Agent of Heaven

Chapter 20 The Mystery of the Ancient Tomb

Chapter 20 The Mystery of the Ancient Tomb
It has been a week since Jiang Xiaoyue lived in the villa. During this week, due to the increase in food, Xiao Tiangou gained weight, Lao Zhu didn't want to go back to Xitian even more, and Yang Jian beat Mu Feng even more vigorously.

Mu Feng holds the black iron overlord gun in his right hand, and the demon sword Qingming upside down in his left hand. The gun and sword cooperate freely, and his moves are strange and changeable, sometimes opening and closing, sometimes fierce and tricky.

This is after Yang Jian saw Mu Feng using the Xuantie Overlord Spear and Qingming Sword at the same time that day, after thinking about it, he created a set of martial arts that both guns and swords share.There is an old saying: an inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.However, the combination of the gun and the sword just combined the advantages of the two weapons, and they can learn from each other's strengths.

Of course, this martial skill is not so easy to practice. It requires Mu Feng to use two things at once, with his right hand using spear skills and his left hand using sword skills.Just getting used to this kind of operation, Mu Feng practiced hard for six days.It wasn't until yesterday that he could barely use the kung fu of this spear and sword.

With one hand behind his back, Yang Jian held a three-pointed double-edged gun with one hand, and fought against Mu Feng.No matter how Mu Feng's moves changed, he couldn't escape his budget. The shadows of guns all over the sky enveloped Mu Feng, hitting Mu Feng's body from time to time.Of course, Yang Jian can naturally control the strength so that Mu Feng will not be injured, but he still feels the greatest pain.

Mu Feng was shot more than a dozen times by Yang Jian, roared angrily, transformed into a giant ten feet tall, and raised his foot thinking that Yang Jian would step on it.Yang Jian smiled slightly, turned into a giant as well, and pressed Mu Feng to the ground again and beat him hard.

After a while, the battle ended with Mu Feng's inability to fight again, and the two of them took up the effort of Faxiang Tiandi.

Lying on the grass, Mu Feng gasped and said, "Second Brother Yang, what level do you think my current martial arts skills are among gods?"

Yang Jian said: "It depends on what period it is compared with."

Mu Feng said: "Is there a time period?"

Yang Jian said: "Of course, if it was during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, your level would not even be considered a nine-rate master. If you compare it with the immortals in today's heaven, you can barely be considered a nine-rate master." When talking about the immortals in the heavenly court, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Feng said: "Why?"

Yang Jian asked back, "What do you think a god is?"

Mu Feng thought carefully for a while, then shook his head and said, "I really don't know how to explain it. In fact, I originally thought that none of you existed."

Yang Jian said: "Then change the question, what do you think is a cultivator?"

Mu Feng said: "Cultivators are just a group of people who know magic."

Yang Jian said: "Actually, gods are nothing but cultivators who can live forever."

Mu Feng said: "I remember Dao Yan once told me that today's mortal cultivators cannot cultivate into immortals. Why is that?"

Yang Jian said: "What we practiced back then was the real way to become a god. After the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, all of them were withdrawn from the mortal world. Today's cultivators only practice some superficial methods left behind. .”

Mu Feng said: "Then why do you say that after the First Conferred God War, the gods became weaker instead?"

Yang Jian said: "There are countless gods in the heavenly court, and there are high and low positions among them. The battle of conferring the gods back then was just a battle for many practitioners to compete for high and low gods. So at that time, every cultivator was I practiced very hard and practiced magic weapons. In that era, it was also the era when practitioners were the most powerful! There are many great supernatural beings who can shake the world with every gesture."

Mu Feng said: "What about after the Battle of the Conferred Gods?"

Yang Jian said: "Many people practice only to obtain eternal life. After conferring gods, those who become gods have already obtained eternal life regardless of their status. Naturally, there is no need to practice hard. In fact, spells are like a tool. If you don't use it for thousands of years, it will naturally become unfamiliar, and it will be worse than before. When that monkey is successful in cultivation, all the immortals in the heavens have not fought with humans for thousands of years, so there will be such a monkey. A farce that havoc in heaven"

Mu Feng asked: "Your cultivation level has not been lowered at all. At that time, you could fight the monkey evenly. And why did you participate in the Battle of the Conferred Gods? After the war, you actually chose to stay in Guanyin Jiangkou should be an Earth Immortal." This question was actually something he wanted to ask a long time ago, given Yang Jian's contribution in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he should have had a very high position.Li Jing, who is inferior to him in skill, and the four heavenly kings who are defeated by him.He has always been a high-ranking official and rich salary in the heavenly court, why did he only become a little god who is an earth immortal who is incensed in the world?

