Agent of Heaven

Chapter 177 Three Emperor Saints

Chapter 177 The Saint of the Three Emperors
When Jiang Xiaoyue heard the words "Fire Cloud Palace" from Zhen Yuanzi, she immediately felt a little familiar. After thinking for a while, she was shocked and said, "Could it be the Fire Cloud Palace where the Three Emperors and Saints lived?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and nodded, "Exactly."

According to legend, the Three Emperors and Saints are Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan, the three emperors who ruled the human race and educated the people in ancient times.It is said that after they completed their merits and virtues in the world, they retreated into the Fire Cloud Palace. From then on, disasters and misfortunes did not touch them, and they no longer asked about human affairs.

Naturally, Xiao Qingsu didn't care how powerful the Three Emperors and Saints were, she was just pestering Zhen Yuanzi at the moment, arguing that she was going to find a powerful master to learn from her right now.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't bear the little guy's entanglement, so he stood up, smiled at Jiang Xiaoyue, and said, "You also go with us, speaking of which, you have some relationship with one of the Three Emperors."

Jiang Xiaoyue was very excited when she heard that she could meet the legendary ancestor of China, the Saint of the Three Emperors, so she agreed immediately.

Zhen Yuanzi rolled up an auspicious cloud, entrusted Jiang Xiaoyue and Qing Su in it, turned into a streamer and galloped away.Along the way, the wind was fast and fast, and the Ambilight could only be seen receding, but it couldn't even see any scenery.There is no other reason, only because Zhen Yuanzi's flying speed is too fast.So after a while, the three of them arrived at the Huoyun Palace where the legendary Sanhuang Saint lived in seclusion.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked carefully, but saw: the power is connected to the heaven, the name is Huoyun; the green and verdant pine, the dragon scales overlap;The velvety green grass, the dragon's whiskers are soft; the weird old trees, the antlers and forks.The mountains of rocks are like crouching tigers, big and small; the old hanging walls are like snakes with curved arms.There are some clear golden and green shadows on the red wall, and the fragrant auspicious lotus can only be seen in the low stream; the dense mist is locked in the cave, and the green mountains are covered with brilliant haze.The singing of Cailuan is like the babbling and hoarse rhythm; the whistling of both red and phoenix is ​​suspected to be the loud and loud Shengjia.Little by little, the clear water jumps out from the jade girl's plate; the rainbow flows, shining and flying from the Canglongling.It is truly a blessed land that is not as good as a fairyland, and Huoyun Immortal Mansion is better than Xuandu.

A boy of water and fire greeted him, seeing that it was Zhen Yuanzi, he hurriedly saluted and said, "It turns out that the master of Wuzhuang Temple is here, and my disciple is here to greet you."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "There is no need to be too polite. I wonder if the three Taoist brothers are in there." It's enough to call Daoist brother.

Shuihuo boy said: "The three masters are all inside, just now the master of the emperor figured out that there are distinguished guests coming outside, and asked his disciples to come out to greet him, unexpectedly, the great immortal came."

Zhen Yuanzi just smiled: "Brother Tianhuang's hexagram skills are still so precise."

The emperor in their mouths refers to Fuxi, who is the inventor of gossip and the elder brother of the sage Nuwa.Although his cultivation base is much weaker than that of the Sanqing and the Second Western Hierarchs, his divination skills are unparalleled in the Three Realms.It is also said that what Fuxi first comprehended was the innate sixteen hexagrams, which could calculate all the things under the way of heaven, but because of this, half of them were erased by the way of heaven, and became the innate gossip.

When everyone entered the Huoyun Palace, Jiang Xiaoyue saw the three old men lying high on the futons, so she knelt down and saluted: "Disciple Jiang Xiaoyue, I have met the emperor! May the emperor live forever."

Fuxi said: "You should be a disciple of Zhenyuan Taoist, and you are also our junior. There is no need to be too polite. Get up quickly."

