Agent of Heaven

Chapter 178 Nezha's Melancholy

Chapter 178 Nezha's Melancholy

Kui Mulang and Nezha walked side by side on the street.

At this time, Nezha has changed into a mortal attire, but even if he puts on the fake Adidas sports suit that Mu Feng once wore, it can't hide the handsomeness of this beautiful boy.Along the way, many girls blushed and kept looking back, and many of them were brave enough to ask Nezha for his phone number.

Although Nezha doesn't know what a phone is, he is definitely not stupid, but he can see their plans from the eyes of those girls with heavy makeup.So he rejected them all outright.

Kui Mulang curled his lips and said, "Third Prince, I said you are several thousand years old, is it true that you have never been in love once?"

Nezha said: "No, the law of heaven stipulates that gods are not allowed to have lust."

Kui Mulang laughed loudly and said, "Excuse! The Queen Mother's rules of heaven can only restrain those fairies at most. Your majestic Third Prince Nezha, the great god of the Santanhaihui! It's so difficult to be afraid of the mere rules of heaven?"

Nezha snorted coldly, "Kui Mulang, you have too much control."

Kui Mulang knew that Nezha was so indifferent no matter who he talked to because he was hit when he was a child, so he didn't show any unhappy expression, but continued: "It's rare for you to come down, and it's very likely that you will come down later. You don't need to go up. If you don't succeed as a god, you haven't thought about finding a beautiful girl in the world."

Nezha turned his head and glanced at Kui Mulang: "We are here to find Tai'a's whereabouts, can you stop thinking about these boring things."

Kui Mulang spread his hands and said, "Since the last time Tai'a disappeared, it has been a week since he felt any aura."

Nezha was silent, indeed, since the last battle with Mu Feng, Tai'a seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he could no longer find a trace of him.

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "Okay, it's rare to come to the world, third prince, you should relax a bit. Look at this colorful world, confusing people's eyes, is it true that there is no heartbeat at all?"

Nezha raised his eyes and looked around. There are tall buildings everywhere, the roads are neat, and the noise is accompanied by traffic jams.

"Oh! This is very different from the previous world..." Nezha just sighed, and lost interest in the surroundings: "Let's find a way to find Tai'a."

Kui Mulang said: "Come on, you've been thinking about it for a week, and I haven't seen what you've come up with." He took out his phone and checked the time: "Oh, Miao Miao is leaving school, I have to pick it up." She, are you going with me, or are you trying to find a way here?"

Nezha didn't answer Kui Mulang's question, but instead asked, "How long are you going to do this?"

Kui Mulang said: "What do you mean?"

Nezha said: "The maid of Pixiang Palace has completely lost her fairy status now, and has become a mortal forever. Since then, she has had birth, old age, sickness and death, and has to enter the six reincarnations. From Baihuasha to He Miaomiao, you have been with her for two lifetimes, but How long are you going to stay with her?"

Kui Mulang thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "I will accompany her forever."

Nezha asked: "But you are the star king in the sky, you should be high above..."

Kui Mulang interrupted Nezha and asked, "Third Prince? Let me ask you why you should be superior?"

Nezha said, "Gods are above mortals."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "Third Prince, you still don't understand after all."

Nezha frowned and said, "What do I not understand? You can explain it to me."

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "Although the maidservant of Pixiang Palace and I have different identities, we really love each other, but we have to escape to the mortal world because of the goddamn rules set by that old woman, the Queen Mother."

Nezha said: "In fact, many figures in the heaven admire you very much."

Kui Mulang said: "I know, you have actually helped me a lot in secret, otherwise I would not have been able to go to the lower realm twice so easily. But, have you really never thought that the existence of Tiantiao is actually unreasonable?" As he spoke, he suddenly became excited: "Why is it stipulated that the gods should be pure-hearted and ascetic? We obviously have desires! The purpose of the law of heaven is nothing more than to erase our humanity!"

Nezha sighed, "I don't know what you're talking about. After Tiantian wipes out all humanity, only divinity remains. It's better to be at the mercy of Heaven."

Kui Mulang said: "You know the rules of heaven are unreasonable, but why do you still obey them?"

Nezha sighed: "No matter where there are rules, we can't fight against them. Otherwise...otherwise fathers will kill their sons, and brothers will kill each other..."

Kui Mulang looked at Nezha, and he suddenly found that this young man was much more mature than he had imagined.He also began to gradually understand how the third prince who once went to the world to make troubles changed from a person who yearned for freedom to a thug of the heavenly court.

Nezha is different from Yang Jian.

Yang Jian is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, barely a half-noble.Coupled with his strong strength, even if Heavenly Court cannot order him, it will not easily move him.

And Nezha's father, Li Jing, is a person who admires power and status extremely.Although his own abilities are limited, he has three extremely outstanding two characters.The eldest son Jinzha and the second son Muzha are the proud disciples of the two Bodhisattvas Manjusri and Avalokitesvara respectively, and they both have a pivotal position in Lingshan.

Back then, there was only the third son, Nezha. Although he was apprenticed to Daoist Taiyi, he lacked discipline. Relying on his own abilities and supernatural powers, he turned the world upside down.Li Jing forced Nezha to commit suicide in order not to completely fall out with the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas.It really is extremely heartless!But after Nezha was resurrected by his master with lotus roots, he still had to obey him because he was afraid of the Linglong Pagoda in Li Jing's hands.All of these eventually formed Nezha's young and mature personality.

Kui Mulang looked at Nezha and said, "Have you really thought about staying in this world?"

Nezha smiled and said, "So what if I stay in the world? Anyway, I am just a powerful tool in the hands of others at any time. When I conferred the gods, I belonged to Chanjiao, and after that, I belonged to Heaven. I don't believe they would be so easy let me go..."

Kui Mulang said: "With your supernatural power, how many people in the court are your opponents today."

Nezha smiled bitterly: "But my father has the Linglong Pagoda!"

Seeing Nezha's bleak smile, Kui Mulang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Having an old man like Li Jing on the table was undoubtedly the most difficult thing in Nezha's fate.

Heavenly King Tota Li, the Generalissimo of the Heavenly Court, in order to hold more power in his hands, this man is already desperate, even if he sacrifices his own son.

(End of this chapter)

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