You know, most of the people who receive incense in the world are small gods like mountain gods and land gods, and the biggest ones are at best city gods.The only difference between Yang Jian and them in terms of status may be the six words "listen to the tune but not to the announcement".

Yang Jian didn't answer Mu Feng's question, but stood up with a smile and said, "It's time to eat." After speaking, he walked towards the villa.

Seeing that he was unwilling to answer, Mu Feng stopped asking.

At the dinner table, Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly told Mu Feng that there was a mission in Bureau Nine that required his help.

This is the first time that Bureau Nine assigned Mu Feng a mission, and Mu Feng wondered, "What mission is it?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This task is quite strange, and we have already lost a lot of manpower in the ninth game. Otherwise, we won't ask you to take action."

Mu Feng's position in the Ninth Bureau is equivalent to a special guest, and he usually doesn't bother him with ordinary things.

After dinner, Jiang Xiaoyue drove Mu Feng to Jiangzhou City. Jiang Xiaoyue had a rather domineering Hummer, which didn't match her people, but she just liked to drive this kind of muscular car. Big Mac models.

Pulled up in front of an old moss-covered house.Mu Feng walked in with Jiang Xiaoyue, only to find that there was an elevator in this small building that was no more than three floors high!What was even more shocking after entering was that Jiang Xiaoyue directly pressed the button on the seventh floor of the basement.

After the elevator opened, it seemed as if they had entered another world. Many staff members in Bureau Nine uniforms were busy walking around. When they saw Jiang Xiaoyue coming, they hurriedly bowed their heads and said hello, director.

"This is the new base of Bureau Nine in Jiangzhou, doesn't it look very deceptive?" Jiang Xiaoyue said.

Mu Feng nodded and said: "It seems that there is a bit of mystery in the special department."

Jiang Xiaoyue took Mu Feng to a huge conference room, picked up a document and said to Mu Feng: "The thing is, a few days ago, the police suddenly found several mentally disturbed tomb robbers in Caoduo Village in the south of the city. After further investigation, it was discovered that not far from the village, there was an excavated ancient tomb of the Zhou Dynasty."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Shouldn't this be a matter of the Cultural Relics Bureau?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "If that's the case, it's indeed the matter of the Cultural Relics Bureau. But after that, people in the nearby villages began to die inexplicably in large numbers. The local police reported this matter to us, and we sent three groups of aliens in succession. Those who are able to investigate, but so far, no group has been able to come back alive.”

Mu Feng said: "Using supernatural beings? Why don't you send a cultivator to investigate this matter related to the ancient tomb?"

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng with a playful look and said, "It's not because of you!"

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Because of me?"

Jiang Xiaoyue: "After you became famous in the battle between Wanku Mountain and Shu Mountain, you have a well-known nickname in the cultivation world."

Mu Feng had a bad feeling and said, "What nickname?"

Jiang Xiaoyue covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "The number one calamity in the cultivation world!"

Mu Feng was puzzled and said, "Why?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Because you will soon catch up with Conan wherever you go and die."

When Mu Feng thought about it, it was indeed true. He went to Wanku Mountain by himself, and the heads of several cultivation sects who went with him all died cleanly.I went to Shushan by myself, the majestic Shushan Sword School, from the master to the elders were all dead, and a large number of ordinary disciples were also picked up.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "So now all the sects in the entire cultivation world, good and evil, have given death orders to their disciples, telling them to stay away from you. To avoid getting bad luck, so the disciples of the cultivation sects in the Ninth Bureau, do not I am willing to come to Jiangzhou. I am afraid of meeting you, the disaster star."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Okay, I'll take the blame. When are we going to visit which ancient tomb?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Wait a minute, the bureau heard that there is a problem with the ancient tomb, so they sent us an expert in this field, let's wait for him to join us."

Mu Feng said: "An expert in this field? Are there any experts in this field?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Of course, have you never heard of Captain Mojin?"

Mu Feng said excitedly: "Did you really touch Captain Jin? I only saw it in novels."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "You've seen all the cultivators before. Touching Captain Jin is nothing special. Let's go, let's go and see those crazy tomb robbers first."

(End of this chapter)

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