Agent of Heaven

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

The woman in red giggled coquettishly and said, "Your Excellency has good eyesight, and I am next to you, Huntian Ling."

Mu Feng brushed the dust off his clothes and said, "Then the two boys who set fire just now must be Fenghuolun?"

The two twin boys said in unison: "So what?"

Mu Feng ignored the two boys of Fenghuolun, looked at the big man in golden robe and said, "Your Excellency is the circle of heaven and earth."

Qiankunquan seemed to have an indifferent personality, but he just snorted coldly and didn't talk to him.

The man in the red armor said directly to Mu Feng: "I am the Fire Pointed Spear, do you have any questions?"

Mu Feng stroked his chin and said, "Of course there are questions, but I just don't know where to start."

The Hot Wheels boys once again said in unison: "I don't know how to ask, so don't ask! This is a grudge between us and Nezha, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to intervene!"

Qiankun circle just replied coldly: "Get out!" Then he punched Mu Feng where he was standing, and a huge golden fist phantom condensed in the air, directly hitting Mu Feng.

Huntian Ling said: "Big guy, your punch is enough to blow up a small mountain. He has no grievances with us, you don't have to hit so hard... what!" Her words stopped in the middle , was then replaced by a tone of astonishment.

Because the huge golden fist light in the air was blocked by Mu Feng lightly.

Huntian Ling looked at Mu Feng and said, "May I ask what your honor and name have to do with Nezha? Do you have to help him this time?"

Nezha, who was tied up by Huntianling, was furious when he heard the words, and struggled: "Bastard! Let me go if you have the ability, and we will fight again!"

Mu Feng waved his hand at Nezha and said, "Brother Nezha, please be safe and don't be impatient."

Nezha said angrily, "These traitors are deceiving people too much!"

Mu Feng asked Huntian Ling: "All of us were originally my brother Nezha's magic weapon. Why do you dare to kill him at this time?"

It seems that these magic treasure brothers have accompanied Nezha since he was born, and now I don’t know how many years have passed. Not only did they rebel, but they insisted on killing Nezha, which is really puzzling.

Huo Jianqiang said: "This is a matter between us and Nezha, don't worry about it!"

Mu Feng's question was directly pushed back, but he was still not angry, and asked with a smile: "Then answer my other question?"

Qian Kun circled: "Say!"

A golden light radiated from Mu Feng's eyes, and a majestic voice resounded from all around: "Where did you evil impediments come from!"

This sudden power excited everyone present, and they couldn't help feeling like bowing down.

Qiankun Circle looked at Mu Feng in shock and said, "Longwei!"

Huntianling also said with a look of surprise: "Longwei of this level is not something that the sea dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Clan can exude. Could it be, Your Excellency..."

The fire-pointed spear directly interrupted Huntianling's words: "Ying Long! He is Ying Long!"

"Your Excellency is Your Excellency Ying Long who followed the Yellow Emperor to quell the chaos of the witch clan, and personally beheaded the great witch Kuafu and the demon god Chi You!" Huntian Ling asked.

Mu Feng said: "Exactly, but you haven't answered my question yet." His eyes radiated killing intent.

Several magic weapons faltered instantly: "This..." "That..." But they were unwilling to explain.

Mu Feng said with a cold face: "If you don't say it, let me explain it for you. In the world, all magic tools that have reached the level of spirit treasures, no matter whether they are born or acquired, will give birth to spirits. But spirits can only live in magic treasures. Inside, it is extremely difficult to communicate with the master, and it is even more difficult for the condensed form to appear outside.

It is almost impossible for Qi Ling to cultivate a human body like you and fight at will!Therefore, your physical body is not your own at all! "

After hearing what Mu Feng said, Nezha also said: "I said that when you betrayed me, you were still in the form of a magic weapon. How can you transform into a human form in a short time? It turns out that you hid the body of a mortal in the human world!"

"Shut up!" Fenghuolun immediately engulfed the raging flames around his body, illuminating everything around him: "What if we snatched the bodies of a few mortals! Why are they born with physical bodies and can move freely? And We have practiced for thousands of years but still can only make one dead thing!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "It's ridiculous!" With a wave of his sleeve, a water-blue sword energy filled the sky behind him, and immediately extinguished all the surrounding flames: "Every living thing in the world has its own destiny, and you already have it." Endless life, but insisting on robbing the body of a mortal, has already committed a great crime!"

Huo Jianqiang sneered and said: "Don't tell me the truth! This world is nothing but the weak and the strong, we are the strong and we should enjoy everything! To tell you the truth, we want to kill Nezha just to take his refining body, After all, a mortal body can only be used for a few decades. How can it be as good as his sanctified body!"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "I'm stubborn! Look at the sword!" A huge fiery sword light shot out from Mu Feng's fingertips, sweeping down the surroundings with an indomitable momentum!

Although these magic weapons have some mana power, after all, it has not been long since they obtained human bodies, and they are not proficient in manipulating them.It was only because they have been fighting with Nezha for thousands of years, and they really know the moves and routines of Nezha too well, so they can easily find the flaws.

At this time, what they were facing was Mu Feng's no-frills move, a real one-stroke dazzling flame style, fierce and powerful sword energy with an aura that could destroy everything, so they could only choose to retreat.

The moment they retreated, Nezha also broke free from Huntian Ling's cage with the help of Mu Feng's sword energy, and directly forced towards several magic weapons.

"Ying Long and Nezha join forces, we are not opponents, retreat quickly, and wait for the Lord to arrive, we will make a fuss!" Huo Jianqiang roared at the other magic weapons.

Hot Wheels Boy shouted: "You go first, I will come to the back of the palace, my speed is too fast, they can't catch up with me. I will meet you again at that time!"

Mu Feng sneered and said: "Snatch the body of a mortal without authorization, none of you can escape today!" He stretched out his sword aura, piercing through the fist of the Hot Wheels boy standing in the front.

The two boys swayed in the air for a while, their bodies burst open suddenly, a pair of three-inch wheels flew out of the flesh and blood, and they were about to fly away into the distance while braving the flames.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feng sneered, and threw the Black Iron Overlord Spear directly in his hand, shaking the hot wheel that was about to escape, almost falling from the air.

Nezha yelled: "Nie Zha, where are you running!" After catching up, he stepped on the hot wheel with both feet.

Fenghuolun was still struggling violently at first, but Nezha formed seals with his hands and began to recite a mantra. After a while, Fenghuolun automatically returned to calm and let Nezha drive him.

Seeing this, Huntian Ling said with a pretty face, "Nezha, just wait for me! We will definitely come back for revenge!"

"It's a pity that you have no chance!" Yang Jianti suddenly appeared on the three-pointed and two-edged spear, blocking the escape route of all the magic weapons.

Qiankun circle shouted: "Run back!"

Kui Mulang's laughter came from behind them: "Stop wasting your efforts! You are already surrounded!"

(End of this chapter)

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