Agent of Heaven

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Mu Feng followed Zhen Yuanzi back to the front of the villa, but saw a large group of people standing by the gate to welcome him.It was Jiang Xiaoyue, Qing Su, Ning Yuan and others, and even Yang Jian rushed back.

Both Yang Jian and Nezha got the voice transmission from Zhen Yuanzi in advance, knowing that they were coming soon, so they asked everyone to welcome them out of the door in advance.Naturally, they all stepped forward at this time, and bowed to Zhen Yuanzi first.

Zhen Yuanzi was not a person who sticks to etiquette, with a wave of his sleeves, a gust of wind was brought up to help everyone up.Mu Feng then introduced Ning Yuan, Yan Hong, and Nie Xiaoqian to Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi heard that these three people were Mu Feng's new disciples, so he looked at them carefully and said: "Since your three people are Feng'er's disciples, they are naturally also regarded as the disciples of Longevity Mountain. If so, let's go to Wuzhuang Temple to practice. Bar!"

Mu Feng heard the words: "Master, Wuzhuang Temple is far away from here, and if no one introduces it, I'm afraid we won't be able to find the door."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "Do you really think that Master is old and foolish? Aren't you looking for a retreat place? Come with me." Then he led everyone towards the back of the villa.

After walking not far, I saw the small lake behind. At this time, there were reeds growing on the shore, and they kept swaying with the breeze.The scenery here is quite beautiful, so it is a place where people often visit in their spare time.Everyone is very familiar with it, so naturally they don't understand why Zhen Yuanzi led everyone here.

Unexpectedly, with a wave of Zhen Yuanzi's sleeves, a gust of wind swept the crowd, and they fled to the lake together.

Zhen Yuanzi's mana was so powerful that he isolated the lake water, and everyone dived all the way, but they didn't touch a drop of water.

The underwater was dim, everyone dived extremely fast, just for a moment, Fang felt that the light suddenly brightened in front of his eyes, and everyone broke out of the water, only to feel that the eyes suddenly opened up, the blue sky was still blue, and the white clouds were fluttering, as if they had come to another world!
Xiao Qingsu pointed to the distance and said, "Look, there is a mountain over there!"

When everyone looked at it, they saw a fairy mountain. It was really a good mountain: it was extremely high and majestic, and its momentum was majestic.The root is connected to the Kunlun vein, and the top is in Hanzhong.Every time the white crane comes to perch on the juniper, when the black ape hangs the wisteria again.The sun shines on the clear forest, surrounded by thousands of red mist;You birds sing chaotically in the green bamboo, golden pheasants fight among the wild flowers.I saw the Millennium Peak, Wufu Peak, and Furong Peak, majestic and majestic, shining brightly; the Longevity Stone, Tiger Tooth Stone, and Three-pointed Stone, all bursting with phosphorus and phosphorus to generate auspicious energy.The grass in front of the cliff is beautiful, and the plums are fragrant on the ridge.The thorns are dense, and the orchid is light.In the deep forest, eagles and phoenix gather thousands of birds, and in ancient caves, unicorns govern thousands of animals.The stream is affectionate, with many twists and turns; the peaks and ridges are continuous, overlapping and returning.See also the green locust trees, spotted bamboos, green pine trees, all blooming for thousands of years; white plums, red peaches, and emerald willows compete for beauty in the three springs.Dragons sing and tigers roar, cranes dance and monkeys cry.The elk emerges from the flowers, and the green luan sings to the sun.It is the blessed land of Xianshan, just like Langyuan in Penglai.I also saw some flowers blooming and thanking the top of the mountain, and the clouds went to the peak of Yunlai Ridge.

Seeing this, everyone sighed one after another, the mountain is majestic and majestic.Nie Xiaoqian and Yan Hong Ningyuan were the least knowledgeable of them all, so they felt relaxed and happy immediately, and their eyes became blurred.I just feel that in such a good place, even if I die here, I will have no regrets in this life.

Others don't know, but Mu Feng recognizes this place. This place is not anywhere else. This is the Five Villas of Longevity Mountain where he lived for ten years.

Mu Feng was shocked and said: "Wuzhuang Temple, why are you here?