When Zhen Yuanzi saw the Three Emperors, he just cupped his hands slightly, and said with a smile: "Three friends, I haven't seen you for many years."

Fuxi said: "I think it has been 1000 years, but your visit this time brought us good news."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "I already knew that you can't hide anything from fellow Taoist Fuxi, your innate gossip calculations are too powerful."

Fuxi smiled and said nothing, Xuanyuan asked: "What news did the Great Immortal bring?"

Zhen Yuanzi pulled out Xiao Qingsu who was behind him, smiled at Xuanyuan and said, "Fellow Daoist, who do you think this is?"

Xuanyuan stared at it for a moment, first he was overjoyed, then he sighed: "My heart is so comforted!"

Qing Su looked at Xuanyuan's, her big eyes filled with tears and said, "Why do I feel so kind when I see this old man. Why do I suddenly want to cry?"

Zhen Yuanzi stroked Qing Su's head with pity: "Son, this is the master I found for you, hurry up and learn from him."

Qing Su immediately walked up to Xuanyuan, and shouted crisply: "I have seen Master."

Xuanyuan showed a gratified expression: "Son, just come back."

Fuxi and Shennong said to Xuanyuan together: "Congratulations, Brother Dao!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was already deeply shocked by the scene in front of her. She had known for a long time that Qing Su might be the reincarnation of a very powerful god.But she never expected that there would be such a deep relationship between her and the ancient Three Sovereigns.Who is Qing Su?
Shennong looked at Jiang Xiaoyue at this moment: "This little friend."

Jiang Xiaoyue straightened her body and said: "The disciple is here." This is the dignified Emperor Yan talking to herself, so naturally she is extremely nervous.

Shennong laughed and said, "I once had a girl 'Yao' who was a demon in the world, causing chaos. Thanks to Xiaoyou and Yinglong's reincarnation to prevent her from making mistakes again and again."

Jiang Xiaoyue hurriedly said: "Disciple is terrified, after all, he did not save Princess Yaoji's life." She immediately understood that what Shennong was talking about was that she once absorbed the mortal spirit Wushan Goddess in order to save her lover in the world.In the end, she was beaten back to her original form.

Shennong smiled and said: "It's okay, everything will have a definite outcome. My daughter has committed too many crimes and deserves this punishment. She will have a chance to reappear in human form after a thousand years." After speaking, he spread his palms, and a yao grass appeared with a faint light In his hands: "Little friend, you and Ying Long are merciful, leaving behind a trace of the little girl's soul, so I still want to thank you."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Disciple is terrified." In fact, she was already happy in her heart, and she understood that this is what Zhen Yuanzi said about her chance.

Shennong said, "Follow me to Ziyun Cliff."

Jiang Xiaoyue followed Shennong to Ziyun Cliff, and Shennong pulled out a piece of grass and handed it to her, saying: "This grass is given to you as a gift, it can help you greatly improve your skills."

Jiang Xiaoyue took it with both hands and asked, "I don't know what this is?"

Shen Nong said: "This thing is called Xue Huan Dan. Ordinary people who take it will die of blood boiling all over their bodies. But you are different. The blood in your body is different from ordinary people. You are endowed with extraordinary talents. It can stimulate all the power of the blood in your body."

Jiang Xiaoyue immediately thanked her and said: "Thank you, my lord!"

Shennong said: "You don't have to thank me. Every drink and peck in my world has its own cause and effect. You have left my daughter alive, and you have formed a good cause with me. If I give you blood for the pill, you will return it." Good fruit. Since then, neither of you owes me anything."

Jiang Xiaoyue took the blood for the pill, and returned to Huoyun Palace with Shennong.Zhen Yuanzi and the Three Emperors are old friends, so they stayed together for a few days.

Afterwards, Xiao Qingsu was left in Huoyun Cave to accompany Xuanyuan and learn Taoism by the way.Jiang Xiaoyue and Zhen Yuanzi returned to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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