Agent of Heaven

Chapter 23 The Scarlet Banshee

Chapter 23 The Scarlet Banshee
Gaitian has roots since then, and the earth was established in ugliness. Humans and demons coexist in the world, but the two are clearly separated and do not interfere with each other.Humans travel by day and rest at night, living in city-states and villages; demons travel by night and day, hiding in mountains, rivers and old forests.There are many demons who have the desire to be human, so they transform into human form and enter the world of mortals in pursuit of wealth and gentleness, and they are greedy for the prosperity of flowers and willows.For example, Daji at the end of the Shang Dynasty, and the white snake in the Song Dynasty, most of them ended up in a miserable end. Those who were greedy for power were decapitated;It is said that people and monsters have different paths, so don't touch them indiscriminately, otherwise it will cause disaster and chaos.

The way of heaven has also changed, and today in the world, rituals and music have collapsed, and yin and yang have been reversed.Most of the places where monsters lived, Zhong Lingxiu's place were occupied or destroyed by humans.The demon has no choice but to hide in the city and mix among mortals.However, the demon nature is inherently evil, and in the middle of the night, he likes to linger in places where the people are drunk, where the lights are feasting, the singing and swallows are dancing, and he chooses people to eat!

In a newly built bar on Miaoqian Street, under the flashing colorful lights, there is a strange smell everywhere. This is the smell of smoke mixed with the smell of perfume and burning marijuana, mixed with the strong hormones of men and women The taste of being together.The rhythm in the stereo is deafening, and the surrounding noise makes people feel dizzy. The most eye-catching thing here is probably the bodies writhing wildly on the dance floor.But after watching it for a long time, I feel that the girls in the nightclub are all similar in appearance, the only difference is the exposed parts.

Suddenly a different girl came in!This is a beautiful girl in a red dress. Her figure is tall and curvy. If she gains one point, she will be too fat, and if she loses one point, she will be too thin.The rolling eyes are gentle and charming, and the pair of pupils are cut like water.Probably the best portrayal of her eyes!The most important thing is that she came here alone!

Most of the men in the bar turned their gazes to her, and many of them had already raised their glasses, ready to move.But a tattooed guy with braids walked up to the girl in the red dress before everyone else said, "Hi, you're the prettiest girl I've seen here today, can I meet you?"

The girl in the red skirt smiled lightly: "Of course."

Seeing that the tattooed and braided man succeeded in striking up a conversation, the people around who also wanted to strike up a conversation couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so they all lowered their heads and drank.After a while, I saw the tattooed and braided man starting to move and kick the red skirt girl, and after a while, the two of them left the bar together and walked outside.

Moon, red moon.When the red moon was covered by clouds, there was a mummy in the uninhabited alley behind Miaoqian Street.A pretty figure in a red dress gradually disappeared at the end of the alley.

In front of the villa, by the small lake.

"What! You actually let a mere corpse escape from under your hands?" Yang Jian looked at Mu Feng and said.

Mu Feng could only smile awkwardly. After all, he had been with Erlang God for so long, and he still couldn't catch a corpse demon, which seemed to really disappoint him.

Yang Jian closed his eyes, then opened them again quickly and said, "It seems that the training for you is not enough. From now on, you will spend twice as much time practicing with me every day!"

"Hey, second brother, let me discuss something with you. Lend me the Xiaotian dog for two days, so that I can catch that corpse demon back."

"No borrowing! Everything depends on yourself!" Yang Jian's answer was decisive.

The frustrated Mu Feng came to the second floor and knocked on the door of Jiang Xiaoyue's room. In the villa, Mu Feng and three other men lived on the first floor, while the second floor was Jiang Xiaoyue's private territory.

"Come in!" Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward and opened the door. At this time, she was wearing a simple beige T-shirt and ran in with bare feet.

"I can't help it. Brother Yang is unwilling to lend me the dog. We can only check the whereabouts of the corpse slowly!"

"I didn't hold out hope at first, and besides, I don't believe that big greedy dog ​​can help us catch corpse demons." The big dog she mentioned refers to Xiaotian Dog. She still doesn't know the old pig and With Yang Jian's identity, he only thought that they were the elders of Mu Feng's sect.

"Forget it, I know the strength of my attack. I'm afraid the corpse demon's injury won't heal for a year or so. At least it won't be able to come out to harm people during this period of time. If you send more people out, you can always find it."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Then let's put aside the matter of the corpse demon. We received another case yesterday."

