Agent of Heaven

Chapter 19 The Cute Girl Who Can Cook, Jiang Xiaoyue

Chapter 19 The Cute Girl Who Can Cook, Jiang Xiaoyue

Jiang Xiaoyue should be Jiang Quan's daughter, even if she didn't say it, Mu Feng had already guessed it.

The owner of this ramen shop is from the Ninth Bureau, but he opened his mouth and kept calling Jiang Xiaoyue Miss.What's more, looking closely, the girl's eyebrows and eyes are indeed somewhat similar to Jiang Quan, but the facial lines are much softer.

"Mr. Mu, in fact, I came here specially to hire you to serve in our Ninth Bureau." Jiang Xiaoyue said to Mu Feng with a serious face.

Mu Feng didn't expect that a girl could be so cute when she was serious.

"Should I agree?" Mu Feng smiled and said to himself.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Of course I should agree."

Mu Feng said: "It's better if I don't agree." He suddenly remembered that he had already been tricked by the Heavenly Court, and now he would be troubled to come to his door from time to time. Tired as a dog.

No matter how cute this girl is, she can't be dazzled by her beauty.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Why! The treatment of our Ninth Bureau is very good!"

Mu Feng shook his head and walked towards the door: "No! No matter how good the treatment is, I won't do it."

Jiang Xiaoyue shouted: "The monthly salary is [-], five insurances and one housing fund, and all personal expenses will be reimbursed during the mission."

Mu Feng's ears twitched when he heard the words, and he rushed to Jiang Xiaoyue with lightning speed and said, "Okay boss! From now on, I will be yours."

Although you can learn a lot of supernatural powers and spells by working for Tianting, you can't earn a penny.My wallet has bottomed out a few days ago, and now I make a living by going out in the afternoon to distribute leaflets, and I have to support the family, a dog and a pig.Mu Feng was already thinking about robbing the bank.

Jiang Xiaoyue was speechless for a moment.He never imagined that this master who has become a master in the field of comprehension recently was actually retained by his monthly salary of 5000 yuan a month, which is the basic salary of an ordinary member of the Ninth Bureau.

Mu Feng suddenly said with a shy face: "Boss, can I advance one month's salary first, I have no money to eat recently..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said with embarrassment, "I don't have any money with me, I'll call you next time."

"Oh, it seems that I only have instant noodles today."

"You haven't had lunch yet? I just haven't eaten either, I know how to cook!" Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, showing a pair of small canine teeth.

In the villa, Yang Jian was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper, while Xiao Tiangou was biting the table leg and grinding his teeth.The old pig raised his eyebrows at Mu Feng, and said with a smile: "A Feng, where did you cheat such a beautiful girl?"

He was talking about Jiang Xiaoyue who was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing that Mu Feng didn't answer, Lao Zhu joked again: "She can't be your little wife?"

Mu Feng didn't dare to say yes, and didn't want to say no, so he said, "Don't talk nonsense, this is the daughter of the director of the Ninth Bureau, and my future parents."

Lao Zhu naturally knew what kind of organization Nine Bureau is in the world, he thought about it: "Are you sure the daughter of a high official in the world can cook?"

Bursts of aroma wafted out from the kitchen, Xiaotiangou twitched its nose vigorously, ran into the kitchen and wagged its tail at Jiang Xiaoyue who was cooking.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled gracefully, and threw a piece of meat to Xiaotiangou.The Xiaotian dog jumped up to catch it, and swallowed it in one gulp, with a look of extreme enjoyment and intoxication on the dog's face.

The old pig said to Yang Jian: "Look at how promising your dog is!" Just after he finished speaking, he couldn't help sniffing the air vigorously: "It smells so good! What is it? How come it smells so good!"

"Mu Feng, come and serve the food!" Jiang Xiaoyue called to Mu Feng.

Plates of delicacies were brought up, and the ingredients used for cooking were rescued from ramen restaurants, so most of them were beef and mutton, which were: Tanggong vinegar goat liver, stir-fried beef cubes, cumin mutton strips , Teppanyaki beef, orange braised lamb.There is also a large bowl of mutton soup, a pot of rice, and twenty steamed buns.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "The ingredients are too monotonous, I can only cook simple dishes."

Mu Feng said in surprise: "It's easy."

The old pig didn't wait for them to speak anymore, grabbed the steamed bun with one hand and the chopsticks with the other, put a piece of lamb liver in his mouth, swallowed it and praised: "This is so delicious, my old pig hasn't tasted it for thousands of years." I have eaten such delicious food!"

Yang Jian coldly picked up the chopsticks, looked at the old pig who was devouring it with contempt, and said in his heart: "It really doesn't have the dignity of a god at all." He picked up a mutton strip and put it in his mouth, only to feel that his mouth was full. Delicious and fragrant.It is a delicacy that is hard to find in the world!Inadvertently, he also threw the demeanor of the fairy out of the 33rd heaven, and started fighting for food with the old pig.

Mu Feng saw that something was wrong, with the speed of these two people, he felt that these dishes would be wiped out in a short while, so he quickly picked up his chopsticks and joined the battle group.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaoyue stared at the table that had been swept clean by Mu Feng and the other three, and was dumbfounded!Not a single grain of rice was left in the rice pot, and more than two dozen steamed buns were eaten clean.Laozhu and Xiaotiangou were scrambling to lick the plate, but Yang Jian realized that he had lost his composure while eating at that time, and pretended to be nonchalant while holding the newspaper.In fact, even the newspapers were taken down.

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue in embarrassment, scratched the back of his head and giggled.

Seeing Mu Feng's embarrassment, Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't help smiling, and turned around to pack the dishes.

This smile was so beautiful that Mu Feng couldn't help but stare blankly. When he saw Jiang Xiaoyue turning her head back, she didn't dare to look again, and turned her gaze away.

Seeing Mu Feng's appearance, Lao Zhu stepped forward and said, "Hey, Xiao Feng, tell me the truth, have you taken a fancy to her girl?"

Mu Feng blushed and said without denying it.

The old pig said: "Then you have a way to keep her. Our place is so big, it won't be too crowded to live with one more of her."

Mu Feng said: "Old pig, I think you are greedy for the food made by others!"

The old pig said: "This must be one of the reasons, but look at this girl, she is virtuous and beautiful! There must be many people chasing after her, and I am here to advise you to act first."

Yang Jian put down the newspaper and said, "If you don't chase after her, I also like this girl." He stood up and walked towards Jiang Xiaoyue in the kitchen with a smile.

Mu Feng jumped up directly, and pushed Yang Jian back: "Second brother Yang, at your age, you can be someone else's ancestor!"

Yang Jian smiled teasingly.

Mu Feng said: "Good! Good! Good! Can't I go?"

Lao Zhu and Yang Jian looked at each other the same way, both showing a smile of success.

He walked behind Jiang Xiaoyue, looked at her back but didn't know how to speak for a while.Could it be that you just said "Beauty, I like you very much, let's stay and live together!" If you say that, you will definitely get a slap in the face.

While Mu Feng was hesitating, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly turned her head, which made Mu Feng's heart beat faster.

"Well, can you do me a favor?" Jiang Xiaoyue spoke first.

Mu Feng said: "What's the matter? I will definitely help if I can."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I also just arrived in Jiangzhou, and I don't have any stable foothold. I think the environment here is good, so can I live here?"

Mu Feng: "Ah! Yes! Of course!" Happiness came so suddenly, as if the spring breeze blows over the Reed Lake, and the autumn rain soaks Jiuzhaigou.

(End of this chapter)

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