Agent of Heaven

Chapter 180 Birth of the Great Witch

Chapter 180 Birth of the Great Witch
After hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words, Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "Enough power to revive the demon god Chi You? How strong would that be? My's impossible!" Although her mother died young, her mother always He looks very sick and needs to rely on his father to guard him all the time.It is impossible to connect with the high priest of the Wu tribe who Zhen Yuanzi said has powerful supernatural powers.

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You don't have to doubt, your mother's magic power in her prime was not even inferior to mine! It's a pity..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What a pity?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "It's a pity that your mother fell in love with your father and gave birth to you! Although the high priests of the Wu clan have powerful mana, they are not allowed to fall in love with others. All of them are dedicated to Fufu's plan to revive the demon god Chiyou.

Your mother came to the human world by chance and fell in love with your father, and gave birth to you.But the good times didn't last long, and soon the nine great witches from the Jiuli Realm chased them down to the Human Realm.Your mother had just given birth and gave birth to you, and her vitality was already severely injured. Although she still tried her best to repel all the nine great witches and temporarily cut off the entrance of Jiuli Realm and the human world, she also lost her foundation because of this, and she could not be strong in her body Mana!
As a last resort, she can only pass on most of the mana to you with secret methods, and then seal it.He himself was completely reduced to a weak mortal with few days left. "

When Jiang Xiaoyue heard this, her eye circles turned red.Although the appearance of her mother in her memory is rare, she is always so gentle.It's just that she didn't expect that she had paid so much for herself.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the blood-returning pill in Jiang Xiaoyue's hand and said: "The power of the witch clan basically comes from the blood. This 'Blood-returning Pill' can awaken your blood and break the last seal left by your mother. Possesses the strength of a great witch. But..." He said here, becoming hesitant to speak.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "But what?"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "But as long as you use the power left by your mother back then, the witch clan in Jiuli Realm will respond. They will find you again! Take back the treasure that should have belonged to the high priest of Jiuli Realm." The power of inheritance."

There was hatred in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes: "I will definitely make them come back!"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said: "When your mother passed on the magic power to you, it was already worn out. So even if your bloodline is awakened, you will not have the powerful power of your mother back then. Although the number of witches is small, there are still a lot of masters, as long as they come prepared, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you!" When he said this, a look of fear flashed across his face.

Jiang Xiaoyue showed a determined look, "Master, I'm not afraid!"

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Son, you have to think clearly. You also have a very powerful cultivation talent. If you practice in Wuzhuang Temple for a hundred years, you can also aspire to the immortal way and achieve immortality."

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head and said, "A hundred years is too long! I need a strong force right now. Because..."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, "You are doing it for Mu Feng."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Yes! The opponent we are facing today is too powerful! I need this strength so that I can fight side by side with Afeng." Speaking of this, Kong Xuan waving The figure of the five-color divine light.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said: "I can understand your thoughts, you don't want to be a burden to Mu Feng. But as long as you stay in Wuzhuang Temple and practice for hundreds of years, you can still help him. In fact, there is no need to choose such an extreme way .”

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a sad smile: "Master, do you really think that I can't see the current situation clearly? Even Nezha has been knocked down from the mortal world, I am afraid that the gods in the heaven will have a hard time resisting Dapeng and the monsters!" Attacking. There is even a scheming hero like Kong Xuan in the netherworld. At present, there is still Tai A who is already making trouble in the world. If I have practiced in this Wuzhuang Temple for hundreds of years, I am afraid that I will see the human world as soon as I go out. It's devastated."

Zhen Yuanzi turned around and walked towards the door, said: "Master, I never imagined that you have the heart to help the world. You really don't want to give up to a man. Well, since you are determined to risk your life, I can't stop you. Who will you be?" I can't stop you! I just hope that Mu Feng won't be blamed for being a teacher after he leaves the customs."

Jiang Xiaoyue bowed far away to Zhen Yuanzi's retreating back and said, "Thank you, Master!" She knew in her heart that Zhen Yuanzi persuaded her not to take Xuehuan Pill, but she actually wanted to protect herself.But ever since the Nether Realm trip, she felt that the difference in strength between herself and Mu Feng was huge.I urgently need the power to help Mu Feng!

Jiang Xiaoyue grabbed the "Blood Returning Pill" in her hand and swallowed it resolutely.At the moment she swallowed the "Blood Returning Pill", images of blood-colored clouds and mist appeared in the three realms.

Heaven.In the demon camp, the golden-winged roc is discussing with many demon kings how to win and enter the fairyland. Under the tent, there are two rows of core figures of the demon clan. The Great Sage Covering the Sea), the Peng Demon King (the Great Sage Hunting the Sky), the Lion Camel King (the Great Sage Yishan), the Macaque King (the Great Sage Ventilation), and the Yu Tamarin King (the Great Sage Exorcising the Gods). Jing, Jiuling Yuansheng, Golden Horn King, Silver Horn King, and nine demon foxes Daji.

As soon as the bloody cloud came out, all the demon kings looked up at the sky with solemn expressions.

The bull demon king said: "The blood cloud came out, and the big witch appeared. There is another strong man of the level of a big witch in the witch clan?" They couldn't help being shocked, because the strength of the big witch is definitely no longer under any of the demon kings present.Moreover, the fighting talent of the witch clan is extremely powerful. If it is an actual battle alone, it is afraid that it will be stronger than the monster clan.

The golden-winged roc said: "I haven't seen a strong man at the level of a great witch for thousands of years. They actually appeared at this time! Could it be that the witch clan has some moves?"

Jiao Demon King said: "The witch clan has been seriously injured since the death of the demon god Chi You, and there is only one left in the Jiuli Realm. Could it be that another great witch has appeared in the Jiuli Realm?"

Daji shook his head and said: "Impossible, the Jiuli Realm is a small world created by the Wu Clan forcibly. There is not enough spiritual energy in the world, and it is difficult for the Wu Clan to cultivate."

Jiuling Yuansheng said: "In any case, the appearance of a strong man in the Wu clan should not have much to do with us. Let's continue to discuss how to capture Yaochi!"

In the Underworld, in Shuofang City, Kong Xuan sat on the throne, looking up at the blood cloud in the sky.

"A great witch appeared again? Sure enough, the catastrophe is approaching, and it's getting more and more interesting!" Kong Xuan's mouth curled into a playful smile.

In the human world, in the outskirts of the capital, a beam of sword light that was passing through stopped, and it was Tai Ah who appeared!He looked at the blood cloud around him, and a strange light flashed in his long and narrow eyes: "The great witch was born? Could it be that those terrible witches are coming back again?"

(End of this chapter)

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