Agent of Heaven

Chapter 162 The Dryad Grandma

Chapter 162 The Dryad Grandma
Night, silence, frost all over the lake.

Sitting alone in the room, Ning Yuan was inevitably afraid and dared not sleep.So he lit a candle, sat under the window and read at night.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through, extinguished the candles, and creaked on the windows.Ning Yuan was startled, he felt his back was getting cold, and his hairs were about to stand on end.

At this moment, there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

"Is anyone there? Help!" It was a sweet and moving female voice.

Ning Yuan was originally a pure-hearted person, so he didn't doubt him at the moment, so he stepped forward and opened the door.I saw a beautiful and refined woman standing under the moonlight, with a very beautiful appearance, but her face was a little pale.

"My lord, save me!" the woman cried out coquettishly, and fell into Ning Yuan's arms.

The beauty was in his arms for a moment, and Ning Yuan lost his mind for a moment, but he still reacted: "Girl, you get up first!" His fingers touched the beauty's skin, but it was cold and piercing: "Girl, your body It's so cold, are you sick?"

The beauty said delicately: "I'm not sick, as long as you give me some warmth!"

Unexpectedly, Ning Yuan was clever, but he sneezed and pushed the beauty out.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't push you on purpose!" Ning Yuan quickly helped the beauty on the ground up.

The beauty took advantage of the situation and sat in Ning Yuan's arms, exhaling like blue and said: "Brother, it's so cold."

Ning Yuan was an upright gentleman, so he stood up immediately, took off his coat, and put it on the beauty: "Girl, it's cold for you to wear so little, I'll give you my clothes."

The beauty pinched her collar, lost her mind for a while.Then he raised his plain hand towards Ning Yuan, and a gust of wind blew.Ning Yuan fell down straight.

The beauty put her lips close to the tip of Ning Yuan's nose, and she was about to absorb the man's yang energy.But for some reason, she hesitated for a moment, then straightened up, turned and left: "Hey, seeing you are so kind, it's a pity that you came to the wrong place, so leave quickly, before grandma finds out."

"What if your grandma finds out?" At some point, a man stood under the moonlight, startling the beauty.

The beauty said: "Who are you!" The man in front of him is handsome and handsome, and he looks like an ordinary man.

The man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, but I know who you are. Your name is Nie Xiaoqian, and you are a female ghost."

Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed: "You! What do you want to do?" Her fingernails had grown to an inch long, and there was still a cold light on them.

The man smiled and said, "I just want to ask you, do you still remember him!" He pointed at Ning Yuan who was unconscious on the ground.

Nie Xiaoqian carefully looked at Ning Yuan's face, but felt that this person was really familiar, and seemed to have talked about it a few times in the haze.

The man said: "Why don't I tell you his name in his previous life."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "The name of the previous life?"

The man paused word by word: "Ning, Cai, minister!"

When Nie Xiaoqian heard these three words, she felt a sharp pain in her head, and the appearance of a down-and-out scholar with a bookcase on her back gradually appeared in her mind, but his face was blurred.

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly heard a crisp ringtone, and Nie Xiaoqian only felt that the headache suddenly disappeared, and the scholar's face finally became clear. She helped Ning Yuan up, and cried: "Brother Ning, is it really true?" you!"

The man smiled and said, "You finally remembered who he is?"

Nie Xiaoqian knelt on the ground and bowed down: "I don't know your benefactor's name."

This man is of course Mu Feng. He flicked his sleeve and shot out a burst of mana, holding Nie Xiaoqian up and preventing him from kneeling down: "You and I have a karmic relationship, it is reasonable for me to save you, and you don't need to thank you."

Jiang Xiaoyue came out holding the Soul Lost Bell, the bell was covered with a black energy, the black energy suddenly attacked from left to right, but it was still unable to escape from her hands.

Mu Feng looked at the black energy and said, "This mana is...the Black Mountain old demon?"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "That's right, it's the old Black Mountain demon. I had already been rescued by Taoist Master Yan Chixia, and I could go to reincarnation, but this old Black Mountain demon captured my soul and forcibly sealed my memory."

Mu Feng said: "So, this Black Mountain old demon has already arrived in the world?"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Yes, he also saved grandma and came to the world together." Speaking of this, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly looked ugly, and she said anxiously: "Not good! Grandma is here!"

Yan Hong's roar suddenly came from a distance: "Monster, don't be presumptuous!"

A hoarse voice came: "Smelly Taoist priest, are you trying to spoil my good deed again?"

Yan Hong said: "I don't care if you kill those bad people, but today this courtyard is full of good people, if you kill one by mistake, I will kill you and do justice for the heavens!"

The hoarse voice suddenly became sharper, which made people feel very uncomfortable: "Do justice for the sky! Yan Chixia, do you really think you still have the same skills as before?"

Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed: "It's Daoist Yan Chixia! No, grandma has improved greatly in the past few hundred years. Daoist Yan is probably no longer his opponent!"

Mu Feng said: "Yan Chixia was his last life name, his current name should be Yan Hong."

Nie Xiaoqian said in a daze: "In the last life..." Her fair fingers stroked Ning Yuan's face: "Then he also..."

Mu Feng said: "His name is Ning Yuan, he is no longer Ning Caichen."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Then we..."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You have been in love with this kid for ten lives, but you can't be together in every life. This is your No.11 life!"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Then in this life, can we be together?"

Mu Feng said: "In this life, not only will you have a relationship as a husband and wife, but you will also have a friendship from the same family."

Yan Hong's mana at this time was indeed far inferior to that of the thousand-year-old tree demon's grandmother, and he was beaten upside down in the blink of an eye and flew into the courtyard where Mu Feng and the others were.

It's too late, but it's fast.With a flash, she appeared behind Yan Chixia, put one hand on his back, and said with a smile, "Leave this tree demon to me."

Yan Hong said: "This tree demon has profound morality, I'm afraid it has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it cannot be easily dealt with by one person!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, just keep an eye on it!" After speaking, the figure disappeared from the spot, and appeared in midair in a blink of an eye.

The tree demon grandma also flew to the top of the courtyard at this time. She was dressed in black and looked like an old woman. She looked at Mu Feng fiercely and said, "Who are you? Don't meddle in your own business!" He felt a very terrifying aura, so even though he and Yan Hong had a mortal hatred, he still endured it.

Mu Feng stretched out a hand, and a beam of golden light condensed into the shape of a sword in his hand: "I still want to meddle in my own business today!"

The dryad grandma smiled angrily: "Okay, boy, then I will show you how powerful grandma is!" She opened her mouth, half of her face was split open at the corner of her lips, and a tongue that was tens of feet long flew out, rolling directly To Mu Feng.

"Are you still using such disgusting tricks?" Mu Feng sneered, throwing out the golden sword in his hand, directly splitting the tongue of the dryad grandmother in two, and passing through her body at an extremely fast speed.

Nie Xiaoqian and Yan Hong couldn't believe their eyes at this moment, they were stronger than the dryad grandma, with thousands of years of cultivation, in front of this young man, she couldn't even catch a single move!Who the hell is he?

(End of this chapter)

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