Agent of Heaven

Chapter 22 The Handsome Man Zombie

Chapter 22 The Handsome Man Zombie

"Corpse!" Mu Feng and Wu Laojiu exclaimed at the same time.

Wu Laojiu looked at Mu Feng suspiciously: "How do you know this thing? Could it be that your Excellency also..."

Mu Feng scratched his head and smiled, "No, I'm not, I saw it in Uncle San's online novel."

Wu Laojiu: "..."

At this moment, there was a very strange noise from all around, and a large number of corpses appeared around, and the black mass swept towards Mu Feng and the others like a flood.

"Run!" Wu Laojiu shouted.Looking back, she saw Mu Feng standing there motionless, Jiang Xiaoyue was sitting with her hands in various strange movements, and she was still chanting words.

"Why are you two still not moving, the corpses are about to swarm up!" Wu Laojiu said anxiously.

Mu Feng looked at the army of corpses getting closer and closer, knocked the black iron overlord gun on the ground in his hand, and let out a cold snort.Those corpse beetles didn't dare to go forward one after another, and started spinning in the distance.

Jiang Xiaoyue raised her hand, and the surrounding area suddenly burst into flames, and disappeared at a fast speed.Look at those corpses again, but they have all been reduced to ashes.

Wu Laojiu said: "What happened just now?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Do you want to know about state secret weapons?"

"Don't tell me! I didn't see anything!" Wu Laojiu is old and mature, so he naturally understands this kind of state secrets. The less he knows, the better.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, rolled a look at Mu Feng and said, "Let's move on."

The three of them continued to walk forward, and they came to a small tomb room, in which there were many pottery. Wu Laojiu stepped forward and said for a moment: "There are pottery tripods in these burial objects. According to the specifications, the owner of the tomb should be a A scholar-bureaucrat, and his position is not low!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue were naturally not interested in these funeral objects, so they dragged Wu Laojiu through this tomb and entered a large tomb.There are two rows of coffins in the center of this tomb, and Mu Feng counted a total of twelve.

Wu Laojiu hurriedly put down a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb, lit it up and said, "There is a rule in our industry that if you enter this kind of tomb, you must put a lamp in this place. When it's off, it's about to..." As soon as he said this, he saw the light go out suddenly.

"Uh, what if the lamp suddenly goes out?" Mu Feng asked in bewilderment looking at the extinguished oil lamp.

Wu Laojiu quickly knelt down, kowtowed three times to the coffins and said, "Just like me, kowtow three times and leave quickly!"

A coffin lid made a sound like grinding teeth, and then began to slowly open.A person whose whole body was blood red, as if he had no skin, slowly crawled out of it.

Wu Laojiu said with a trembling voice, "'s zongzi!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's just in time!" The figure turned into an afterimage and rushed over, lifted the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, and directly pressed it on the shoulder of the rice dumpling.The weight of more than 300 catties crushed the rice dumpling and knelt on the ground.

"Others! Get out of here too!" Mu Feng yelled at the other eleven coffins around him.

He roared, implying powerful mana to deter him, and the zombies in the surrounding coffins actually crawled out slowly, and knelt down in front of Mu Feng one by one.

Wu Laojiu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He clearly saw the panic in the eyes of those eleven zongzi, just like animals seeing their natural enemies.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to the eleven zombies: "Take us to meet the owner of this tomb, and I can send you to reincarnate!"

Those zongzi kowtowed to Jiang Xiaoyue when they heard the words, got up and led Mu Feng and others to the other tombs.

"I really don't know Taishan with my eyes. I didn't expect Mr. Mu to be such a capable person." Wu Laojiu looked at Mu Feng, his eyes were full of embarrassment.

Mu Feng said mysteriously: "This is also a state secret, you can't tell others after you go out!"

Wu Laojiu said: "I know, I didn't see anything!"

After a while, several people entered a huge tomb, on the top of the tomb were suspended many night pearls, arranged in the shape of stars in the sky.In the center of the tomb there is a huge platform of Taiji diagram, and a man is actually pacing slowly around the Taiji diagram.

