Agent of Heaven

Chapter 166 Nezha

Chapter 166 Nezha
May 27th, the summer solstice, Jiangzhou.

The green willows by the lake have grown gracefully, and the flowers around the flowerbed are only half in bloom.But Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't help being happy when she saw it, because she really missed these flowers so much.

At this time, Kui Mulang was playing badminton with He Miaomiao on the lawn not far away. When he saw Mu Feng and the others approaching, he put down his racket to meet them.

"Back?" Kui Mulang smiled.

Mu Feng asked: "How long have I been there?" The underworld and the human world are actually two spaces, and the speed of time in different spaces is naturally different, which also causes "one day in the sky, one year on the ground." Such a time error, so Mu Feng really didn't know how long he had been away.

Kui Mulang took out the new fruit 6P mobile phone, turned on the screen and shook it in front of Mu Feng: "It's exactly three months."

Mu Feng said: "Three months? I didn't expect that I've been there for so long." According to his feeling, it's only a few days to go to the underworld by himself.

Kui Mulang asked, "Where did you go?"

Mu Feng said: "Hell."

Kui Mulang said: "The time between the underworld and the human world is relatively normal. If you go to the heaven, maybe the fruit phone will be out at 20 after you come back." After finishing speaking, he looked at Ning Yuan and the three behind Mu Feng Asked: "These three are?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "My new apprentice, I will introduce you later." He looked around the room for a while and asked, "Where is the old pig? Has he not come back yet?"

Kui Mulang spread his hands and said: "He hasn't come back yet, tell me what you have encountered? How did you end up in the underworld?"

Mu Feng said: "That's a long story."

Kui Mulang: "Let's make a long story short."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't be poor, is my master there? And second brother Yang? Call them all out, let's talk when we all get together."

Kui Mulang said: "Great Immortal Zhenyuan went out to travel, saying that he wanted to experience the present world. Yang Jian went out for a walk with the dog, and he will probably come back for dinner at noon."

Jiang Xiaoyue picked a flower from the flower garden, sniffed it lightly and asked, "Come back for lunch? Who is in charge of cooking at home now?" After speaking, she turned to He Miaomiao.

He Miaomiao shook her head and smiled like Hua Hua: "I don't know how to cook, he is the one who cooks now!" She pointed to Huang Kui.

Mu Feng stared at Kui Mulang in astonishment and said, "You know how to cook?"

Kui Mulang seemed to be scratching his head in embarrassment: "It's just a hobby, you just came back today, let's try my craft together."

Everyone entered the living room. Mu Feng lay on the sofa, grabbed Jiang Xiaoyue's slender waist, then picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, and sighed: "This is life. I played a few times in the underworld." Yue’s strange, I thought I was an ancient person.”

Jiang Xiaoyue took advantage of the situation and lay in Mu Feng's arms, and said with a smile: "I really thought I almost couldn't come back."

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated, there are still people in the underworld who can bully you? Who is it! My brother will help you get revenge!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said lightly: "Kong Xuan!"

"I don't know who it is, isn't it Kong...Kong Xuan! What, how could you meet that guy!" Kui Mulang fell from the sofa and sat back on the ground in shock when he heard Kong Xuan's name.

Jiang Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Don't you want to avenge us? Why are you so scared?"

He Miaomiao came back from the kitchen and saw Kui Mulang who had fallen to the ground, wondering: "What are you doing there?"

Kui Mulang stood up and said: "It's nothing, you go to the kitchen and wait for me for a while!"

He Miaomiao hummed and left here tactfully.

Then Kui Mulang looked back at Mu Feng solemnly and said, "Did you really meet that guy Kong Xuan?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Of course, is it interesting to lie to you with this kind of joke? Besides, he has already become the Demon Emperor in the underworld, and now he has [-] ghost soldiers under his command, as well as two generals, the Hundred-eyed Demon King and Hydra. "

"He still wants to be the Demon Emperor..." Kui Mulang murmured.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Could it be that you know Kong Xuan?"

Kui Mulang said: "I don't know each other. I only met him a few times. When I was at the Conferred God Station, I was just an ordinary monk in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, but he was with Zhunti. The one who came down with the Taoists to break the formation. And he personally made the third master of Biyou Palace suffer a lot.

"It can actually make saints suffer... Kong Xuan's strength..." Mu Feng pondered for a moment and didn't speak.

Kui Mulang said: "Speaking of which, how did you escape from the underworld?"

Then how will Jiang Xiaoyue reach Fengdu City, encounter the whirling tree demon, and then go through a series of investigations, enter the underworld, and how to get into the hands of Kong Xuan.

Just as Kui Mulang was listening happily, the door of the living room was pushed open, and Yang Jian walked in leading Xiao Tian Quan. Xiao Qing Su, who was still eating candied haws, was still sitting sadly on Xiao Tian Quan.

Seeing Mu Feng in front of her, Qing Su didn't care about anything else, she threw herself into Mu Feng's arms, and kept rubbing against Mu Feng's body with her oily mouth.

Seeing Mu Feng and others coming back, Yang Jian smiled while hanging up his clothes: "What's the trouble this time, why did you come back so late?"

Mu Feng said: "I met a very powerful person. I can't deal with this person, so I can only run back in panic."

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Who made you run away? I really want to see it!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You don't need to know, you know!"

Yang Jian said, "I know him? Who is it?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Kong Xuan!"

Yang Jian was surprised and said: "What? Kong Xuan! This fellow escaped from the Paradise of Elysium."

This time Kui Mulang was frightened, and told Kong Xuan all about what Mu Feng had experienced.

Yang Jian was shocked and said: "You actually met that guy Kong Xuan, and you can still come back?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "There is no way, I don't want to die in that ghostly place." He was absolutely right, isn't the underworld just a real "ghostly place!"

Yang Jian sat on the sofa and said, "So, you already have all of Ying Long's memories."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Exactly."

Yang Jian said: "Then maybe I should call you senior from now on."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Don't say that about Second Brother, after all, I'm not all Ying Long."

Yang Jian suddenly asked for no reason: "How far are you from the realm of beheading a corpse?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm going to retreat for a period of time when I come back this time, and I should be able to achieve it after I go out again."

Yang Jian nodded and said: "In this way, you are one step ahead of me to become a master of killing corpses."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Second brother Yang's technique that can sanctify the body is also something that we all envy."

Yang Jian said with a smile, "I'm not the only one who is sanctified in the flesh. Isn't there another Nezha?" Before he finished speaking, he saw a red shadow suddenly fall from the sky.

The figure fell to the ground with a bang, smashing a big hole in the ground, and after a while, a beautiful boy crawled out of it.

Yang Jian exclaimed, "Nezha!"

(End of this chapter)

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