Agent of Heaven

Chapter 163

Chapter 163
Mu Feng fell from the sky and said to everyone: "The sword I just used just broke the dharma body of this tree demon. With its cultivation level, it can be reborn again after a hundred years of cultivation."

Yan Hong said: "The tree demon reappeared for some reason three months ago, and it has already eaten countless people in a short period of time. If it stays, it will be a disaster, and I ask the seniors to kill this beast." At this time, seeing Mu Feng's skill, he already believed in his heart that Mu Feng is an old senior in the cultivation world who has practiced for an unknown number of years and has a good face.

Mu Feng said: "Of course I won't let this monster go, but do you know where its body is hidden?"

Yan Hong said: "This... I don't know either."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "I know, grandma's body is twenty miles to the southwest, and it's a thousand-year-old banyan tree!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Okay, then you will take us there."

Nie Xiaoqian pointed at Ning Yuan and said, "But it's too dangerous to leave Mr. Ning here alone."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about it." After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves and used the spells in his sleeves, and directly took Ning Yuan in: "Nie Xiaoqian, you will give it now. Let's lead the way, and I will go and collect the thousand-year-old tree demon."

When Nie Xiaoqian heard that it should be true, she got up and flew to the southwest.

A group of three people and one ghost, the speed is not slow, within a moment, there is a strange mountain blocking the front, but see:
The peaks and rocks overlap, and the ravines and bays are ringed.Tigers and wolves walk in formation, deer and deer walk in groups.Numerous roe deer (bā) drill clusters, and the mountains are full of foxes and rabbits.A thousand-foot boa constrictor, a ten thousand foot long snake; a boa constrictor spews sorrowful mist, and a long snake spits strange wind.The thorns beside the road are full of thorns, and the mountains and pine trees are beautiful.The radishes are everywhere, and the grass is in the sky.The shadow falls to the north of Cangming, and the cloud opens to the south of the handle.The ages are always full of vigor and oldness, and the thousand peaks are towering and the sun is cold.

Jiang Xiaoyue twitched her beautiful nose and said: "The smell of blood in this mountain is the strongest, and the evil spirit has become a miasma. If ordinary people enter it, they will be poisoned and die within a short time!"

With a flick of Mu Feng's fingers, a golden light shot out, turning into a little flame in the air, and threw it into the forest sea on the mountain.This fire is the real fire of samadhi created by Mu Feng's magic power. As soon as it touches the old tree and withered vines on the mountain, it immediately produces a raging power, and burns half the sky red in an instant.

A hoarse roar came from the barren mountain: "You are so ruthless! You actually tried me with the real fire of Samadhi!" Then the voice turned into a woman's shrill voice: "I will fight you!"

Hundreds of vines covered with thorns suddenly protruded from the barren mountain, each with extremely viscous liquid on it, all attacking Mu Feng.

But Mu Feng didn't dodge or dodge, and didn't make a move to block it, but just watched these vine tentacles quietly.

Seeing that those vines were about to touch Mu Feng's body, Yan Hong was in a hurry, bit his finger, drew a picture of Tai Chi on his palm, and shouted: "The world is boundless, use the law of heaven and earth!" Those vine tentacles hit him, but his mana was still too weak after all, and at this time the thousand-year-old tree demon was already desperately trying, so the thunder and lightning could only play a blocking role.

"Senior, be careful! Don't be entangled by the vines of these tree demons." Yan Hong shouted anxiously at Mu Feng.

Mu Fengyun said calmly: "It's just a little tree demon, dare to be rampant!" He pinched his fingers into a sword and pointed to the sky.The golden mana condensed into a rain of swords falling from the sky.

Those vines that twisted wantonly towards Mu Feng were instantly beaten and riddled with holes when they met the rain of swords all over the sky.The screams of the Millennium Tree Demon also became more stern: "Who the hell are you! Why do you have to meddle in your own business?"

Mu Feng said loudly: "Everything in the world is under the control of the people of the world! You have done evil for many times, and today is the time when your thousand-year-old morality will completely dissipate!" He formed seals with both hands, and struck out the sword formula, and the rain of swords condensed into a golden sword. The sword shot towards a huge banyan tree with intertwined roots in the center of the barren mountain.

This huge banyan tree is naturally my grandma's body. It suddenly twisted strangely, and its roots rose from the ground. Under the roots, there were bloody human heads. Obviously, the people who were killed by it before had all died. become its nourishment.

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Monster! Where can I escape?" With a shake of his body, he used the Tiangang 36 transformation, and thousands of incarnations flew out instantly, surrounding the banyan tree body of the tree demon.

Seeing that the Millennium Tree Demon was surrounded by Mu Feng's avatars blocking all his way out, and there was still a shining golden sword floating in the sky, he knew that he had nowhere to escape, so he begged: " Your Excellency has great powers, and you should know that God has the virtue of being good at life. I have cultivated it for thousands of years. Can you show mercy and let me live?"

Mu Feng said coldly: "Those who were killed by you, have you ever shown mercy to them?"

The thousand-year-old tree demon said: "They are all damned people. The world is filthy, and I am doing justice for the heavens. What's wrong?"

Mu Feng scolded: "How dare you speak so shamelessly when you are about to die! This Nie Xiaoqian was originally a lady of a great family, what is wrong with her, but she will be tortured and manipulated by you after death, and she will not be reincarnated?" He said again: "Then Ning Caichen? He is also a first-year scholar, and he has never done anything evil in his life, but you still insist on killing him!"

The thousand-year-old tree demon pointed at Yan Hong and said, "The two of them worked together with that stinky Taoist priest in their previous lives to destroy my Dharma body, destroy my cultivation base, and have a deep hatred with me. I just want to take revenge on them!"

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Then why did they hurt you in the previous life? It's not because you killed innocent people indiscriminately and endangered their lives!" He sighed: "You still don't repent, I really can't keep you! "

The golden lightsaber fell and directly chopped off the huge banyan tree suspended in the air. The thousand-year-old tree demon let out a final roar and disappeared completely between the sky and the earth.Without the support of mana, his body fell directly into a sea of ​​flames on the barren mountain, and was soon engulfed by the flames.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the huge banyan tree that was gradually turning into charcoal in the flames and said: "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. After all, you can't blame others."

Yan Hong and Nie Xiaoqian suddenly knelt and kowtowed to Mu Feng at the same time.

Mu Feng asked: "Why do you worship me?"

Yan Hong said: "Senior has great supernatural powers, and his magic power is profound. The junior dares to worship under the senior's family and serve around."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "The little girl is a lonely ghost. She was rescued by senior. She dare not dream of becoming senior's disciple like Lord Yan. I just ask senior to take me by my side as a maid."

Mu Feng smiled slightly, waved his sleeves, and released Ning Yuan.

At this time Ning Yuan had already woken up, looked at Mu Feng and said, "I...why am I here?"

Mu Feng stretched out a finger, and pointed to Ning Yuan's forehead. He immediately understood the future and the past, and bowed to Mu Feng: "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for allowing me to meet Xiaoqian again."

Yan Hong said: "Mr. Mu...Could it be that you are the number one expert in the field of self-cultivation in China who once destroyed the Ise Shrine and the European Church, Mr. Mu Fengmu?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "I am Mu Feng, the three of you are destined to be with me, would you like to worship under my sect together and become my disciples?"

The three were overjoyed when they heard the words, and kowtowed one after another, calling Mu Feng "Master."

(End of this chapter)

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