In the center of the tomb, there is actually a man standing!This man is extremely handsome, his eyebrows are like clouds, his eyes are like stars, he wears a scarf and is dressed in white.Mu Feng has seen countless handsome celebrities on TV, but now he can guarantee that none of them will be more handsome than this man in front of him!This man is so handsome that he is almost perfect, even Jiang Xiaoyue next to him shows a bit of obsession.

Mu Feng hurriedly coughed a few times before Jiang Xiaoyue came to her senses, blushing and pinching Mu Feng.

Wu Laojiu suddenly said: "No, he is not human! He is a rice dumpling!"

Sure enough, the twelve zombies who led Mu Feng were all kneeling beside him with fear on their faces.

Mu Feng looked carefully, only to find that although this man was extremely handsome, there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he was a wooden man.

Jiang Xiaoyue also frowned slightly and said: "It's so monstrous, I'm afraid this zombie has already cultivated into a corpse demon!"

Corpse demon Mu Feng has seen a thousand-year-old corpse demon who escaped from Fumo Temple, and according to Wu Laojiu, this person died during the Warring States period, at least 2000 years ago, and he might still be alive in terms of cultivation Above the millennium corpse demon!
Mu Feng pulled Jiang Xiaoyue and flew directly onto the high platform of Tai Chi Diagram, only then did he find that there were several corpses lying on the other side of the high platform.

Jiang Xiaoyue took a closer look, and said slightly angrily, "It's the supernatural beings sent to investigate the ancient tomb some time ago, and it seems that they all died in the hands of this corpse demon!"

Mu Feng raised the Overlord Spear in his hand, and shouted at the handsome corpse, "Who are you! How dare you fight me?"

The handsome corpse looked back at Mu Feng, without saying a word, and rushed towards Mu Feng with dull eyes.Mu Feng swung the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand, and with the weight of more than 1000 jin plus Mu Feng's arm strength, he smashed it directly on the head!
But the handsome corpse demon didn't dodge either, it just instinctively raised its arm to block it, only to hear a "bang", the stone slab under its feet cracked inch by inch!Mu Feng shot down again, and there was a sound of breaking the handsome corpse demon's hands, and his feet sank deeply into the ground.Mu Feng swung the gun continuously, as if smashing a nail, and smashed it directly into the ground, leaving only one head and two arms exposed.

"This corpse looks like an idiot! Why can't he dodge?" Mu Feng scratched his head, looking at the handsome corpse who was still screaming at him.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It's really strange. It stands to reason that a zombie should have a preliminary spiritual intelligence after cultivating into a corpse demon, but you see, this corpse demon has nothing but good looks, and its IQ is not even as good as those zongzi!"

Mu Feng said: "Forget it, don't care about this, it will directly result in him completing the task first." After speaking, the Qingming Sword appeared in his hand, and he swung the sword and stabbed at the corpse demon's heart.

But!At this moment, the corpse demon suddenly had a look of light in his eyes, and slapped the ground with his hands and rushed out from the ground.The sword that Mu Feng stabbed only hurt his shoulder, but he quickly dodged it.

"Who are you!" The handsome zombie suddenly spoke at this moment, and the voice was surprisingly pleasant.

Mu Feng just sneered and said, "We are here to save you!"

The corpse screamed wildly, and the entire tomb began to shake violently. Huge stones fell down one after another. Mu Feng swung his gun to block the falling stones for Jiang Xiaoyue and Wu Laojiu. When he looked up again, he found that the handsome corpse had already disappeared. trace.

"He ran away!" Mu Feng gritted his teeth.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This place is about to collapse, let's leave here first."

Wu Laojiu said, "Go, I'll take you to the exit."

Mu Feng said: "No need, I'll clear the way!" The black iron overlord gun in Mu Feng's hand was shining with golden light, and he swung it with a burst of energy, piercing through the top of the tomb, revealing the blue sky outside.Then he pulled up Wu Laojiu and came up directly.

Jiang Xiaoyue also jumped up and came to the outside of the ancient tomb. Looking at the cave with a look of pity in her eyes, she made a formula with her hands and said slowly: "The emperor's decree, Chaoru's lonely soul, ghosts and ghosts, all four lives are blessed ..."

Mu Feng heard Daoyan recite the same incantation, and knew that it was used by Taoists to save others. After a while, he saw a clear light throwing into the entrance of the cave, sending all the zombies and people who died in the cave to reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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