went to surround Liu Ziji and started talking.

The old man said to Liu Ziji: "Our ancestors took refuge here in the pre-Qin period. I don't know how many years have passed, and I don't know how the outside situation is now? Has King Xiang won the world?"

The King Xiang he was talking about should be Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu. Xiang Yu was the commander-in-chief of the rebel army that crusade against the Tyrant Qin.

Liu Ziji replied: "No, it was not Xiang Yu who won the world, but Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty!"

The old man said: "Liu Bang? Are you talking about the King of Hanzhong?"

Liu Ziji laughed and said, "Exactly. After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Chu and Han fought for hegemony. In the end, Han Gaozu defeated Xiang Yu, forcing the overlord Wujiang to kill himself, and opened up the foundation of the Han Dynasty?"

The old man said: "Then the outside world is still dominated by the Liu family?"

Liu Ziji smiled and said: "No, at this time outside is the Great Jin Dynasty, the Sima family's world."

The surrounding villagers all became interested, surrounding Liu Ziji and asking him to tell the story outside.

Liu Ziji roughly told the stories of the Eastern and Western Han, the Three Kingdoms returning to Jin, and then the Eight Kings Rebellion and the Hu people's settlement in the Central Plains. Before he knew it, it was getting late.The surrounding villagers all sighed, and then dispersed, and returned home to fetch food and wine, saying that they were entertaining guests.

The old man said: "Unexpectedly, the outside world is still so wonderful. Although we have some rich lives here, we have lost a lot."

But Liu Ziji said: "My old man's words are wrong. You are happy and content here, but you are not happier than the gods? I am very envious."

During the conversation between the two, the table was already filled with wine and food, steaming hot and attractive.

Liu Ziji greeted Mu Feng and said, "Brother Mu, come and eat together."

The old man poured Mu Feng a glass of wine and said, "Little brother, you are welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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