Nezha turned back in astonishment and said, "What? This is Wuzhuang Temple!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw more than a dozen people coming from the sky against the wind. They were all wearing Taoist robes with fluttering sleeves.

More than a dozen people came before the crowd, bowed down to Zhen Yuanzi one by one and said, "I have seen Master."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Get up quickly."

The two little boys in the back blinked mischievously when they saw Mu Feng: "Junior brother, long time no see.

Mu Feng also laughed, these two little Taoist boys are not others, they are the two little brats of Qingfengmingyue.

Naturally, everyone followed Zhen Yuanzi to the Wuzhuang Temple where the guests and hosts were seated, and some disciples offered tea and fruit,
Yang Jian exclaimed, "Great Immortal Zhenyuan really has great powers. He can actually move the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain to the bottom of this lake."

Great Immortal Zhenyuan smiled and said, "It's not a supernatural power. Longevity Mountain is a small world outside the human world. It's not a means to move it anywhere."

Mu Feng happily said: "Now the Wuzhuang Temple is at the bottom of the lake behind my house, wouldn't it be very convenient for me to travel between my home and my teacher's school in the future.

In fact, since the appearance of Tai'a, Mu Feng began to worry about the safety of Jiang Xiaoyue and others at home. Naturally, they are far inferior to those opponents in terms of strength. Now that Wuzhuang Temple is behind the house, they can naturally guarantee It's safe. .

Zhen Yuanzi said to Mu Feng: "During this period of time, you will stay here for closed-door training, and you will not be able to leave the closed-door training until you have reached your supernatural powers and cut off your body. At that time, Tai'a will test you The difficulty of cultivating results."

Mu Feng saluted and said: "The disciple respectfully obeys the master's order." After saying goodbye to everyone, he turned into a streamer and flew away after thinking about Wuzhuang Temple, sitting cross-legged under the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. .

Zhen Yuanzi said to Nezha Yang Jian and Kui Mulang again: "You are the generals of the Heavenly Court, and now the next generation has a weapon, a spirit, and a monster, and it was born with the blood of Chi You, so you go and stop the disaster from now on." world."

The three of Yang Jian nodded in agreement.

Kui Mulang said: "In this case, the three of us will return to the human world and keep an eye on Natai's movements."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded: "That's fine, then Tai'a doesn't know what he's planning, but when necessary, I will naturally take action. The three of you should be careful not to be plotted by him."

The three of them nodded in agreement, bowed to Zhen Yuanzi, and then went to the human world again.

As soon as the three of them left, Jiang Xiaoyue who was sitting there seemed to want to say something, but she still seemed hesitant to speak.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "Xiaoyue, you are also my junior, if you have something to say, just say it, don't be too polite."

Jiang Xiaoyue was still a little embarrassed, she lowered her head.

However, Zhen Yuanzi had already seen what he was thinking, and said with a smile: Miss Xiaoyue, I think you are very talented, why don't you worship the poor Daoist as your teacher, how about it? "

Jiang Xiaoyue said pleasantly: "Really, Daxian is really willing to accept me as a disciple."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded: "Hurry up and offer tea to Master."

Zhen Yuanzi naturally understands that Jiang Xiaoyue is a genius in cultivation after all, but after all, she has been wandering in the human world for too long, and has wasted a lot of time without getting guidance from a real famous teacher.However, he is very talented and has a special physique. As long as he teaches according to his aptitude, he will become a great help to Mu Feng in the near future.

Xiao Qingsu jumped next to him and said, "I also want to worship Uncle Immortal as my teacher."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "I really dare not accept you as an apprentice."

But Xiao Qingsu refused to follow, she stepped forward and grabbed Zhen Yuanzi's beard and said: "I don't care, I will worship you as my teacher."

Zhen Yuanzi was not angry, but instead looked at the little girl dotingly: "I will not accept you as an apprentice, this will introduce you to another powerful master."

Xiao Qingsu asked: "Who is that? Are you as good as you?"

"There are some things about this guy, but he's much better than me," Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

Xiao Qingsu said: "Oh? Then where is he?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Fire Cloud Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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