Agent of Heaven

Chapter 169 The Magic Weapons of Rebellion

Chapter 169 The Magic Weapons of Rebellion
Now the only Jianmu who can return to the heaven has been sealed by Zhen Yuanzi, so it is estimated that it will be difficult for Nezha to return to the heaven in a short time, so he stayed and moved into Mu Feng's villa as a new member among.

Everyone welcomed this. Although Nezha seems to have a bad temper, he seems to be a good person. Even Kui Mulang, who belonged to the Jiejiao camp during the Battle of the Gods, and him The relationship is not tense.Needless to say, Yang Jian, seeing Nezha was like seeing his own brother, and the two of them drank for a while.In the end, the two brothers hugged each other when they were drunk, and lay directly on the floor of the living room.

Mu Feng and his group of unscrupulous friends naturally ignored them and went back to his room.Only Xiaotiangoupidianpidian sent to pick up Yang Jian and send him back to his room, but Nezha was left alone, lying alone under the moonlight.

Mu Feng also returned to the room and lay down on his big bed.God knows how much he missed this soft bed and this house full of friends during such a long time in the underworld.

But just lying here, he suddenly couldn't fall asleep, so he rolled over and got out of bed to find something to eat.When I came to the living room, I found that Nezha was still lying on the floor, breathing evenly.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, took a blanket from the sofa, and covered Nezha.

"Father...why did you kill me?" Nezha said suddenly.

Mu Feng was startled, and looked down, only to find that the child was talking in his sleep.

"Don't kill me, I'm not a monster!" Nezha continued, showing a painful expression.

Mu Feng was indifferent for a while, and only now did he recall Nezha's life experience. The child was born as a meat ball, and was split open by his father who was a monster at the time.Since then, a bright red sword mark has been left on the forehead and between the brows.Later, because he pulled the dragon tendons of the third prince of the Dragon King, he was forced to cut his flesh and bones.

This is a child with childhood shadows...

At this moment, a burst of silver bell-like laughter was suddenly heard outside the door!
Mu Feng was startled and said: "Who! How dare you be presumptuous here!" He already felt an extremely surging and aggressive fire magic power gathering in front of his house.

"We're here to find that Nezha!" Two fire lights flashed across, and in a split second, two little boys in bellybands stood in the living room.

Mu Feng saw the two human-shaped holes that had been burnt out above the gate, and asked sharply, "Could it be that you two children were left undisciplined, why did you burn other people's children for no reason?"

The two little boys laughed together and said: "The door of your house is still light. If you keep talking, your head will be burned!"

Nezha had already been awakened at this time. He sat up, looked at the two little boys, and said in shock, "You! It's you!"

When the two little boys saw Nezha, they immediately showed a very dissatisfied expression, and then said angrily: "Yes, it's us, we came here to teach you a lesson!"

Nezha snorted coldly: "Is it just the two of you? What about the other traitors?"

The two little boys said angrily, "Just the two of us are enough!" The flames all over the sky suddenly burst into flames, and they all rushed towards Nezha.

Nezha said: "I'm afraid you won't make it?" He jumped straight up to meet him, turned his body slightly to avoid the attacking flames, and then came up to the two little boys in front of him, showing three heads and six arms, and his fists were like a gust of wind Generally greet them all over the body.

The two little boys were obviously a bit afraid of Nezha, and they were not willing to confront him head-on at all, but they flew out of the villa in an instant with a flash of fire under their feet.

Nezha shouted: "Traitor, don't run away!" Then he chased after him.

Mu Feng thought about it for a while, and used the heaven and earth escape method to chase after him.

The two little boys flew to a clearing and stopped suddenly.

Nezha said, "What's the matter, are you planning to surrender?"

They stuck out their tongues at Nezha together: "I won't surrender to you. You actually followed us here, so you can only surrender!"

Nezha said: "Not good! There is an ambush!"

"It's too late!" With a loud figure, a golden-robed man with bulging muscles descended from the sky, and threw his fist at Nezha.

Nezha didn't seem to show any signs of fear either, he raised his fist high to meet the big man, and when he heard a loud bang, he didn't move, but the ground under his feet was already covered with cracks.

"Nezha, come back with us obediently. We won't make it difficult for you because of our friendship for many years!" A soft female voice sounded, and a young girl in red stood in front of me at some point. In front of Nezha.

Nezha said, "Do you want me to be a traitor like you?"

The woman in red smiled and said, "Do you really think we are traitors? We just don't want to be controlled by you anymore."

The two little boys jumped up from the ground together, and shouted at Nezha: "That is, if you were trampled under your feet every day, would you feel uncomfortable?"

Nezha snorted coldly, but didn't answer, just attacked the group of people in front of him again.

Mu Feng, who was watching from the side, smiled and said: "Nezha is really not afraid of being bullied by others, this is the benefit of having more hands."

Nezha can be regarded as a top-notch master in any case in the Three Realms, the majestic Great God of the Three Altars.Although he looks young, he is actually a "veteran" who has experienced many battles such as the Battle of the Conferred Gods and the Battle of Huaguo Mountain.

But when he met these people in front of him, he always seemed to be restrained. No matter how he made a move, he would be the first to notice it, and then take timely countermeasures.

"So familiar with Nezha's moves..." Mu Feng frowned, "What is the origin of these people?"

The woman in red was good at dancing with her long sleeves, and turned into a red cloth several feet long, trying to wrap Nezha in it.

Nezha said angrily: "Presumptuous!" As soon as he stepped on his feet, he threw his fist at the surrounding red cloth.Each punch brought tens of thousands of catties of strength, but it seemed to hit the steel plate, only to dent the surrounding red cloth piece by piece, but could not break it.

At this moment, a big man in a golden robe suddenly appeared behind Nezha, and an elbow hit Nezha's back shoulder, causing Nezha to stagger, become unstable, and fell to the ground.

At this moment, I saw another ray of red light descending from the sky, hitting Nezha's Tianling Gai straight!

"Enough!" Mu Feng finally stopped watching from the sidelines, and made a bold move!
A silver light flew out of Mu Feng's sleeve, collided with the red light, and both fell to the ground.The silver light turned out to be the Black Iron Overlord Spear, which was now inserted into the ground not far away.Hong Guang was a warrior in red armor, standing on the other side, staring closely at Mu Feng.

"Who are you? Why do you want to meddle in our grievances?" the red armored warrior asked Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "I am Nezha's friend."

The woman in red said: "Then do you know who we are?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If I guessed correctly, you should be transformed by the previous magic weapons of Brother Nezha!"

(End of this chapter)

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