Agent of Heaven

Chapter 179 9 Li Clan

Chapter 179 Jiuli Tribe

Jiang Xiaoyue sat cross-legged in a quiet room in Wuzhuang Temple, carefully looking at the red fairy grass in her hand.She still clearly remembered Zhen Yuanzi's sighing expression when he saw the fairy grass.

"Brother Shennong actually gave you this 'Blood Returning Pill', I really don't know what he thinks..."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "Is there something wrong with the fairy grass?" When she heard the name "Xue Huan Pill", she felt very ominous. Planting fairy grass doesn't necessarily mean harming oneself.

Zhen Yuanzi caressed his beard and said: "If you take this fairy grass, you can awaken the power of blood in your body in an instant, bursting out with infinite potential. As long as you go through a period of tempering, your supernatural powers will not be surpassed by Mu Feng. down, but..."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "But what?"

"But as long as you eat this 'fairy grass' and once your bloodline is awakened, 'those people' will find your tracks and start chasing you endlessly."

Jiang Xiaoyue seemed to see many secrets from Zhen Yuanzi's endless words.She bowed and said, "Master, please tell me, what kind of blood is hidden in my body?" In fact, Jiang Xiaoyue felt that she was very different from other children since she was a child, and even her peers around her were all cultivators.But it only takes one month for others to master the skills that others can practice in one year.Every level of other people's cultivation seems to be a hurdle, but I have never felt the existence of a bottleneck.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaoyue used the reason of cultivating genius to explain herself, but she soon found out.No matter whether I am cultivating the Tao faster than others, even some parts of my body have undergone changes that are different from ordinary people.

The most notable is his own eyes!You can see clearly the level of anyone's realm at a glance, and you can easily distinguish blindfolds.Even if I use my eyes to the extreme, I can vaguely see the law of the flow of spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth!
These eyes have exceeded the range that any spell in the cultivation world can explain!
Therefore, in order to prevent herself from becoming an outlier in the cultivation world, Jiang Xiaoyue used Kunlun magic to seal her eyes, and only when she needed to use them, she would temporarily lift the seal, revealing a clear and bright look.

That's why Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes become clear every time she sees through the enemy.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his fly in his hand and said, "You must have known that your body is different from ordinary people."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Exactly! Does Master know all the reasons?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "It's a long story... I have to start with your mother."

Jiang Xiaoyue was shocked when she heard the words: "My mother! Hasn't she been dead for many years?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said, "Yes, but do you know your mother's real identity?"

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head blankly: "My mother? I don't know... As long as I ask my father this question, he will put on a straight face and teach me a lesson. Usually, he would never attack me. Could it be Master, do you know who my mother is?"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, "Your mother is not extraordinary!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Could it be that my mother is a fairy?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "No. Your mother is from the Wu clan!"

Witch family!These two words have disappeared from the human world for thousands of years.Since the Qin Dynasty established by the great witch Yingzheng was overthrown, they seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace.If it wasn't for the fact that Jiang Xiaoyue's Nine Bureau records had some records about the witch race, perhaps she would think that this race didn't exist at all.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then the blood of the witch clan contained in my body is the fundamental difference between me and ordinary people?"

Zhen Yuanzi continued to shake his head and said: "It's not that simple. The mixed blood of human race and witch race is not uncommon in the Three Realms. In the prehistoric era, intermarriage between human race and witch race was common. But your mother is not an ordinary witch race. .”

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then who is my mother?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Your mother is the last 'High Priest' of the Wu Clan! She is the top powerhouse in the entire Three Realms, and her magical power is not inferior to mine!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was stunned and was speechless for a moment. Her mother was actually a master at the same level as Zhen Yuanzi?
"But, since my mother is so powerful, how could she...and who can kill her?" Jiang Xiaoyue tried her best to calm herself down, and then asked.

A master at the level of Zhen Yuanzi, apart from the six great saints, is already the most powerful existence in the three realms.There are only a handful of people who can kill them.

Zhen Yuanzi had already seen the hatred in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes, and he sighed, "It was she who killed your mother!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "'s impossible! Why?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Just listen to me tell you slowly:
Since Pangu opened the world, his primordial spirit turned into Sanqing, and his flesh and blood essence turned into twelve ancestor witches!These ancestral witches are the first ancestors of the witch clan.His strength is very strong, as long as they cooperate with each other, even if they are facing a saint, it is enough to make him retreat.

In the prehistoric times, the demon world was still in charge of the heaven.And the witches rule the land.Contradictions continued between the two sides, and a war broke out.This war of liches lasted for a long time, and finally ended with the fall of the twelve ancestor witches, and the death of the emperor of the demon clan.

After the First World War, the strength of both sides was greatly damaged, and the monster clan fell to the heaven.The witch clan can no longer completely occupy the land, because at that time the human race had already begun to emerge a large number of cultivators, and there were many masters who had cultivated into immortal bodies.It has become a force not weaker than the witch clan.The human race and the witch race began to compete for the dominion of the land.

You should also know the later story. A very powerful leader emerged from the witch clan. His strength was not even lower than that of the twelve ancestor witches. He was Chi You, who was called the demon god.And Chi You was trapped in the eight formations by the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens, and was later beheaded by Ying Long with the Xuanyuan Sword.

After Chi You's death, the Wu Clan was no longer the opponent of the Human Clan, and all the masters of the Wu Clan joined forces to open up a small world called 'Jiuli'.Leaders in the Jiuli world are generally called 'high priests'!
The first high priest of Jiuli was the daughter of the demon god Chi You. She spent her whole life looking for a way to revive Chi You, because she believed that as long as Chi You was resurrected, she would be able to lead them back to the human world.

In the end, she really found a way, which is to store the power of faith of the thousands of witches in the Jiuli tribe, and convert it into the mana of the high priest through witchcraft.

The high priest, on the other hand, uses secret methods to pass on the mutual mana from generation to generation.As long as he has accumulated enough mana, the high priest can reshape Chi You's body and bring him back to life if he sacrifices his own life!

And when your mother takes over as the high priest, the mana she possesses is already enough to revive Chi You! "

(End of this chapter)

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