Agent of Heaven

Chapter 158: Defeating the Evil Sword

Chapter 158: Defeating the Evil Sword

As the ghosts in the Taohuayuan ascended to heaven, the surrounding area suddenly became empty.This makes this place full of tombstones even more eerie.

Mu Feng looked at the mountain of corpses that he passed by when he came, and found that it had begun to release monstrous evil spirits, turning the clouds above it into a blood-red color.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to Mu Feng: "These Yin soldiers finally stopped hiding themselves and started to provoke us."

Mu Feng closed his eyes, quietly feeling the evil spirit coming from the mountain of corpses: "Qin soldiers are brave and brave, and their reputation is well-deserved. This mighty evil spirit is probably no longer under Chi You's soldiers back then."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That mountain of corpses should be the core of this small world. As long as we drive out the Yin soldiers in it, the outer mahogany formation should also be destroyed by itself."

Mu Feng said: "Mr. Guigu is very calculating. If he can't eliminate these Yin soldiers, he will seal them here and wait for capable people to come and clean up the situation for him."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't pretend to be arrogant, go and clean up those Yin soldiers. I haven't returned to the world for a long time, but I miss it a little."

Mu Feng laughed and walked towards the mountain of corpses. The tip of the Black Iron Overlord Spear was held on the ground by him, and the sparks that rubbed against the rocky ground flew everywhere.

Mu Feng's fighting spirit seemed to be felt in the mountain of corpses, and a uniform roar came from inside: "Wind! Wind! Gale! Gale!" Forcing into Mu Feng, he couldn't help but stop and said: "So strong and murderous!"

As soon as the roar was over, a large group of crossbow arrows flew out from the mountain of corpses!Shoot towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng stretched out a palm, and a golden light shone from the palm, protecting his whole body in it.Those crossbow arrows stagnated outside the range of the golden light one after another, unable to move forward an inch.

"Give it back to you!" With a wave of Mu Feng's sleeve, those crossbow arrows blocked by the golden light turned around and shot towards the mountain of corpses.

There was another impassioned long song on the mountain of corpses, the song said:
Jiujiu old Qin, restore my rivers and mountains.

The blood does not dry, and there is no truce in death.

There is Daqin in the west, rising like the sun.

A hundred years of national hatred, the sea is difficult to calm.

The world is in turmoil, how can we get Kangning?
Qin Youruishi, who will compete for the hegemony? !

When Mu Feng heard the song, he sighed, "It's so majestic and tragic, it's really an invincible master."

With the end of the long song, there was a burst of blood on the mountain of corpses. After the light dissipated, there was no mountain peak, only a majestic team of thousands of people lined up here.They raised their shields as tall as a man, blocking all the sword rain that came from the sky.

A Yin soldier dressed as a general stood on a chariot, pointed at Mu Feng with a bronze sword in his hand and said, "Wai!"

Just hearing this word, the Yin soldiers of the brigade held shields and surrounded Mu Feng.But it wasn't over yet, and soon, a large group of crossbowmen surrounded the shield Yin soldiers.

Seeing that Mu Feng was once again surrounded by hundreds of murderous crossbows, even Jiang Xiaoyue knew that Mu Feng had great powers, she couldn't help shouting: "Be careful."

"It's okay!" Mu Feng gave Jiang Xiaoyue a reassuring look, and then smiled at the Yin soldiers: "You are much stronger than I imagined."

A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the Yin soldier general, and he swung the bronze sword in his hand and said, "Kill!"

"Wind! Wind! Strong wind! Strong wind!" The roar was from Qin opera, with a very strong sense of majesty and desolation.

Countless crossbow arrows were thrown high from the sky and fell towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's whole body shone brightly again and said with a smile: "You know it's not, but you still use the same move twice?"

But soon, the Yin soldiers holding shields put down their shields and replaced them with Changge, stabbing Mu Feng directly.

The Changge was made of bronze, so it didn't look sharp, but these Yin soldiers were extremely brave, and they pierced deeply into the golden light of Mu Feng's body protection.

"Charge!" The general of the Yin soldiers ordered again, and the Yin soldiers who had surrounded Mu Feng suddenly dispersed at an extremely fast and skilled pace.

Hearing the sound of a swift and rapid horseshoe, and seeing a puff of smoke and dust rising in front of him, hundreds of cavalry rushed towards Mu Feng.These cavalry were all dressed in shabby clothes, most of them only wore ripped leather armor, and there were no saddles or stirrups on their horses, but their eyes revealed an extremely sturdy aura.

Mu Feng said: "What a mighty teacher!" After saying this, his whole body was suspended in the air, and the golden light around him became extremely dazzling.Suddenly, an extremely loud dragon chant sounded, and a huge phantom of a divine dragon emerged from behind Mu Feng.

But seeing this dragon coming from under the clouds, with a pair of wings growing on its back, it is the real body of the ancient god of war Yinglong!

The horses on which the Yin soldiers were sitting were naturally formed by ghosts, but the moment Ying Long appeared, they all prostrated themselves on the ground, unable to move for a moment.

The Yin soldiers were shocked when they saw this, looked at Mu Feng and asked, "You are! Are you the reincarnation of Ying Long?" This was the first time he spoke, his voice was extremely loud, but there was also a hint of hoarse ghost.

Mu Feng said: "Yes, I am Ying Long."

The general of the Yin soldiers stuck the bronze sword in his hand on the ground, knelt down to Mu Feng and said, "Meng Yong, the last general, met Lord Ying Long!"

Thousands of Yin soldiers around also knelt down and worshiped: "I have seen Mr. Ying Long!"

Mu Feng asked in surprise: "You?"

The Yin soldier general said: "Because we massacred the innocent villagers in Taoyuan Village, we were sealed here by the pardon of Master Guigu and suffered from thousands of years of imprisonment.

Mr. Guigu left a prophecy before leaving, saying that the day when the reincarnated person of Yinglong arrives is the time when we will see the sun again. "

Mu Feng said: "Is that true?"

The general of the Yin soldiers said: "Don't dare to lie to Lord Yinglong! Mr. Guigu also said that we have committed a lot of sins. Even if we can go to reincarnation, I am afraid that we will fall into the realm of animals and cannot be reborn, so let us follow Lord Yinglong. In the future Accumulate some merits, maybe there is a chance to be ranked in the immortal class!"

Mu Feng took a closer look at the army of over a thousand Yin soldiers, each of them may not be strong, but when they are all put together to form an army formation, they can give him a headache.I'm afraid they are much stronger than any demon soldiers and ghost soldiers I have ever seen!Thinking of this, Mu Feng couldn't help but feel a little moved, but still said: "It's easy to let you go out, but if you follow me to the human world and refuse to obey discipline, and run away in all directions, what should I do?"

Mu Feng's worry is not unreasonable, if these Yin soldiers are cheating, they will disperse when they arrive in the world, it will really give him a headache.

The general of the Yin soldiers raised the bronze sword in his hand above his head and said: "Master Guigu had expected that Mr. Yinglong would ask this question, so he left this sword. We all left a little bit of true spirit in this sword. No matter who As long as we hold this sword, we need to obey its orders."

Mu Feng took the sword and looked at its texture. If he looked at the cloud at night, there seemed to be a faint light shining on the edge of the sword in the darkness.On the body of the sword is written the word "Victorious evil!" in seal script.

(End of this chapter)

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