Agent of Heaven

Chapter 172 The Past of Tai'a Sword

Chapter 172 The Past of Tai'a Sword

Tai'a Sword Spirit was suspended in the air, and extremely strong turbid air lingered around him.It made everyone present feel extremely uncomfortable.But the magic weapons in their hands seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, jumping and jumping excitedly, trying to completely escape the master's control.

Finally, Mu Feng couldn't hold the Black Iron Overlord Spear in his hand tightly, and the tip of the spear pierced his own throat with a cold light shining.

"Haha, go to hell!" Tai'a Sword Spirit looked at Mu Feng and laughed wildly.

Unexpectedly, the tip of the Overlord Spear pierced Mu Feng's throat, but it only made a crisp sound, and could not penetrate the skin at all.

Tai'a Sword Spirit exclaimed: "Your mortal body can be so strong...Huh? It seems to have been baptized by the dragon vein on Kunlun Mountain, no wonder."

Mu Feng said to Yang Jian and others around him: "Put away your weapons first, step aside, and I will surrender Tai'a Sword Spirit to me."

Yang Jian put away the three-pointed and double-edged gun, and said to Mu Feng: "Then be careful." He knew the relationship between Yinglong and Tai'a Sword in Mu Feng's previous life, so it didn't take long before Nezha and Kui Mu came. The wolf backed away.

The three of them withdrew several miles away, and centered on the place where Mu Feng and Tai'a Sword Spirit confronted each other, they teamed up to directly set up a barrier, and a huge white light curtain enveloped the entire ten-mile radius.In this way, the aftermath of the duel between Mu Feng and Tai'a Sword Spirit can be prevented from spreading, causing disaster to the fragile human world.

Tai'a Sword Spirit said to Huntian Ling who was hiding behind him: "You go out too, don't get in the way here."

Huntianling hesitated and said: "My lord, but they..." She knew that as soon as she left the protection of her lord, Yang Jian and Nezha who were waiting outside would beat her back to her original form.

Tai'a Sword Spirit looked at Huntianling and said coldly: "Trash! Under my command, I don't need such a cowardly and caring bastard like you!" After speaking, a sword energy directly pierced Huntianling's body.

Huntianling looked at Tai'a in astonishment, her face was full of disbelief: "My lord...why do you..." Before she finished speaking, her flesh and blood body burst open, a red The silk and satin emerged shining with light, but it floated in the direction of Nezha on its own initiative!

Mu Feng looked at Tai'a and said, "Are you also so cruel to your subordinates?"

Tai A said: "I don't like these people with low abilities the most. Sometimes their existence will only slow down the plan of this deity." The sword energy combined together, making a sound like thunder.

Mu Feng squeezed his hands firmly and said: "You have been lost by the turbidity in your body! How did you get invaded by these turbidity?"

Tai Ajie laughed strangely: "Is it turbidity? You are still so superficial, this! It's power! You don't know anything about power!"

Mu Feng said speechlessly: "Do you really have to do this?"

What Tai'a used to answer Mu Feng was a thick and solid sword energy, which was also mixed with a lot of turbid energy, making it full of destructive power.

Mu Fengjian pointed out that countless strands of golden sword energy condensed like a gust of wind, and finally collided with Tai'a's sword energy.

On the periphery, Nezha Yang Jian and Kui Mulang jointly maintain a defensive barrier.With the three of them fully exerting their power, no matter how powerful the mana fluctuations are, they can't leak the slightest bit.

Nezha was looking at the Huntian Ling in his hand, and asked strangely, "Why did she come back by herself?"

Kui Mulang lit a cigarette for himself, and at the same time handed one to Yang Jian and said with a smile: "Maybe she figured it out, that Tai'a sword spirit is old and ugly, not as attractive as our little fresh meat Nezha .”

Nezha ignored Kui Mulang's ridicule, but looked at the lit cigarette in his hand and said, "What is this?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "This is a good thing, do you want to try it?"

Yang Jian said: "Smoking to minors is prohibited."

Kui Mulang said: "The third prince is several thousand years old, why is he still a minor? At most, he is an expired prince."

Right now!Suddenly, the surrounding ground shook violently, and a majestic force hit the barrier set up by the three of them, so that dense cracks appeared on the barrier's light curtain.

Yang Jian said: "Release more mana to maintain the barrier!"

All three of them had intense mana brilliance shining in their hands, and they began to repair the cracks on the barrier.However, the battle inside the barrier seemed to be unexpectedly fierce. New cracks were constantly being formed, and the cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger, and there were traces of foul air escaping from the cracks.

Kui Mulang said: "No, why do I feel that this is not the aftermath, but Tai'a is attacking our barrier with all its strength?"

Nezha also said: "That's right, all the diffused sword energy is turbid, and I didn't feel Mu Feng's magic power. What's going on inside?"

Yang Jian said: "No matter what, we must trust Mu Feng and protect this enchantment. He will definitely not let us down."

Inside the barrier, Mu Fengyun calmly looked at Tai'a Sword Spirit who was really releasing sword energy continuously.

At this time, Tai'a's eyes were bloodshot, and he continuously released powerful sword energy to the surroundings, and shouted frantically: "Come on! Come on! So what about the [-] troops? None of them are my opponents!"

Mu Feng spread his hands and said with a smile: "It seems that the effect of the illusion on the sword spirit is not weak."

That's right, the moment Mu Feng fought against Tai'a, he used his current strongest stunt, the illusion, and instantly made the enemy fall into the illusion of his own demons.

"Let me see, what is the obsession in Tai'a sword spirit's heart!" Mu Feng closed his eyes, and through the illusory connection, he also entered Tai'a's inner demon world.

At this time, in the eyes of Tai'a, the surrounding area is no longer a deserted suburb, but an ancient battlefield thousands of years ago!As a sword, he was enshrined on a city tower, opposite to a [-] army holding the Jin character banner.

Finally, a king wearing a dragon robe and a bushy beard raised the Tai'a sword: "Tai'a! I sacrifice blood to you!" The Tai'a sword in his hand pierced his heart.

But in an instant, sand and rocks flew, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and Tai'a sword radiated a sword energy with boundless power, beheading all the enemy's [-] troops!

Mu Feng looked at the "Chu" flag floating in the city and said: "So it is, this is a war in the Spring and Autumn Period. The King of Chu sacrificed his life and gained strength through the blood sacrifice of Tai'a Sword to defeat the Jin State. The army. Is this what the Tai'a sword has been unwilling to forget?" He carefully observed the Tai'a sword exuding such boundless power, and saw that the sword energy it exuded at this time was extremely pure, without the slightest hint of evil. foul air.

Mu Feng rubbed his chin and said, "The Tai'a sword is still a mighty sword at this time, and it has not been controlled by the turbidity, so where did the turbidity that polluted it come from?"

At this time, the story of Tai'a Sword began to develop in the next scene.

(End of this chapter)

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