Agent of Heaven

Chapter 18 Black Iron Overlord Spear

Chapter 18 Black Iron Overlord Spear

Yang Jian is an extremely trustworthy and proud person.He said that if he wanted to give Mu Feng a magic weapon, it would definitely be a real magic weapon.The Black Iron Overlord Spear is one foot three feet seven inches long and weighs one thousand three hundred and sixty-two catties. It was made by the ancient fire god Zhu Rong's refining nine-day black iron in Dahuang Mountain for seven to seven days.

Mu Feng couldn't handle this gun at first, it weighed more than 300 catties!Just kidding, is this half a ton?Fortunately, under Lao Zhu's reminder, Mu Feng heard that Dao Yan had given him a "True Martial Elixir", which would make his hands strong.Hurry up and take it, and took the black iron overlord gun from Yang Jian's hand.

When Mu Feng took the gun, he clearly saw the eye on Yang Jian's forehead also opened, and there were tears glistening with reluctance.He is a gun user, besides the three-pointed double-edged gun, he also collected hundreds of famous guns, among which this gun is the most powerful.

Yang Jian didn't want to give this gun to Mu Feng, but he was an extremely proud person. Seeing that Mu Feng got the Qing Ming Sword, which is a powerful demon sword, he couldn't give him a worse weapon.So he reluctantly gave up his love and gave away this peerless gun.

In this way, Yang Jian only needs to give Mu Feng a supernatural power and the two can settle the matter. When he asked Mu Feng what spell he wanted to learn.Mu Feng thought for a while, and said that he wanted to learn Yang Jian's marksmanship and martial arts.Yang Jian can kill six monsters with a three-pointed and two-edged gun, and fight against Sun Houzi. His marksmanship has always been what Mu Feng yearns for.

Yang Jian is so happy!I lost such a magical weapon, and it was when I was depressed that Mu Feng offered such a thoughtful request.Immediately said: "My marksmanship must be learned from actual combat!"

Mu Feng didn't understand the pitiful eyes of Xiaotiangou and Laozhu beside him at all, he just nodded happily, not knowing that he was about to start a miserable life that he couldn't bear to look back on.

For three whole months, Mu Feng was dragged outside the villa by Yang Jian every day for teaching martial arts and beat him up.

Finally, on an extremely beautiful and sunny afternoon, Yang Jian No.70 knocked Mu Feng to the ground eight times.

"Get up and continue!" Yang Jian said.

"I won't get up, even if I'm beaten to death!" Mu Feng lay on the ground in big characters.

Yang Jian smiled and said, "If you don't get up again, I'll let Xiao Tiangou pee on your face."

Xiaotiangou ran to Mu Feng's side excitedly when he heard the words, and raised his dog's leg aiming at Mu Feng's face.

"Shoutiangou! How dare you!" Mu Feng slapped the ground with his backhand, bounced off the ground, and swept towards Yang Jian with the black iron overlord gun in his hand.

Yang Jian held a feather duster in his hand, and Lightning moved out his hand, and smacked it directly on Mu Feng's wrist.The Black Iron Overlord Spear was directly shot down to the ground, causing the entire ground to shake.

Yang Jian smiled: "You lost again."

Mu Feng also laughed: "That's not necessarily the case!" Just as Yang Jian's attention was focused on the downed Overlord Spear, the Qingming Sword appeared in his hand like lightning, stabbing Yang Jian straight away.

The feather duster in Yang Jian's hand once touched the ridge of the Qingming sword, deflected his sword, and swept past his face. A long hair was cut off by the sword energy and fell down.

"That's right, this is your best performance in a month." Yang Jian didn't blame Mu Feng for the sneak attack, but nodded with a little praise.

After a month of hard training, one hair of Erlang Shen was chopped off.Mu Feng didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

Seeing the end of the battle, the old pig came over and said, "It's over, it's time to eat!"

Erlang Shen nodded, and said to Mu Feng: "I want a beef ramen, and give Xiao Tiangou a beef fried rice."

The old pig said: "I want a serving of cumin mutton, plus ten steamed buns."

Of course Mu Feng can't do these things, but the owner of the only Lanzhou ramen restaurant near their home can.

Not long after Shushan came back, the owner of the Lanzhou ramen restaurant was instructed by Jiang Quan to visit him directly, and said that he was from Bureau Nine.But after that, he didn't receive any evacuation or other orders, so he could only stay here and open this Lanzhou ramen restaurant.

This is good news for Mu Feng, because neither he nor Lao Zhu and Yang Jian are good at cooking.Even Xiao Tiangou would be willing to eat anything made by any one of these three people.So this Lanzhou ramen restaurant has become a canteen for three big men and a dog.

