Agent of Heaven

Chapter 181 The Power of the Great Witch

Chapter 181 The Power of the Great Witch
In the outskirts of Jiangzhou, a lakeside villa.

Nezha and Kui Mulang pushed the door in dejectedly. It has been two weeks. No matter how hard they search, they can't find any trace of Tai'a.It seems that this evil spirit has disappeared from the world since then.

Yang Jian was sitting on the sofa, holding a laptop in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

Kui Mulang went to the first two parts, slammed the laptop in Yang Jian's hand, and cursed with a smile: "Okay Yang Jian, let us go out and search for traces of Tai Ah, but you are hiding at home playing computer."

Yang Jian said to Kui Mulang: "I think I have found the trace of Tai'a from here!"

Kui Mulang said: "What? Could it be that you ran into him in the qualifying match of the big lol?"

Yang Jian said seriously: "I'm not joking, look!" After finishing speaking, he turned on the laptop in his hand, and there was a video that broke the defense.

Nezha also came up and asked curiously, "What is this?" It was the first time he had seen such a magical thing as a computer, and he showed strong curiosity about the moving villains on it.

Kui Mulang dragged the progress bar of the video screen and asked Yang Jian, "The Temple of Heaven in the capital was cracked by a major earthquake? Does this have anything to do with Kui Mulang?"

Yang Jian said: "Look at this video carefully again."

Kui Mulang looked at the video screen from the beginning again, and his face became serious: "It's not an earthquake! This is definitely not an earthquake. It was broken by someone with supernatural power!" He clicked to pause the video, and only saw the capital city The Temple of Heaven, a famous scenic spot inside, has been split in two, and where the dark clouds are billowing in the sky, a black human-shaped phantom is vaguely seen floating.

The phantom of this human figure is very faint, and ordinary people may not be able to spot it at all.Yang Jian's forehead opened, and a bright white light was released from it, shining on the video.

Kui Mulang complained: "I'm sorry, it's all right, you can use your eyes to detect a video, let's hang it up!"

Nezha pulled Kui Mulang and said, "Don't disturb my second brother."

The divine eyes on Yang Jian's forehead became more and more destructive, and began to interweave the pictures in the coarse view screen in the void, and it was an all-round holographic image.The black shadow above the clouds is constantly being enlarged, and its appearance is becoming clearer and clearer.In the end, he could even roughly see his facial features.

Kui Mulang shouted: "It's him! It's Tai'a! How could he go to the Temple of Heaven in the capital?"

The eyes on Yang Jian's head closed again, and the image in the air also disappeared: "No matter why he wanted the capital, and he wanted to destroy the building called the Temple of Heaven. We should go and see it."

Nezha said: "Okay, let's start now. With our flying speed, we can reach it in half a day at most!"

Kui Mulang also nodded, turned around and opened the door of the villa, ready to come out.But the moment he opened the door, he froze.

Because Jiang Xiaoyue was standing pretty in front of the door, and said with a smile, "Where are the three going?"

Kui Mulang asked back: "Shouldn't you be practicing at Wuzhuang Temple in Longevity Mountain now? Why did you come back? Did Immortal Zhenyuan kick you out because of your poor talent?"

Jiang Xiaoyue retorted, "You look more stupid than a husky, didn't I kick you out of the villa?"

Yang Jian smiled and said: "Miss Xiaoyue came back just in time, then you will stay and look after the house, we are going to the capital."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked curiously: "The capital? Why do you want to go to the capital?"

Yang Jian said: "We found Tai Ah's trace, he just went to the capital not long ago."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Okay, I'll go and have a look too."

Yang Jian shook his head and said, "Miss Xiaoyue, Tai'a is very ferocious and powerful. We may not have time to take care of your safety when we go to deal with him this time. If..."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can protect myself."

Kui Mulang hesitated to speak, but stopped: "Miss Xiaoyue, this..." After all, he didn't say anything, the three of them are gods, and he was not sure what he could do to Tai A, and Jiang Xiaoyue was a mortal, if he passed I'm afraid it can only add confusion to everyone.

Yang Jian said: "This time is not a child's play, and you can't be brave for a while, so Xiaoyue, you should stay here. Don't worry, if there is anything that needs your help, we will notify you as soon as possible." In fact, it is now When gods fight, mortals only suffer, so there is nothing they can do to help.What Yang Jian said was that they all had a deep friendship with Jiang Xiaoyue, and they didn't want to easily hurt her self-esteem.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, put a hand on Yang Jian's shoulder and said, "Then you guys go!"

Yang Jian smiled and said: "Then let's go!" He wanted to take a step, but found that Jiang Xiaoyue's hand on his shoulder was so powerful that he couldn't move half a step!

Nezha and Kui Mulang had already arrived at the door at this time, and they turned their heads together, looked at Yang Jian who was being held down by Jiang Xiaoyue, and asked curiously: "Second Brother Yang, why are you still standing there? Come."

However, Yang Jian looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with a shocked face, and then exercised the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, bursting out with great strength all over his body, and finally lifted his steps with great difficulty.

Jiang Xiaoyue saw that Yang Jian's footsteps had started to move slowly, so she also increased the strength in her hands, and the ancient lines that belonged to the ancient witch clan covered her arms!

Yang Jian's footsteps just lifted were put down again under Jiang Xiaoyue's strong force, and he was shocked: "Xiaoyue, how can you have such great strength?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't you have divine eyes? I should know it after taking a look."

The divine eye on Yang Jian's forehead once again burst into a destructive white light, covering Jiang Xiaoyue's entire body.After a while, he closed his eyes in shock and said, "Xiaoyue... you are actually..."

Kui Mulang and Nezha also noticed something was wrong here, they turned their heads and walked to the door, and said to Yang Jian, "What's the matter?"

Yang Jian said with a dry throat: "Miss Xiaoyue is actually the body of a great witch. It seems that we are really short-sighted."

Kui Mulang was shocked and said: "What? Great witch!" He was originally a person who cut off the teaching, but he was a demon body ten thousand years ago. In his mind, the great witch is just like Houyi, Kuafu, and Chi You, who can move his hands and move his feet. It can be a ferocious existence where the rivers are dry and the sun and the moon are dark.He never expected that this girl Xiaoyue who often cooks for herself is actually a great witch!

Although Nezha did not practice for as long as Kuimu Langlai, when he sat down to listen to the lectures of Taiyi Daoist in the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, he also heard his master mention the great witch.Rao is the strength of Taiyi Daoist Twelve Golden Immortals, and he also bluntly said that he is incapable of defeating the great witch.So he looked at Jiang Xiaoyue even more shocked, could this mortal woman be able to rival his master?
Jiang Xiaoyue removed the arm on Yang Jian's shoulder, and said with a smile: "I have already proved my strength, so let's go to Tai'a together, this time we will definitely be able to kill him."

Yang Jian laughed loudly and said: "With Miss Xiaoyue's current strength, she is just a mere Tai, so why should we be afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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