Agent of Heaven

Chapter 17 Battle of Shushan

Chapter 17 The Battle of Shushan

Qingyang slashed at Mu Feng's throat with the Tiger Wing Saber, but Mu Feng's head was not in the same place as he imagined.Instead, it turned into a vellus hair and was divided into two.

"I expected that you would attack me." Mu Feng's voice came from behind Qingyang, followed by the fast and sharp Qingming sword.

Qingyang reacted very quickly, turned around and set up Mu Feng's Qingming sword with a horizontal stroke of the tiger wing knife, and the two fought back and forth.

The two fought fiercely, and the tiger-wing knife was transformed from the spirit of the white tiger, an ancient mythical beast, and its power was unstoppable.The demon sword Qingming is also the most evil thing, forged by the Sanxian of the East China Sea, and it is extremely sharp.This heart has been enchanted to control the power of the white tiger of the mythical beast; the one who is proficient in transformation has profound magic power in his body.For a while, swords and swords flicked, left attack and block, front to meet and back to reflect.The day was dark and the situation changed.

The two fought for seventy or eighty rounds. After all, Qingyang was the elder of Shushan, who had been practicing swordsmanship for hundreds of years.Although there is not much difference in mana and weapons between the two, Mu Feng is hard to resist in terms of moves after all, so it is natural that his failure has been revealed at this time.But seeing him turn into a bird, he fled to the distant forest.

Qingyang picked up the knife and only chased after him, but when he entered the forest, he suddenly found that Mu Feng had disappeared. Where he looked, he could only see giant trees covering the sky, lush and green.He thought to himself: "This little thief is proficient in the law of change. Could it be that he turned into a tree here, waiting to attack me? Wait for me to cut down all the trees here, and see where you hide." With a wave of the magic knife in his hand, the knife breath It spread out for more than ten feet, turning all the giant trees that had grown for an unknown number of years in the surrounding area into ashes.

But he still couldn't see Mu Feng's figure!

"Little thief! Show up and fight Daoist Master if you have the ability!" Qingyang roared angrily.But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a piercing pain from under his feet, and the Qingming sword had pierced through the soles of his feet!It turned out that Mu Feng didn't turn into a tree just now, but turned into a stone. When Qingyang came nearby, he suddenly appeared with a sword.

Mu Feng succeeded with the sword, and fled to the distance again.

Qingyang was enraged with smoke from his seven orifices, and his eyes spewed fire, but his feet were injured, so he couldn't catch up.In just a moment, Mu Feng disappeared again.This time he was more vigilant, suspended in the air, scanning his surroundings.

Suddenly a flock of crows flew from the sky, Qingyang thought in his heart: "That little thief must have changed!" With a flash of the knife in his hand, he slashed at the flock of crows.With one blow, a group of crows turned into black feathers all over the sky, floating in the air, and scattered one after another.

But!The scattered black feathers suddenly changed at this moment, and all of them turned into Mu Feng's appearance. Hundreds of them were attacking Qingyang with the Qingming Sword in their hands.

Qingyang was stunned, but the saber technique in his hand was still sharp, and he could knock Mu Feng's clone back to its original form with a few strokes.But there are too many of them, and Mu Feng's real body is among them, and from time to time, he will suddenly jump out and give him a sword.In just a moment, his body was already covered with scars and bleeding profusely.But Mu Feng's avatar was also completely wiped out by him, and only the real body was left holding the sword and fled away.

Qingyang roared angrily, and started chasing after him again.But there were many wounds on his body, and he lost too much blood under the pursuit. Although he was a cultivator who would not bleed to death, he began to feel a little dizzy.Suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, it turned out that the Xiaotian dog approached him at some point, bit him, pulled another bite, and removed a large piece of flesh and blood.

"You bastard also came to bully me?" Qingyang cursed angrily, and swung his knife to chop Xiaotiangou.

The Xiaotian dog was furious, and the dog's eyes were wide open. When Monkey Sun was bitten by it, he never called him a beast. What kind of thing is this Qingyang?Immediately, the speed was very fast, and another bite directly bit off Qingyang's wrist holding the knife, and the tiger-winged magic knife fell from the air and plunged into the ground.

Mu Feng seized the opportunity and stepped forward with a sword, directly piercing Qingyang's dantian. With one sword strike, all the magic power in his body was completely abolished.

At this time, above Shushan Mountain, two people were floating in the clouds, watching the battle below. One was a handsome young man dressed as a Taoist priest, and the other was a fat monk.These two people are actually Yang Jian and Lao Zhu!

Yang Jian saw Mu Feng's skills, and said to Laozhu: "I can hardly imagine that this person actually asked you to learn his skills?"

The old pig said: "Erlang God, what do you mean? I think I once..."

"Have you ever molested Chang'e and been demoted to a pig fetus?" Yang Jian said with a smile.

"You! Others don't know that you don't know, are those farces arranged?" The old pig jumped angrily on the spot.

But Yang Jian felt that the old pig's words were blocked and said: "Stop talking about those old things."

The old pig suddenly came to his senses, covered his mouth and said, "I'm the one who talks too much."

Yang Jian pointed to Mu Feng on the ground and said, "To be able to comprehend the 36 transformations of Tiangang to this extent in such a short period of time is considered to be a rare genius once in ten thousand years."

The old pig laughed and said: "He has completed the task beautifully this time, and you still owe him a good weapon."

