Agent of Heaven

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

After listening to Nezha's description, Yang Jian said with a serious expression, "Can you defeat Nezha in one move... Could it be that there really is a saint-level master among the demon clan?"

The sage is also known as Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, who has the indestructible body and the power to recreate the universe.Now there are a total of six saints, namely Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Tongtian Sect Master, Nuwa Empress, Taoist Receiver, and Taoist Zhunti.

Among them, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, and Tongtian Jiaozhu were all transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. They were also called Sanqing, and they were the leaders of Taoism in the world. Taoism is divided into three religions. Shang Laojun is in charge of human education, and Tongtian leader is in charge of cutting education.

Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti founded the Western religion in the barren land in the west, and then evolved into Buddhism. .

The above five are all religious masters. After hundreds of millions of years of painstaking practice, they realized the way of heaven, and received enlightenment from Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and only then did they become Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian.However, Empress Nuwa is different. She gained great merit by making clay to make people and refining stones to mend the sky, and she became a saint by virtue of her merit.

All living beings, no matter whether they are immortals, demons or demons, are actually no different from ants in the eyes of saints.But saints rarely take the initiative to intervene in the battles in the Three Realms.

And now there is a saint-level powerhouse in the Yaozu!Moreover, he directly attacked Tianting, how could he deal with Tianting's gang of wine bags and rice bags?Is it true that the Yaozu will become the ruler of the heavens again like in ancient times?
Although Yang Jian's cultivation base is profound, he is also in a cold sweat at this time. If the monster race really rules the Three Realms again, then according to their bloodthirsty character, I am afraid that the current peaceful Three Realms will return to the chaotic situation of the ancient prehistoric era .

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Second brother, you don't have to worry so much. If the venerable sword is really a saint, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand here and talk to you at this time." Nezha patted Yang Jian's shoulder, trying to ease Yang Jian's nervousness.

Mu Feng stroked his chin and said, "Brother Nezha, what do you mean?"

Nezha said: "Although the sword lord defeated me with only one move, but he relied on my magic weapon to suddenly attack me automatically. I was unprepared for a moment, so I was knocked down to the mortal world. "At the end, he seemed a little unconvinced.

Mu Feng said: "Then have you ever seen Venerable Sword make a move?"

Nezha said: "In the past, when he was fighting against Grand Master Wen, I used to watch him from the sidelines. He is very powerful, and he also has sword energy when he strikes. But if it wasn't for my magic weapon that suddenly went wrong, I would have Fight with confidence!"

Kui Mulang shook his head and said, "In my opinion, it's not easy at this time."

Nezha said, "Kui Mulang, what do you mean? You think I'm no match for the Sword Master."

But Kui Mulang smiled and said: "Nezha, I heard that the Grand Master has 36 generals in the Lei Department, you can be sure to face it alone."

Nezha said: "!" He began to hesitate. During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the power of the 36 generals under the Grand Master made the entire Xiqi army terrified.

Kui Mulang continued: "This venerable sword can repel the gods of Leibu many times by himself, so he must have something unique. Also, is your magic weapon completely disobeyed by you now? "

After hearing this, Nezha's face turned pale, and he bit his lip and said, "Not only did he disobey, but he took him away immediately!"

Mu Feng said: "Can you accept magic weapons? Does this Venerable Sword have any powerful magic weapons, for example..."

"Diamond cut!" Yang Jian shouted: "Is it diamond cut? Laojun's diamond cut can be used as a magic weapon!"

Nezha shook his head and said, "No, King Kong Zhuo can accept magic weapons, but he can't make magic weapons turn around and attack his master. And I've seen King Kong Zhuo before, if he takes it out, I'll definitely recognize it at a glance."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "Then what actions did he make when he collected your magic weapon?"

Nezha said, "He just moved his lips, as if he just said a few words."

Kui Mulang scratched his head and said, "Just a few words can instigate someone else's magic weapon, this monster is too powerful."

Mu Feng concluded: "The monster clan now has quasi-sages like Kong Xuan in the underworld, and they are even more powerful above the heavenly court. Not only are there Dapeng, but there are top monster kings like the Bull Demon King, and now there is an extra mysterious Your Honorable Sword, in the current battle between gods and demons, the immortal side is not optimistic."

Nezha lowered his head and said: "The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are hiding in the Yaochi, and outside they set up formations using the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, plus Wen Taishi and the 36 Thunder Generals can resist for a long time. Let's hurry up and find a way to reinforce the upper realm. Otherwise, if the Jade Emperor is captured, I'm afraid..."

Mu Feng said: "I'm afraid what will happen?"

Nezha thought for a long time: "I'm afraid it will..."

Kui Mulang said directly: "It seems that nothing will happen. The underworld has long been occupied by Kong Xuan, and today's human world does not need the protection of the heavens. In fact, the Jade Emperor can't do much at ordinary times. He was arrested. What is wrong with us now?" It doesn't matter."

Mu Feng patted Kui Mulang on the shoulder and said, "Although it's the truth, you can't say it directly. Anyway, Jade Emperor is also your old leader, so save some face for others."

Kui Mulang nodded, and secretly glanced at Yang Jian: "Yes, although the Jade Emperor is indeed quite useless, but his nephew is still here after all. Lao Yang, do you want to save your uncle?"

Yang Jian kicked Kui Mulang's ass: "It's useless to take away these things. Even if my uncle is really beaten and hides under the table, wouldn't he still invite the Tathagata Buddha? What the hell am I doing! Let's go! Let's continue eating!"

The crowd brought Nezha back to the living room and sat down around the dining table again.

Mu Feng yelled to the kitchen: "A new guest is here, add two more dishes!"

He Miaomiao poked her head out from the kitchen and said, "Then come in and help me, I can't do it alone!"

Seeing He Miaomiao's face, Nezha exclaimed, "You are not from Pixiang Temple..." He didn't say the last part of the sentence, because Kui Mulang had already covered his mouth in time, and was in front of him. He whispered in his ear: "She didn't recover the memory of her previous life, you should talk less later, you understand?"

"Miaomiao, I'll help you!" Kui Mulang smiled flatteringly again, got up and was about to go to the kitchen.

But Jiang Xiaoyue stood up and pushed Kui Mulang back on the seat: "Let me go, you guys talk about yours here." She called out to Xiao Qingsu next to her: "Go, go with sister, sister Make something delicious for you."

"Okay!" Xiaoqing Su agreed bluntly, happily took Jiang Xiaoyue's hand, and went into the kitchen.

Mu Feng looked at the back of Jiang Xiaoyue leaving, and couldn't help sighing. Jiang Xiaoyue has been silent since Nezha came just now.

Following her in a short period of time, she just escaped from the underworld, and just sat at home, but now she is about to be involved in a battle between gods and demons, she is really tired...

(End of this chapter)

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