Agent of Heaven

Chapter 24 Wushan Goddess and Song Yu

Chapter 24 Wushan Goddess and Song Yu

Morning, in the villa.

Mu Feng, who was pulled out by Yang Jian early in the morning to practice kung fu, finally sat on the sofa and started to prepare breakfast after a brutal beating.

Yang Jian served dumplings in the kitchen.The dumplings were made by Jiang Xiaoyue.She has been busy investigating the "mummy case" recently. She goes out with Mu Feng every night and sleeps wildly in the cat's house during the day.He didn't have time to cook for Mu Feng and others, so he simply made some dumplings and put them in the refrigerator.

Lao Zhu sat on the sofa waiting for food, while waiting, he looked at Mu Feng with a smile.

"What are you doing!" Mu Feng felt terrified at his weird smile.

"Hey, what are you doing with that girl Xiaoyue going out every night? Isn't it... Hey! Hey! Hey!" The old pig looked like a demon king.

Mu Feng said: "It's not what you think..."

"Hey, don't be embarrassed, young man, it's normal." The old pig said with a wretched face, "But you must also pay attention to temperance, not every day! You see that your body is very good, but Miss Xiaoyue is a mortal. ..."

Mu Feng covered his forehead and said, "You are already a Bodhisattva, why are you still so dirty."

Yang Jian came over with the hot dumplings and asked, "Is there something wrong recently?"

Mu Feng said: "Recently there have been many cases of monsters sucking the souls of mortals. Xiaoyue and I are investigating?"

"What! Sucking the spirit of mortals?" Yang Jian's eyes became sharp when he heard the words: "What kind of monster? It's so presumptuous!"

Exuding an extremely powerful aura, like a god of war who is not angry and majestic, it makes Mu Feng seem to see the picture of him waving a gun on the battlefield thousands of years ago and pointing at the thousands of troops.

The old pig with a hippie smile also became serious: "Sucking mortal spirits... This crime is not small!"

In fact, Mu Feng didn't know much about monsters absorbing souls, so he asked, "What's the matter with absorbing souls?"

Yang Jian said: "Everything in the world has a soul, and the soul is the core part of the soul, which contains the source of life. But if the soul is ingested or destroyed, the soul will be completely wiped out, and it will never be reborn. "

Mu Feng asked: "Then what is the effect of sucking other people's soul?"

Yang Jian sneered and said: "It has many functions. It can extend the life of seriously injured people, it can greatly increase one's mana, and it can also be used to refine extremely vicious magic weapons... But! Anyone who absorbs other people's spirits is the public enemy of the three realms." , after death, he will be thrown into a place of eternal doom!"

The old pig said: "I'm very curious, what kind of monster is it that is so insane?"

Mu Feng said: "It's a banshee in red, she is very beautiful, she uses a red short sword. Also! After my Qingming sword pierced her heart, she turned into a sea of ​​flames! Disappeared, And that fire seems to be able to burn everything, even part of my mana and Xiaoyue's mana has been burned away!"

The old pig said incredulously, "The red short sword turns into fire after death. Could it be her? No! It can't be him, she is so kind and gentle..."

Yang Jian's face was as frosty as he said: "The flame that can burn mana, who else but her?"

Mu Feng said: "Do you know who she is? And looking at Lao Zhu's expression, he seems to have a story with the red banshee! No, Lao Zhu, don't you like Chang'e?"

Yang Jian teased: "Marshal Tianpeng has pursued all the beautiful female fairies in the heavens, but only Chang'e has been molested."

The old pig ate the dumplings, and said vaguely: "Love has been filled with hatred since ancient times, and this hatred will last forever."

Mu Feng: "..."

Yang Jian continued: "The girl in red you met is the goddess of Wushan."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Wushan? I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

The old pig poured the entire plate of dumplings into his mouth, wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and said, "Once the sea was too difficult for water, but Wushan is not a cloud."

Mu Feng hurriedly handed his dumplings to Lao Zhu and said, "Eat more, don't read poems every now and then, it will scare the children."

Yang Jian said: "The Goddess of Wushan is the daughter of Emperor Yan in ancient times, her name is Yao Ji..."

"Hey, second brother, isn't Yao Ji your mother?" Mu Feng scratched his head.

Yang Jian was stunned: "How could Yao Ji be my mother? Where did you hear about it?"

Mu Feng said: "Well, I saw it in the TV series "The Legend of the Lotus Lantern"."

Yang Jian asked suspiciously, "The Lotus Lantern? What is that?"

"You don't know the Lotus Lantern? Second brother, do you have a nephew named Chen Xiang?"

"I'm an only child, and I don't even have a younger sister. Where's the nephew?"

"You don't have a sister? Then how did you put your sister under Mount Hua?"

Yang Jian's head was full of black lines and said: "First, Yaoji is not my mother. Second, I have no younger sister or brother! Third, even if I have, I will never put my younger sister under Huashan."

Mu Feng lamented that he was too deeply poisoned by the TV series. Judging from the time he got along with Yang Jian, although he was cold and liked to beat himself up for practicing martial arts, he was definitely not a ruthless and cruel person.

Without Mu Feng interrupting, Yang Jian continued: "Emperor Yan loved Yao Ji very much, but she died unmarried, and was hidden in Wushan. After her soul was reincarnated, she turned into a plant of Yao grass. Later, Emperor Yan took Yao Ji as her family Irrigated with the blood of the mythical beast Suzaku, turning it into a human form, and relying on the blood of Suzaku, possessed the supernatural power of not falling into reincarnation and being reborn from the ashes. Since then, she has become a goddess of Wushan, protecting the peace of the people in Wushan."

Mu Feng asked: "Is he a god? Then will my magic whip work for him?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "It's useless, she is the daughter of Emperor Yan, and she does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court."

The old pig sighed: "Ayao is the most kind and gentle female fairy I have ever seen, how could she do such a thing? Mu Feng, are you wrong?"

Mu Feng said: "I'm not sure either, after all I don't know Yao Ji, maybe it might be some other monster."

Yang Jian said: "It's unlikely. After the fall of the Suzaku holy beast, the world will be reborn from the ashes, and only Wushan Goddess will be left."

The old pig said: "I think back then, I almost chased after A Yao, it was that little boy Song Yu!"

Mu Feng was surprised: "Song Yu? What's the matter with Song Yu?"

Yang Jian said: "Song Yu is a disciple of Qu Yuan, full of talent, and a rare beauty in the world. One day, the Goddess of Wushan met him by chance, and she couldn't help falling in love with her, so she married him. Later, Song Yu died, and the Goddess of Wushan never knew trace."

The old pig said: "I still can't figure it out, what does Yao Ji want the soul of a mortal? He has absolutely no reason to use it like that."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Mu Feng's mind, and he couldn't help but think of the ancient tomb he visited a few days ago, and the unbelievably beautiful zombie man in the tomb.

"Are spirits useful against zombies?"

Yang Jian said: "Of course it is useful for zombies, and because zombies are formed from the body of a dead person, spirit spirits are more useful than other monsters... What do you mean?"

Mu Feng said: "That's right! That's how it should be. Compared to that Yao Ji, I really love Song Yu so much, otherwise I would never do this." All the doubts in Mu Feng's mind were solved in an instant. The handsome man zombie in the tomb has deep cultivation but no intelligence?Where did he go when he was seriously injured after the ancient tomb collapsed?Why did the goddess of Wushan become a demon who sucked the soul of mortals?
It seems that all the puzzles already have answers.

(End of this chapter)

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