Yang Jian said: "He already has a good sword in his hand, and what I want to give must not be worse than that."

The old pig thought: "This Yang Jian has always been proud, it seems that this time Mu Feng has a great benefit." He said: "Then let's go down for a walk?"

Yang Jian said: "The matter here is over, and it's time for us to go down and end it."

The two turned into streamers and flew towards the ground.

At this time, Mu Feng had already returned to the valley with Qingyang, who was seriously injured and disabled.

The surrounding Shushan disciples all looked complicated. Mu Feng did help them eradicate the traitor who murdered the head of the sect, but how much hope they had in their hearts, if Mu Feng was wrong, it would be great.

As the chief disciple of Shushan, Ye Feiyao stepped forward with a long sigh: "Thank you...Thank you, Mr. Mu, for helping me in Shushan."

Mu Feng looked at this high-spirited and high-spirited disciple of the Shushan School, but now his eyes were deeply tired, and his expression even looked a little old.He said in a funny way: "Give Qingyang to your faction, and I will take the black-clothed devil and the tiger-winged knife away."

An elder from Shushan walked out from the crowd: "The devil in black has killed countless disciples of Shushan, and he should be handed over to Shushan!"

"I'll deal with it!" A clear voice came.Looking up in Shu Mountain, I saw a monk floating slowly down from the sky together.

The man in Taoist robes, with phoenix eyes and thick eyebrows, is tall and unrestrained.It was Yang Jian.

The man in the monk's robe, bare-breasted and exposed, has a thick and fat body, with a fat head and big ears.It is the old pig.

When Jiang Quan saw his eyes, a look of shock flashed in his eyes and said, "I've seen the second master!"

But Yang Jian ignored him, walked straight to the Heavenly Slaughter King lying on the ground and said, "Do you know what crime you committed?"

Seeing Yang Jian approaching, Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun's eyes were filled with indescribable fear, and he struggled to say: "The little god has committed a lot of crimes, according to the rules of heaven... face the wall for 5000 years, and then enter the first reincarnation."

Yang Jian said: "This is just your sin of failing to guard the tiger-winged magic knife and going down to earth without permission." He swept across the Shushan disciple who was half roasted by the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun in the distance and said: "I sentence you to die, your soul will be scattered!"

The Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun trembled and said: " can't do this...I am the righteous god Xingjun of the Heavenly Court. Even if I want to be convicted, I have to be convicted by the Jade Emperor himself. If you kill me privately, you have violated the rules of heaven!"

Yang Jian stretched out his palm, and the three-pointed double-edged gun appeared in his hand. He laughed arrogantly and said, "Heavenly? Hahaha, are you telling me about heaven? Do you know that I have broken the law of heaven since I was born!"

The light on the three-pointed two-edged gun is even stronger!

Tiansha Xingjun suddenly disregarded the broken spine, forced his way to the old pig next to him: "My Buddha is merciful, Bodhisattva save me, I would like to convert to Buddhism." It turned out that he had already recognized the old pig.

But the old pig turned around, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and didn't bother to look at him.

"The soul flies away!" Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged spear passed through the body of the Heavenly Slaughter Xingjun.This mighty Heavenly Slaughter King, who has created countless murders, finally turned into a phantom at this moment, faintly dissipating in the sky and the earth.

The old pig looked at the Shushan disciples around him, and shouted: "My Buddha is merciful!" The Buddha's light flashed, and everyone except Mu Feng fainted.

Mu Feng said: "What did you do to them?"

The old pig said: "I just erased their memory, making them forget that they have seen me and Erlang Zhenjun. I only remember that you helped Shushan eradicate the demons."

Yang Jian looked at the tiger-winged magic knife in Mu Feng's hand and said, "It's time to bring this thing back to West Kunlun to seal it!"

But at this moment, a golden figure flashed past, and before Mu Feng could react, he snatched the tiger-winged magic knife from his hand!

"Presumptuous!" Yang Jian roared, holding a three-pointed two-bladed gun and stabbing at the golden figure, directly on his arm.Blood spattered out.A golden figure appeared. It turned out to be a man in a golden robe. The robe covered his whole body, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Mu Feng suddenly remembered that Qingyang said that he was instructed by a man in golden robe to steal the Tiger Wing Demon Saber.Then he shouted: "He is the mastermind behind everything!"

But the speed of the man in the golden robe was terrifyingly fast, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the dying Qingyang Taoist who had lost all his skills, and stabbed him down!Qingyang's whole body was actually absorbed by the Tiger Wing Knife, and the whole Tiger Wing Knife became brighter and more transparent.

"Who are you? How dare you show off in front of me?" Yang Jian pointed at the man in the golden robe, his eyes wide open.

"You can actually hurt me, True Monarch Erlang, you really deserve your reputation." The man in black robe said, his voice was extremely hoarse and unpleasant, he turned around and fled away in a golden light.

Yang Jian raised his gun and chased after him, turning into a beam of light, but after a while, he flew back with a serious expression.He and Lao Zhu exchanged glances: "Is it them?"

The old pig also said with a serious expression: "Yes!"

Mu Feng said: "What is it?"

But Yang Jian answered the wrong question: "Everything is over here, your mission has been completed."

Mu Feng said: "But the man in the golden robe?"

Yang Jian said: "This is not something you can control!"

The old pig patted Mu Feng on the shoulder and said, "At least it's not up to you now, let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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