Agent of Heaven

Chapter 167 The Mysterious Monster Clan

Chapter 167 The Mysterious Monster Clan
Nezha is really the most handsome young man Mu Feng has ever seen, who is much more handsome than the three members of the popular domestic boy group Come on!

But no matter how handsome a little boy is, if he has three heads and six arms, then he will definitely not look very good.But now Nezha has such an image.Crawled out from the deep pit on the ground with claws and teeth.

Yang Jian looked at Nezha's appearance, frowned and said, "Brother Nezha, can you put away your three heads and six arms first?"

Nezha wondered, "What?"

Kui Mulang said: "Third Prince, please put it away quickly. It used to be nothing to look at in the sky. Now that you have been in the mortal world for a long time, it is actually scary to see you like this at first glance."

Nezha snorted disdainfully, and put away the three-headed and six-armed divine channel: "Kui Mulang, didn't the Jade Emperor ask you to come to the world to recruit my second brother Yang to help out in the heavenly court? Why not only my second brother didn't come, but you came back?"

Kui Mulang hugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I don't intend to go back to Tianting. Could it be that the third prince came down this time to arrest me?"

Nezha also laughed when he heard the words: "You can do whatever you want while you're here, how could this prince be so leisurely as to catch you!"

Yang Jian pulled Nezha and said, "Since the end of the Battle of the Conferred Gods, we brothers haven't had a good reunion for a long time. Come on, we won't return today if we're not drunk." After finishing speaking, they walked into the living room together.

Mu Feng followed behind, seeing that they were all acquaintances, he would not be able to intervene for a while, touched his nose and asked: "What is the third prince coming down this time?"

Nezha heard the words and looked back at Mu Feng, then bowed and said, "This gentleman is the reincarnation of General Ying Long?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Just call me Mu Feng."

Yang Jian said, "Just call him Xiaomu, that's what we call him here."

Nezha said, "Heaven is about to fall."

"What!" Everyone was shocked at the same time.

Nezha said: "Originally, although the allied forces of the monster clan are powerful, but our Heavenly Court is leading the army this time, it is the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder and Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord, and they will not get any benefits."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously: "Who is Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun?"

Yang Jian explained: "It was Wen Zhong, the grand master of the Shang Dynasty, who was conferred this position after the Battle of the Conferred Gods."

Mu Feng suddenly realized that when he was Yinglong in his previous life, it was the time of Xuanyuan Huangdi, before Wen Zhong was born.The modern man didn't care much about these mythological things before, so naturally he didn't know that the Tianzun of Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua was Wen Zhong.

Kui Mulang said: "Based on Wen Taishi's literary and military strategy, even if the troops and generals are weaker than the demon army, we can certainly deal with them. How could they be defeated so quickly?"

Nezha said: "Because a mysterious master that we have never seen before appeared among the monsters!"

Yang Jian asked suspiciously, "A mysterious master we've never seen before?"

Most of the monsters are of unruly temperament, and there are few who can hide their strengths and bide their time. Therefore, most of the people who have some skills in them have already gained a lot of reputation, such as the Bull Demon King and the Seven Great Sages.Otherwise, it is simply a person who was originally a person in the heavenly court, but later turned down to the heavenly realm.But it never occurred to them that there would be a mysterious master among them.

Nezha said: "This mysterious master is the number three figure in the demon army, and his status is only below the Golden Winged Peng Eagle and the Bull Demon King."

Kui Mulang said: "What kind of ability does this mysterious expert have, to have such a status?"

Nezha said: "He can fight. I heard that the heavenly soldiers under Grand Master's command have no power to fight back."

Kui Mulang stroked his chin and said: "I heard that the 36 generals under the Grand Master are all brave and good at fighting. His troops alone can traverse the three worlds. They are not comparable to Li Jing who has a false reputation as a king. He How could it be possible to be defeated by an unknown demon?" After speaking, he found that Nezha was looking at him with embarrassment, and then explained: "I... this is not intentional to belittle Li Tianwang, the third prince..."

Nezha waved his hand and said: "It's okay, my father's level is indeed known in all three realms. It would not be surprising if he was the one who was defeated. After all, he hasn't won a single battle since he became the King of Heaven..." In the end, he himself bowed his head in embarrassment.

Yang Jian asked: "How did Grand Master Wen lose this time?" You must know that Jiang Ziya also defeated Wen Zhong with great effort with the full help of their second-generation disciples.

Nezha said: "The mysterious demon fought back the army of Grand Master Wen three times by himself!"

Yang Jian waved his hand directly and said: "This is absolutely impossible! In the whole world, only saints can have this method, and their monster clan, even Di Jun's resurrection, can't do it." Clan Tianting is also the strongest in the history of Yaozu.

Nezha seemed a little disappointed and said: "But he really did it, and he was the only one!"

Yang Jian said: "Who is that mysterious monster? How did he do it?"

Nezha said: "That monster has only heard that other monsters call him the Sword Master."

Mu Feng thought for a moment and said: "In Yinglong's memory, I have never heard such a name. Obviously, this sword venerable is the same as I have never heard of it. He seems to have popped up all of a sudden. .What is he capable of?"

Nezha said: "His magical power is not too strong, but he has a supernatural power beyond ordinary people."

Everyone asked together: "What supernatural power is it?"

Nezha said: "He can control our magic weapon or weapon."

Kui Mulang said: "How is it possible! I've never heard of this kind of sorcery!"

Nezha said: "But he happened to have it, and not long ago, he used this trick to knock me down from the mortal world."

Mu Feng was shocked and said, "Are you knocked down?"

Nezha said: "That's right, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother should have retreated to Yaochi. As a vanguard officer, I wanted to break out of the encirclement to find reinforcements, but I never expected to be defeated by the Venerable Sword."

Yang Jian said, "How long have you been fighting him?"

Nezha said, "One round."

Yang Jian was shocked and said: "What! One round! How is this possible!" He knew Nezha's strength. Strictly speaking, both of them were sanctified in the flesh, and Yang Jian's strength was slightly higher than Nezha's. Also extremely limited.Now that he heard that Nezha was defeated by a single move, he couldn't help but start beating his heart. ,

Nezha was a little disappointed and said: "I just met him, and he used a trick to make the Huntian Silk, Qiankun Circle, and Fenghuolun in my hands all go on strike, and even turned around to attack me."

Just like this, it also solved why Nezha was willing to look supercilious when he came down. It turned out that he was really knocked down to the mortal world by someone directly!

(End of this chapter)

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