Today, Mu Feng went to that ramen restaurant humming a little tune after finishing his training practice that was beaten up by Yang Jian all morning.But when I opened the door, I found that there was another person sitting in the noodle shop, which was very rare.

Mu Feng walked into the store and looked at this person carefully.This is a young girl with fair skin and a clean face, obviously without makeup. Her long hair is combed into a simple bun, which makes her even more beautiful and lovely.

She also has a pair of eyes, a pair of extremely moving eyes. Mu Feng has seen many beautiful girls' eyes, but these eyes are definitely the most vivid and clear eyes he has ever seen.

At this time, she was wearing a simple big T-shirt, but she still couldn't stop her graceful figure, and she was eating noodles with her head down.Sensing the gaze of someone behind her, she raised her head, her beautiful eyes met Mu Feng's for a moment.This made Mu Feng's disappointing heart beat faster!

The girl suddenly spoke, this is a very soft and authentic Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent: "If you look at me like this again, I will smash your nose!"

Such a cute girl who said in an extremely soft voice that she was going to smash her nose?Mu Feng suddenly couldn't help laughing, presumably this girl is also extremely cute when she hits someone.

But she is not cute at all when she moves her hands!With a flick of the onion-like white and delicate hand, a disposable chopstick hit Mu Feng's knee with the sound of breaking wind.

As soon as she made a move, Mu Feng knew that the girl in front of her was absolutely extraordinary.If an ordinary mortal suffered this blow, he might lose the ability to walk under the severe pain at that time, but it would not have too much impact, and he would return to normal in a short time.

The strength of this blow is well grasped, and it can serve as a lesson without hurting others. A person who can have this kind of grasping power is probably still a top-notch master among cultivators!
Mu Feng sat on a chair next to him, calmly, but dodged this very naturally.With a smile on his face, he looked at the lovely girl in front of him with great interest.

The girl saw that Mu Feng had dodged her attack, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.Seeing that Mu Feng was still looking at him with a smile on his face, he couldn't help feeling a little angry, grabbed the disposable chopsticks on the table, and threw them at Mu Feng.Every chopstick was filled with mana by her, like a sharp arrow, coming through the air.

Mu Feng's expression remained unchanged, after all, his martial arts are now personally passed down by Erlang God Yang Jian!He stood up and walked in front of the girl in a few steps, none of the flying chopsticks touched half of his clothes.

"Who are you?" the lovely girl asked.

Mu Feng suddenly wanted to play with her, so he smiled and said, "A person whose nose has not been smashed."

Hearing this, the girl's pretty face was full of sullen anger, and she shot at Mu Feng again like lightning.Her moves were suddenly elegant and agile, like a butterfly dancing among flowers, and suddenly became fierce, like a swift cheetah.

but!No matter how she strikes, she still can't even touch half of Mu Feng's clothes.Mu Feng even just stood there, and every time the girl made a move, he just moved his body slightly to avoid those moves.

The girl was really angry. The man with a smirk in front of her was really weird and terrifying. No matter how she shot, she was only a short distance away from touching him!But this little bit seemed to be a world of difference, which made it impossible for her to get over it.She suddenly jumped back, distanced herself from Mu Feng and stopped attacking.

Mu Feng teased: "You don't want to smash my nose?"

The girl didn't answer him, she just pinched the magic formula with her hands and began to chant the mantra.

Mu Feng thought to himself, why did he seem to have heard this spell there?
Hearing the voice, the owner of the ramen shop came out of the kitchen with Guo in his hand. When he saw the girl who was casting the spell, he shouted palely, "No! Miss, stop!"

But it was too late, the girl shouted coquettishly: "Yuqing Shenlei!"

A divine thunder the thickness of a bucket fell from the sky and fell into the ramen restaurant.

In the half-collapsed ramen restaurant, Mu Feng was charred all over, and his hair was standing on end.He finally remembered just now that the spell used by this girl was actually the "Jade Qing Shenlei" that he saw Jiang Quan use to deal with Tiansha Xingjun in Shushan.If it wasn't for evading in time, I'm afraid I will finally lie down and go back today.

"Miss, this is Mr. Mu Feng who uncovered the Wankushan and Shushan incidents." The ramen shop owner pointed at Mu Feng.

The girl pouted and said, "You're Mu Feng? It doesn't look like you're as powerful as the rumors in the cultivation world."

Mu Feng said: "Who are you?"

The ramen shop owner said: "He belongs to our chief..."

The girl interrupted the owner of the ramen shop, looked at Mu Feng with a scorched face, covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "I am Jiang Xiaoyue, the new manager of Jiangzhou sent by Bureau Nine."

(End of this chapter)

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