Agent of Heaven

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Just when Mu Feng finally had no choice but to take out the Shengxie Sword to fight Tai'a to the death, he suddenly heard the sound of poetry chanting in the distance.It stands to reason that the place where the two are fighting has been completely covered by the barrier that Yang Jian and the other three do not know, and any sound from the outside world should no longer be able to come in.But the voice of reciting poems happened to be extremely clear, as if it was right next to the ears of the two of them.


First there is chaos and then there is heaven, and Daoist Zhenyuan is still ahead.

At the beginning of Hongmeng's spiritual root and pregnancy, he cultivated immortality with great virtue.

Knowing the three worlds through yin and yang, traveling in the blue sky and the underworld.

Laojun discussed Taoism in front of the altar, and talked about mind Zen with Buddha and Lao.

The mansion of the Immortals is the same as the world, but only my Wuzhuang Longevity Mountain!
Mu Feng finally heard who it was, and exclaimed in surprise: "Master!"

That's right, the person who came was Mu Feng's mentor, Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal!Only he can pass through the enchantment set up by Nezha and Yang Jian with his boundless mana, and transmit the voice in.

Tai'a naturally also heard who it was from the poem. He shook in the air a few times, and changed back into a human form, his expression became cloudy: Zhen Yuanzi is not far from here, and it would be better to deal with Mu Feng by himself. It is already so hard, if you add a more powerful Zhen Yuanzi, I am afraid that you will definitely not be an opponent.No matter!For future plans, he can only let Mu Feng go.

Tai Ah didn't hesitate any longer, and turned into a sword light, directly tore open the barrier set up by Yang Jian and Nezha and rushed out, disappearing into the sky in a blink of an eye.

The moment Tai'a disappeared, all the surrounding barriers were broken, and Zhen Yuanzi appeared in front of Mu Feng with fluttering sleeves, but he completely lost his calm and indifferent expression in the past, and instead seemed a little preoccupied.

Mu Feng was overjoyed and said, "Master, thanks for showing up in time."

Zhen Yuanzi didn't speak, just sighed, then shook his head again.

Mu Feng wondered: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Zhen Yuanzi said solemnly: "Follow me!" After speaking, with a wave of his hand, the two disappeared together in the open space.

Under Jianmu, the only sacred tree that completely connects the two worlds of heaven and earth, a brilliance flashed, and the figures of Mu Feng and Zhen Yuanzi suddenly appeared.

Mu Feng looked around and said: "Master, you brought me here, is there something wrong with your seal?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said: "Exactly, otherwise, how do you think Nezha and Tai'a came to the world?" He pointed to the seal on Jianmu.

Mu Feng looked in the direction of Zhen Yuanzi's finger, and saw that most of these seals were still intact, except for a small crack in one of the corners.

"This crack is... a sword wound!" Mu Feng observed carefully for a moment: "There is still a lot of turbid air attached to the crack! It must be Tai'a! Only the body of Tai'a sword can pierce your seal, Master."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and then raised his hand, a gossip mirror shining with this light flew out of his hand, blocking the only crack on the seal.

"This gossip psychic mirror was made by the master after beheading a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise in the past and refining it from his tortoise shell. It can temporarily suppress the crack."

Mu Feng was shocked when he heard the words: "It can only be suppressed temporarily?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "The seal I set up is all in one body. If I don't feel it in time, the seal will collapse in less than a day. By then, the gods of the heavens will have been beaten The defeated monsters will send troops to the human world!"

Demon soldiers attack the human world!
As Zhen Yuanzi uttered these few words, the hairs all over Mu Feng stood on end, as if he had seen countless monsters with fur and horns break into the city full of tall buildings and buildings, and raised their hands at mortals with low combat power. Butcher knife.

No!This must not be allowed to happen!Mu Feng shook his head vigorously, dispelled the fear in his heart, and asked, "Master, is there any other way?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "There is no way!"

Mu Feng stayed where he was in shock, speechless for a while.Even Master Zhen Yuanzi, who has always been omnipotent, showed such a helpless look.Is the human world really hopeless?

"Master, your gossip psychic mirror..."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "This thing can only buy us a maximum of [-] days. After [-] days, the seal on the wood will be completely broken. No one can change this."

Mu Feng murmured: "Is it only one hundred and eight days?" After speaking, he turned around and wanted to go to the human world.

Zhen Yuanzi asked, "What are you going to do?"

Mu Feng said: "Prepare for battle!"

Zhen Yuanzi showed a surprised expression: "What did you say?"

The army of monsters was about to invade the world, and Zhen Yuanzi was already prepared to pass on what he had learned all his life to Mu Feng during these three months, so as to help him quickly recover the magic power of Yinglong in his previous life.Then the two teamed up to open up a small world, trying to divert as many humans as possible to escape from the human world.But Mu Feng's reaction was completely beyond Zhen Yuanzi's expectation,

Prepare for war?ridiculous!For thousands of years, when did the cowardly human race have the strength to fight against the blessed monster race?In the past, when they encountered such situations, they all worshiped Buddha and prayed to God, praying for salvation!

But Mu Feng said firmly: "I can't watch the civilization of the human race be destroyed for thousands of years. No matter how powerful the enemy is, if we can't lose the will to resist from the beginning."

Zhen Yuanzi looked calm, but then suddenly laughed, and the loud laughter spread far away.

Mu Feng said: "Even the master laughs at the disciple's overreaching?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "No way!" He patted Mu Feng on the shoulder and said, "I'm very happy, you have grown up!"

Mu Feng is in a daze, did you always grasp your feelings when you were a child?

Zhen Yuanzi said: "When I am on your body, I seem to see the General Ying Long who stood on the prehistoric battlefield thousands of years ago again."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Actually, my memory has recovered!"

Zhen Yuanzi said happily: "Is that true? It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "If it's as expected, as long as you retreat for a period of time and comprehend the way of heaven, you can kill a corpse and have a mana that is not weaker than in the previous life."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Since this is the case, you should leave other matters to others first, and hurry up to retreat and study."

Mu Feng said: "But..." He looked in the direction of the human world.

Zhen Yuanzi immediately understood what Mu Feng was worried about, and said with a smile: "Can you still be facing that Tai'a?"

Mu Feng said: "Exactly! That Tai'a mana is no longer under me. Now that I have arrived in the human world, I don't know what conspiracy there is. I must..."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just a spirit weapon, the reason why it has such ambitions now is not its original intention."

Mu Feng asked: "Isn't it his original intention?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Did you notice the turbidity around him? It's not ordinary turbidity, but the turbidity from Chi You's blood. It's extremely violent. No matter it is touched by any living being, it will change its temperament."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "This also explains why he can make those weapon spirits who have been with the master for a long time not only betray the master, but also become extremely bloodthirsty."

Zhen Yuanzi continued: "Although he broke my seal, he didn't see other monsters entering the mortal world. It can be seen that he also sneaked into the world secretly, and he is not of one mind with those monsters like Dapeng."

Mu Feng said: "When Nezha was investigating the enemy's situation, he should have happened to meet him not long after he broke the seal, and before he had time to come to the human world, the two started fighting, and then Nezha was defeated and just fell into the human world."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "In this case, Tai'a is now a lonely family. There are so many people on our side. To deal with him, it is natural that there is no more than you, and no less than you."

Only then did Mu Feng feel relieved: "Master, is he going to deal with Tai'a himself?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and smiled, "He's not worth my while. So I'll leave it to you! But don't worry, I won't let him make too much noise until your retreat is over."

With Zhen Yuanzi's promise, Mu Feng was naturally relieved, and immediately thought about where to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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