Agent of Heaven

Chapter 173 Tai'a's Ambition

Chapter 173 Tai'a's Ambition

The picture came to a huge and simple palace, and the dim oil lamps around were constantly flickering, which made the inside of the palace even more gloomy.

A young king stood in the court hall, holding Tai'a sword in his hand, looking at his clothes, he seemed to be the heir of the Chu king who had just sacrificed the sword.

An elderly minister stepped out of the queue and said to the new young King of Chu, "Your Majesty, the Tai'a sword is too destructive, and it is stained with the blood of the previous king. It is an ominous sword. I hope your majesty will destroy it!"

The scholar-bureaucrats around echoed, "Tai'a sword is ominous, please destroy it."

The young King of Chu nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Forget it, then destroy the ominous sword Tai'a according to what your family played."

In this way, the Tai'a sword was directly thrown into the smelting process.

Mu Feng looked at the past scene and sighed: "Tai'a sword saved Chu country from deep water and fire, but unexpectedly ended up in this end, really..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the furnace used to melt Tai'a Sword burst open, but Tai'a Sword was still standing intact inside.

The doctor of Chu State said: "This sword is too evil. Although it cannot be destroyed, it must not be left behind. Let it be sunk at the bottom of Taihu Lake, so that it will never see the light of day."

Since then, the Tai'a sword was transported to the center of Taihu Lake by the soldiers of Chu State and sank.

The depth of Taihu Lake is more than a thousand feet, and the water in it is cold, but it can't let Tai'a, which is one of the fragments of Xuanyuan Sword, show any rust.But Mu Feng could clearly feel that a resentment had begun to permeate the Tai'a sword at this time.

The picture in front of me gradually turned black, and I don't know how long it took, Tai'a sword was finally salvaged again, and then it was dedicated to the control of the power in the world at that time, and it has become Qin Shihuang's Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng is not an ordinary person, the blood of the ancient witch clan flows in his body, and he is the only one among the later generations of witch clan whose cultivation level is close to that of the demon king Chi You.Naturally, it is possible to recognize the divine sword forged from the fragments of Xuanyuan Sword at a glance.

Xuanyuan Sword used to be a sharp weapon for beheading the Great Wu Chi You, and naturally had a sworn feud with the Wu Clan.Qin Shihuang used the bones of Confucian scholars when he burned books and buried Confucian scholars to forge a scabbard, and hid the Tai'a sword in it.Often hung around the waist as an accessory, but never used.

The scabbard made of Confucian bones naturally contained extremely powerful resentment, and at this time the Tai'a sword had also begun to breed resentment, so the combination of the two naturally made the resentment even stronger.

Finally, Yingzheng's behavior of ruling the world aroused the dissatisfaction of the heavenly court.He sent Emperor Zhenwu and Emperor Gouchen to incarnate into the world.Emperor Zhenwu got rid of Bai Qi, the number one god of death in the Qin Dynasty.Gou Chen died with Ying Zheng.

The Tai'a sword fell into the hands of Emperor Zhenwu at this time, and he felt that this sword was no longer the pure power and power of the past, and the blade seemed to be full of resentment.So he took the sword back to the Heavenly Court and sealed it into the Heavenly Prison.

The sky prison is the place where the heavenly court imprisoned demons, and it is naturally the place where the turbidity of time is the strongest.Tai Ajian stayed here for a long time, unexpectedly the resentment on his body was gradually merged and transformed into turbidity.

It takes thousands of years for the Tai'a sword to pass in the sky prison.During this period of time, Tai'a Jian finally cultivated into a human body by absorbing the boundless turbidity in the prison, and became a sword demon.

"Hmph! Why did I come to this day? You have seen it?" Tai Ah said, looking in the direction where Mu Feng was.

Mu Feng wondered, "Can you see me?"

Tai A said: "I also saw you just now, as you can see, I experienced all the previous things quickly under your illusion."

Mu Feng looked at his fingers and murmured, "Strange."

Tai A seemed to see through Mu Feng's thoughts: "Are you wondering why my demons don't appear in my world?"

Mu Feng said: "That's the case, how did you do it?"

Tai'a walked up to Mu Feng's people with a smile, and suddenly tapped his chest with his hands, there was a sound of gold and iron on it, and the inside seemed to be empty: "As you can see, I don't even have a heart. Where did the demon come from?"

Suddenly, the surrounding scenes shattered, revealing the starry night sky outside.

The hallucinatory illusion was shattered.

Mu Feng said: "Since that's the case, it seems that my phantasmagoria can't stop you."

Tai A said: "No one can stop me!" A majestic sword intent shot out from his body, all pointing at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "What exactly do you want to do?" His eyes burst into golden light, and the huge phantom of Yinglong's body began to gather gradually behind him.No matter how powerful Tai'a's sword intent was, it couldn't make him take a step back.

Tai Ah looked at Mu Feng, with admiration in his eyes and said: "You can still be so calm under my sword intent. It seems that although your mana has not recovered, your faith is not weaker than before. I The requirements are very simple, what the human race and the monster race have, we also have to have it. We also want to have a world that we can control!"

Mu Feng said: "You also want to invade the human world?"

Tai A smiled contemptuously: "The gods and demons in your human world are all watching, so we won't interfere. I will naturally find a way to open up a new world."

Mu Feng smiled lightly and said, "It's really shameless of you to open up a new world." If it was him in the past, he wouldn't react when he heard this, but now, he has completely merged with Ying Long's memory, I fully understood how powerful it would be if we wanted to open up a new world in the chaos.

Take Mu Feng's master Zhen Yuanzi as an example. At that time, he held the innate spiritual treasure "Book from the Earth" and relied on the "Ginseng Fruit Tree" which is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, plus his own quasi-sage-level mana. There is a small Wuzhuang Guantian.

Mu Feng had lived in the cave of Wuzhuang for more than ten years, and he knew clearly that the cave here was only about a hundred miles in size.

Zhen Yuanzi, who is so powerful and majestic as the ancestor of the earth immortal, can only open up a cave of more than a hundred miles by all means.This Tai'a sword, a mere weapon spirit, actually wants to open up a world.If this matter gets out, I'm afraid that many people in both the gods and demon worlds will laugh their heads off.

So Mu Feng also smiled, he just smiled lightly, as if showing no trace.

But this chuckle angered Tai Ajian, he roared: "Ying Long! Let me tell you, I am not talking crazy! I will definitely open up a world belonging to the spirits for you to see! Let you two races of gods and demons You all understand that our weapon spirits are not your slaves!"

Mu Feng said: "I don't care if you want to open up the world, but if you come to the world with a weapon spirit to snatch the bodies of mortals, I must do so!"

Tai A said: "It's just a few mortals like ants. Is this worth fighting against me?"

Mu Feng sighed and said: "Look at you now, there is a lot of turbidity around you, you have already been confused by resentment!"

Tai A said: "Stop talking nonsense, you and I will fight head-on!"

Mu Feng said: "In this case, let's see the real chapter under my hand!"

The figures of the two collided together in mid-air, with dazzling golden light and sword aura at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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