Agent of Heaven

Chapter 164

Chapter 164
All three of them paid homage to Mu Feng, and they were naturally arranged in order according to their age.Yan Hong is the oldest and possesses the magic power of Tong Xuan, so he is called the big brother.Ning Yuan came second and became the second senior brother.Although Nie Xiaoqian was a century-old female ghost, she was actually just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old cardamom girl when she died unjustly, so she became a junior junior sister instead.

Mu Feng said: "The three of you are now my disciples, so naturally you have to deal with your affairs as a teacher."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Master, are you going to look for that Black Mountain old demon?"

Mu Feng said: "That's right. If it wasn't for the black mountain old demon who secretly took your soul out of the six realms of reincarnation, you would have been able to get married with your second senior brother a hundred years ago. The thousand-year tree demon can If he came to the world again to do evil, he might have contributed a lot."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "It's just that the black mountain old demon has great magic power. After a hundred years of cultivation, it is actually better than before..."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to defeat that mere Black Mountain old demon as a teacher?"

Nie Xiaoqian lowered her head and panicked, "I don't dare... Master please punish me!"

Ning Yuan also said: "Xiaoqian is just talking fast, she didn't mean it, if Master wants to punish, please punish me."

Mu Feng frowned and said: "You are my disciples, not my servants. You don't need to be so careful when speaking to me in the future. I will not punish you casually."

Both Ning Yuan and Nie Xiaoqian bowed their heads in thanks.

Jiang Xiaoyue covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Let's go find the old black mountain demon quickly. If he gets the news later, I'm afraid he will escape back to the Netherworld."

Yan Hong said: "The old black mountain demon lives in a ghost world, and he needs to break through the space to get there. If I have the divine sword from my previous life, I can easily break through the space. It's a pity..."

Mu Feng said: "His ghost world is nothing more than a small world, what's so strange?" After speaking, he stretched out two fingers and swiped in the void, only to see the air parting, and a ghostly world appeared in it. world come.

Nie Xiaoqian said: "That's right, this is the ghost world of the Black Mountain old demon!"

Yan Hong said: "I just can't figure it out. He was seriously injured by my "Diamond Sutra". It stands to reason that he shouldn't recover so quickly."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I guess he got help from an expert."

Ning Yuan said: "Who would have such great supernatural powers to help the Montenegro old demon?"

Mu Feng thought for a moment and said: "There should be only one person."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I'm afraid it really is him."

Mu Feng said: "If it's him, it seems that he has been coveting the Netherworld for a long time."

Yan Hong said: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I don't want to mention his name. This person is too powerful, and we cannot match him today."

Mu Feng said: "Let's enter the ghost world of the Black Mountain old demon first."

Everyone followed Mu Feng through the space, and within a moment they had arrived in the ghost world.I saw that the wind was blowing here, and there were bones everywhere.From time to time, some patrolling ghost soldiers walked past Mu Feng and the others, but they seemed to have not seen them.

Mu Feng said: "People can't see ghosts in the mortal world, and ghosts can't see people in the ghost world. This is the law."

Jiang Xiaoyue's soul-falling bell shook for a while, and the clear ringing sound made everyone feel that their bodies were lightened, and their souls left their bodies one after another.

A ghost pawn walked by and saw five people jumping out of here, he twitched his nose a few times, and then shouted: "There are living people here!"

As the ghost soldiers' words spread, countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals in black surrounded them.

Yan Hong said: "It's over, the enemy's army is coming!" He bit his finger again and drew a Taiji symbol on his palm, ready to fight at any time
Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's just some small ghost soldiers, why panic." After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, and a sword energy burst out like a thorny thorn, and the surrounding ghost soldiers screamed. Even after escaping Mu Feng's sword energy, he didn't dare to step forward again because of fear.

At this moment, another cavalryman rushed towards him. The Qin soldier rushed towards Mu Feng with a fast horse and a whip, but before he reached Mu Feng, the cavalryman disappeared so suddenly!
Mu Feng sneered and said, "How dare you show off your tricks?" He stretched out his sword finger, and aimed at a stream of sword energy behind him.As expected, the cavalryman was enlarged, with a small hole on his forehead, and the spiritual energy on his body gradually dissipated, and he seemed to be dead!
Mu Feng yelled loudly: "Old Black Mountain Demon! How long are you going to hide?" His voice reverberated and began to echo throughout the ghost world.

A tall figure in armor suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but the blackness around him made people look down on holding a sword.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Heishan old demon, I thought you were going to be a turtle?"

The old Heishan demon said angrily: "Who are you, why did you break into my ghost world for no reason and hurt my ghost soldiers."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Who am I? Don't you know how to identify yourself?" The golden light shone all over his body, and the phantom of Ying Long behind him also began to slowly emerge.

The old black mountain demon said: "You are Ying Long!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I never thought that you, a nameless junior, would recognize me?"

The old Montenegro monster screamed, turned around and wanted to run away.Suddenly, he saw Mu Feng's figure flashing, appearing on the way he was going to escape.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "The dignified Black Mountain old demon, why did he just run away like this?"

The black mountain old demon said: "Master Yinglong is a great god of ancient times. I am a mere monster who has practiced for thousands of years. How dare I show off in front of Mr. Yinglong and let him let me go!"

Mu Feng sneered and said: "You evildoers always reach the last can, and you still think that I can bypass you, why did you go so early?"

The old Heishan demon said: "Ying Long! Don't bully people too much!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm still bullying too much today, so what about you?"

The old black mountain demon roared, and took off all the armor on his body, directly revealing his dark body, which was a corpse made of densely packed human heads.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Old Black Mountain Demon, so you don't even use your own body!"

The Black Mountain old demon said angrily: "Ying Long, get out of the way now, there is still time!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You dare to be arrogant in front of me just because of your meager skills?" With a flick of your finger, a golden sword light flew out. , directly cut off all the heads on the body of the Black Mountain old demon.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking sound from the ground, and a pitch-black mountain was seen slowly moving towards Mu Feng.

Yan Hong looked at Heishan and said: "This is the real body of Heishan old demon! If you break him, the old Heishan will be finished!"

Mu Feng nodded when he heard the words, and held the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, his eyes became sharp instantly, looking at the Black Mountain that trembled with the whole ghost world!

"Die! Montenegrin old demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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