Mu Feng said: "What case?"

Jiang Xiaoyue handed over his laptop. There were several photos on it. The photos showed a skinny corpse with sunken eye sockets, protruding eyeballs, and extremely weirdly twisted limbs.

"This is a mummy found on Miaoqian Street in the early hours of yesterday!"

"A corpse?"

"That's right, but after the forensic examination, the death time of that mummy was no more than two hours!"

"Will a person who died for less than two hours become a mummy?"

"Of course a person will not turn into a mummy by himself, he should have been sucked by a monster to die!"

"Any other clues?"

"The identity of the deceased has been investigated. His name is Chen Zhen. He is a rich second generation. His family is in the car business. He usually likes to hang out in various entertainment venues. Before he died, someone saw him in a nearby red brick bar with a very Pretty girls leave together."

"It seems that the girl who left with him is a monster that has absorbed his spirit!"

"It should be right, you go back to sleep first, let's go to the bar to investigate at night."

"The bar, I haven't been to that kind of place yet." Mu Feng scratched the back of his head.

Jiang Xiaoyue squinted her big eyes slightly, and leaned in front of Mu Feng like a cat: "You really haven't been there? Don't you men like to go to that kind of place the most?"

Mu Fengzhi felt his nose itch, and his old face blushed slightly, "No!"

night, late night.The red moon hangs in the air, as if soaked in blood.

Mu Feng was wearing a suit and an expensive watch, sitting on the counter of a bar.

Sitting next to him, Jiang Xiaoyue watched with a smile on her face: "I didn't expect you to be so handsome dressed like this."

Mu Feng said: "Are you sure you can wait for that banshee who sucks people's soul here?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Just try your luck, Chen Zhen came to this bar before his accident."

Mu Feng said to the waiter, "Bring me a glass of beer."

The waiter handed over a bottle of Heineken and said, "Sir, it's eighty in total!"

Mu Feng almost spit out the beer he took a sip: "Why is it so expensive!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Look at your stingy look."

Mu Feng said: "Is there any reimbursement in this bureau?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "I'll report it to you when I complete the task, and you'll pay for it yourself if you don't catch the murderer!"

At this moment, a girl in a red dress came over gently and sat by the bar.

Jiang Xiaoyue wrinkled her small nose and said: "This woman has a faint strange smell, not like a monster, but she is definitely not human."

Mu Feng said: "I'll go up and see the situation."

Jiang Xiaoyue snorted suddenly and turned her head away.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you jealous?"

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed a little: "No! Who... who would be jealous of you!" She turned her head away as she said that.

"If there is a situation, you will try your best to ensure the safety of ordinary people here first."

"Okay, you have to be careful yourself!"

Mu Feng smiled slightly, and walked towards the girl in red: "Beauty, can I buy you a drink?"

When the girl in red turned around, her appearance was a beauty that Mu Feng had never seen before. This kind of beauty was suffocating, as if she didn't belong to the world.

"Okay, bring me a glass of lemonade." She spoke, and even the voice of her words was full of temptation.

Mu Feng felt that he was being seduced, even though the girl was just looking at him with a smile, and hadn't made any physical movements yet.But this smile is alluring, sexy, and something that makes men want to stop.

"Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, Liugong Fendai has no color." Mu Feng said it involuntarily.

The girl took the initiative to approach Mu Feng, parted her red lips lightly, exhaled like blue and said, "You are very interesting. This is the first time I have heard someone use this poem to describe me."

Mu Feng's heart beat so fast when he was teased, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this moment, a young man dressed in black, with a big iron plate hanging on his chest, and with white hair dyed came up to Mu Feng, pointed at Mu Feng and said, "You!"

"Is there something wrong?" Mu Feng looked at the child, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old at most.

Bai Mao said: "You, get out! I want to chat with this beauty!"

Mu Feng stretched out his hand to pinch the white-haired boy's wrist, raised his foot and kicked him on the knee, and the boy screamed and fell to his knees.

"Don't go out casually until you learn how to be polite." Mu Feng patted the rather handsome face of the white-haired boy and said.

Seeing the girl in red looking at him with interest, he smiled at her and said, "It's not fun here, let me take you out!"

The girl in red nodded, and the two left the bar together.

(End of this chapter)

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