Agent of Heaven

Chapter 21 Touching Gold Captain Wu Lao 9

Chapter 21
Mu Feng looked at the big men with fierce faces in front of him.Looking at this attire, it turns out that they are probably not easy to mess with.But now they are curled up in the corner one by one, shaking non-stop, still muttering "There is a ghost, there is a ghost!" or "No, I will return everything to you!"

Standing beside her was a woman in her 30s wearing a suit. He was mainly responsible for sorting out the documents of the Ninth Bureau. He said to Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue: "They were originally a few gangsters from Miaoqian Street, Jiangzhou City. They usually fight and make trouble. , and has a history of drug abuse, extortion, and abduction, and has done a lot of things."

Mu Feng stepped forward and slapped one of the big bald men on the face twice: "Hey, is it the underworld?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Can you still understand me now?"

Several big guys continued to tremble crazily, but they kept talking about ghosts.

Mu Feng said: "What kind of ghost is it?"

"It's terrible, I'll give you everything back, don't eat me!"

Jiang Xiaoyue covered her forehead and said to Mu Feng: "It seems that she is completely crazy, and she can't ask anything useful."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "I don't know what happened to them, but these big men were so frightened."

A slightly old cold snort came in: "A few brats who don't understand anything, dare to fight because of their strength, it's not easy to be scared like this!"

Mu Feng followed the sound, and saw a man in a Tang suit walking in. He looked about five or sixty years old, his hair was a little gray, and he was not tall, but his waist was always straight, giving people a sense of humor. A feeling of still being strong.

The woman in suit who copied and organized the information said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "Director, this is Mr. Wu, an expert sent by the General Administration."

Jiang Xiaoyue and Mu Feng of the old man clasped their fists together and said, "Old Wu Laojiu, if you don't mind, just call me Uncle Jiu."

Mu Feng excitedly said: "You are the legendary Captain Mojin?" When he said this, he was pinched by Jiang Xiaoyue before he realized it. It seemed a bit impolite to ask others if they were grave robbers as soon as he came up.

Wu Laojiu laughed, but said indifferently: "It's all happened when I was young, so I don't need to mention it. I have been washing my hands for many years. Now I occasionally help the government with some archaeological work."

Jiang Xiaoyue told Wu Laojiu about the ancient tomb and the strange things that happened in detail.Wu Laojiu frowned and began to think: "Listening to what you said, even the surrounding villages have been affected. That tomb seems to be a bit interesting. Even if there are zongzi or blood corpses in the ancient tombs, it is not normal under normal circumstances. It will run out and affect the ordinary people around! Let's go and see, now!" When he said the last few words, his eyes lit up, as if there was still a faint expectation.

The three of them drove on the road, left the city, and after driving for a long time, they saw a stretch of mountains and some barren adobe houses, surrounded by a small river, and the river was full of locust trees.

"This... how could it be like this! How could there be such a man-made tomb?" Wu Laojiu looked at the mountain outside the car window, and his face became more and more ugly.

"What's wrong, Uncle Jiu?" Mu Feng asked.

Uncle Jiu said: "This mountain is so evil! If people are buried in such a place after death, it would be strange if they don't turn into zongzi!"

Mu Feng knew that these people must know some Feng Shui, so he asked, "What kind of saying is this?"

Uncle Jiu said: "Building a tomb pays attention to being close to mountains and rivers, with light in front and support in back! This is suitable. But there are ghosts (accust trees) by the river, and there are cliffs behind the mountain, and the surrounding area is low-lying. All the yin energy of a hundred miles is rushing to this place. This place is not used to bury people at all, but to raise corpses."

Mu Feng said: "Could it be that someone deliberately raises corpses here?"

Wu Laojiu frowned and didn't speak.After a while, the car arrived at the destination, which was a hillside, on which a hole about one meter wide was dug.

Wu Laojiu got out of the car, took a Luoyang shovel in his hand, turned over the soil inside, put it on his nose and smelled it: "This tomb should be more than 1000 years old, I'm afraid there will be big rice dumplings in it." " After finishing speaking, he took out two black objects from his arms and handed them to Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue: "This is a black donkey's hoof, you can use it for self-defense."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other with a smile, and accepted the two black donkey hooves.

Jiu Ye said: "The hole is dug quite deep, I'll get a rope from the car, I'll go down first, you two young men will follow behind."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Jiang Xiaoyue jump lightly and directly into the hole.

Master Jiu said in horror: "This robbery hole is not shallow, why did the girl just jump in?" Mu Feng smiled slightly, picked up Master Jiu, and jumped down directly.

Master Jiu felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he reached the bottom of the cave. Jiang Xiaoyue was holding a flashlight and was looking at something on the front wall.

"Two young people, why are they so unsteady, they didn't even leave a rope, how will we go up later?"

Mu Feng looked at Master Jiu and said, "Did the person who invited you here tell you what we do?"

Jiu Ye said: "I said it, it is said that it is a special department of the country that specializes in investigating evil incidents."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "That's all they told you?"

Master Jiu said, "What else can I say?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's nothing, let's go on." Thinking about it, Master Jiu thought they were all ordinary people.

Master Jiu walked to the wall and turned on the flashlight, and saw that there was actually a pair of strokes on it, but it was so badly peeled off that he couldn't see clearly anymore, only some black and white blurred lines remained.

Mu Feng said: "How is it?"

Jiu Ye said: "Looking at the age of this painting, I guess it is from the Spring and Autumn Period or the Warring States Period."

"It's been so long?" Mu Feng said, touching it.

"Don't touch it!" Uncle Jiu yelled, but it was too late, and several crossbow arrows shot from all around.

Mu Feng's reaction was extremely quick, and he dodged in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Mu Feng's quick and quick movements, Master Jiu praised: "Young man, you have good kung fu! You have practiced martial arts since you were young, right? There are really many talents in our national department."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Actually, I haven't practiced for long."

Several people continued to walk forward with flashlights. Although they saw that Mu Feng was very skilled, Master Jiu insisted on walking in front, saying that he was experienced, so Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue naturally followed him.

The three of them hadn't walked for a long time and they could smell the smell of blood, which made Wu Laojiu's complexion even more serious.Looking down, there was actually half a corpse in front of him!
Why is it said to be half, because the lower body of this corpse does not exist, as if it was eaten by some wild beast.

Mu Feng walked over and took a closer look. The corpse was wearing a big gold chain and had tattoos on its arms. It seemed that it was with those gangster grave robbers.

Wu Laojiu sighed, and continued to walk forward without saying a word, but at this moment!The stone slab under Jiang Xiaoyue's feet suddenly flipped over, and she just fell straight down!
Wu Laojiu felt close to the ground and shouted: "Little girl! Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Jiang Xiaoyue's voice came from the ground: "There seems to be another way here, do you want to come down and have a look?"

Wu Laojiu said: "Okay, wait until I find a way to open the mechanism!"

"Uncle Jiu, let me go first." Wu Laojiu looked up, and Mu Feng found a thick iron gun from nowhere and held it in his hand.

This iron gun is of course the black iron overlord gun, which is usually turned into the size of a pin by Mu Feng and worn on the collar, and it will be changed back to its original shape when it is used.

There was a loud bang, and Mu Feng smashed the stone slab with a single shot, and jumped down again with Master Jiu.

"Do you know what this is?" Jiang Xiaoyue raised her hand, a small bug the size of an egg was caught in her white fingers and she was struggling constantly.

(End of this chapter)

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