Agent of Heaven

Chapter 157 Superborn Peach Blossom Land

Chapter 157 Superborn Peach Blossom Land

Mu Feng picked up the wine glass, turned over his hand, and poured the wine on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, Liu Ziji asked: "Why is this so, Brother Mu?"

Mu Feng laughed and said, "Because this wine can't be drunk!"

Liu Ziji said angrily: "Brother Mu, why did you say that, such good wine can't get into your mouth?"

The old man came out to smooth things over and said: "I think this young master is a nobleman. We waited in the backcountry, and it was our fault to serve this kind of inferior wine." He picked up a plate of meat and put it in front of Mu Feng and said with a smile: " That being the case, please just eat some meat to satisfy your hunger."

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng sneered and said: "You can't eat this meat!" He stood up, kicked, and knocked over all the wine and meat on the nearby table.

The surrounding villagers were all shocked when they saw this, Liu Ziji pointed at Mu Feng and cursed: "I thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to be so rude!"

Mu Feng retorted: "What is a ritual? Is it a ritual to eat these things that living people can't eat?"

Liu Ziji said: "Good wine and good meat, why can't you eat it? It doesn't matter if you don't eat it, why did you overturn the table?"

Mu Feng pointed at the wine and meat on the ground and said, "Look carefully, what is the good wine and meat you said!"

Liu Ziji looked down, and saw that the wine spilled on the ground had turned into red blood, and all the overturned meat had turned into broken human limbs!

Mu Feng pointed to the old man and the surrounding villagers and said, "Did you all die for too long, so you forgot what you are?"

The old man took a few steps back when he heard the words, and said in horror: "What did you say?"

Mu Feng pressed on step by step: "If you are not fierce ghosts, how can you eat human flesh and drink human blood?"

The old man showed a painful expression when he heard the words, and then he muttered to himself: "I remembered, we were discovered by others in the third year of living here in seclusion, and then Qin Bing rushed into the village and killed the whole village." people!"

A middle-aged farmer beside him also said: "I also remembered, so we are already dead!"

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed drastically. The originally orderly houses became neatly arranged tombstones, and the paths connected the tombs together.The chicken on the old locust tree turned out to be a pitch-black crow with blood-red eyes.It turned out that the people walking on the path were not dogs, but jackals gnawing on the corpses!
And those villagers also turned blue, their bodies were bloodstained, and their fingernails were red.

Liu Ziji turned pale with shock: "This... this... what's going on?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You have seen it with your own eyes, don't you understand? There is no peach blossom garden at all! What is there is just a ghost village slaughtered by Qin soldiers."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the surrounding villagers rushing towards the three of them with their teeth and claws open.

Liu Ziji said sadly: "I never thought that I, Liu Ziji, would be buried here in a few days!"

Mu Feng patted Liu Ziji's shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you won't die today!" Then he strode forward and shouted, "You beast! Do you know who I am?"

Following Mu Feng's loud shout, thousands of golden lights lit up around, and the sound of a dragon chant shocked the nine heavens!
Hundreds of villagers around Li Gui fell to their knees and prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to take a step forward.

Liu Ziji said: "It turns out that your Excellency is an expert outside the world!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, do you know who you are?"

Liu Ziji said: "Me! I am Liu Ziji of Nanyang. Didn't I inform you just now?"

Mu Feng said: "Very well, then do you know that the Eastern Jin Dynasty you were born in has been destroyed for more than 500 years!"

Liu Ziji said: "What! My Great Jin has died!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Not only is he dead, but he has been dead for 500 years!"

Liu Ziji said: "One thousand and five hundred that so? So...then I should have died long ago!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That's right, you died of illness on the way to find the Taohuayuan, but I didn't expect that your soul did not go to the underworld for reincarnation, but wandered here."

Liu Ziji smiled wryly and said: "I remembered it, and I remembered it too. After listening to the words of the Wuling fisherman, I embarked on the road to find the Peach Blossom Spring, but fell ill on the way. Suddenly one day I felt sick. After becoming relaxed, I wandered here, looking for the way to Taohuayuan in a daze, but I don't know how long it has been!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The soul's sense of time is different from that of a human being. Sometimes the outside world is already changing, but you can't feel the passage of any time, and your consciousness stays at the time just after you died."

Mu Feng said: "So, these ghost villagers in Taohuayuan should repeat their lives the day before they died every day."

Liu Ziji said: "I have one more thing I want to ask Your Excellency."

Mu Feng said: "You want to ask that Wuling fisherman."

Liu Ziji said: "Exactly, since this is where ghosts gather, why did the fisherman come out safe and sound?"

Mu Feng looked at the Peach Blossom Land ghosts prostrate on the ground and said, "You guys should be able to answer this question."

The ghost of the old man looked up and replied, "That fisherman never left our place."

Liu Ziji said: "What! Then what we saw..."

The ghost old man said: "It was the ghost of Qin Bing in the cave who took his body."

Mu Feng pointed to the mountain in the distance and said: "That mountain should be made up of the bones of the Qin soldiers who killed you back then!"

The old man said: "Exactly, after we were killed by Qin soldiers that day, we turned into ghosts and killed all those Qin soldiers because we were unwilling to do so. But the mountain of corpses was piled up by Mr. Guigu."

Mu Feng said: "Mr. Guigu?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Mr. Guigu is an expert who attained the Tao in the pre-Qin period, and he is known as the No. 1 empress of the Conferred Gods."

Mu Feng said: "In this way, the mahogany formation set up outside is also the work of that Mr. Guigu?"

The old man said: "That's right. Although we are a little hostile because of the ghosts, because after killing the Qin soldiers, we will get revenge. Although we will not be reborn, we are not evil ghosts. But those Qin soldiers are different. After they died, they became a Yin army, and if they entered the human world, they might cause a catastrophe, so Mr. Guigu piled their corpses in the middle of the mountain, and planted peach trees outside to seal them off."

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Mu Feng: "They didn't lie, all the ghosts in the mountainside outside are extremely hostile, but they are afraid of my mana, so they dare not come out."

Mu Feng said: "This is a world of its own, it should be Guiguzi who used his great supernatural power to separate from the human world. As long as we break through the mahogany formation, we should be able to return to the human world."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "In this case, we will first save the ghosts in the Taohuayuan, and then destroy the Yin soldiers in the mountainside. Finally, we will break through the peach tree formation and return to the world!" After she finished speaking, she made seals with her hands again , and chanted the Superbirth Mantra to the many ghosts in Taohuayuan and Liu Ziji.

"Decree from the Supreme, surpassing your lonely soul, all ghosts and demons, four lives are blessed, those with heads surpass, those without heads live, kill with spears and knives, jump into water and hang ropes..."

A clear light rippling all around, many ghosts in Taohuayuan turned into streamer together with Liu Ziji, and went back to the wheel of six realms!

(End of this chapter)

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