Agent of Heaven

Chapter 182 Under the Temple of Heaven

Chapter 182 Under the Temple of Heaven
On May [-]th, early morning, it was cloudy and rainy.

Jiang Xiaoyue, Yang Jian, Nezha, and Kui Mulang rushed on the road with all their strength, and when they saw Dongfang showing his belly, they had already arrived in the capital.

Standing on the cloud, Yang Jian looked down at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, which had been split from the center below, and opened his eyes wide and said, "That's right, it's Tai'a. There is still a very serious turbidity here."

Kui Mulang thought: "But why did he attack an ordinary building in the capital of the human world?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This is not an ordinary building. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in the Temple of Heaven is a place where Chinese emperors have used it to pay homage to heaven for 600 years."

Nezha said: "The place where the emperors of the world used to worship the heavens? That should be the place where the luck of the emperors in the past is the most prosperous..."

Yang Jian said: "Let's go and investigate first."

At this moment, several strong lights suddenly shone towards the four people standing in the clouds.It made them squint their eyes.

A helicopter with flashing headlights appeared above the clouds, and a horn sounded from inside: "Report to the headquarters, the enemy is found ahead. It's four... It's four people standing on the clouds! No, sir, I didn't drink .There were really four people standing on top of the clouds! They moved and flew towards me!"

Jiang Xiaoyue flew to the side of the helicopter, stretched out her jaded hand, and tapped on the window of the helicopter: "I am Director Jiang Xiaoyue of the Ninth Bureau of National Security Bureau, and ask your chief to talk to me!" She also took out a bag from her pocket. A certificate with the national emblem printed on it.

The helicopter pilot looked at Jiang Xiaoyue in bewilderment, was stunned for a long time, then carefully looked at the certificate in Jiang Xiaoyue's hand, and then agreed: "Okay... I will send a message to the headquarters right away!"

A moment later, the helicopter and the four of them landed on the ruins of the Temple of Heaven.All around were special soldiers with loaded guns and live ammunition, as well as a few men in Chinese tunic suits.

One of the men with extraordinary appearance and serious demeanor showed a doting smile at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Girl, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Jiangzhou now?" This man is naturally Jiang Xiaoyue's father Jiang Quan.

Jiang Xiaoyue said playfully, "Daddy, I'm afraid you won't be able to cope with such a big incident in the capital, so I want to come and have a look."

Jiang Quan nodded, and seeing Yang Jian behind Jiang Xiaoyue, he clasped his fists and said, "I didn't expect you to come too." Yang Jian has been stationed in Guanjiangkou in the human world all year round. Jiang Quan is the descendant of Jiang Shang and the head of the Jiang family. It can be regarded as somewhat familiar.

Yang Jian said: "Such a big thing happened here, I have to come here."

Jiang Quan frowned and said: "I think you came here only after seeing the news. Yes, this Temple of Heaven was destroyed by someone with great supernatural powers in the early hours of yesterday."

Yang Jian said: "Do you have any trace of that person?"

Jiang Quan shook his head and said, "No, that man's cultivation is far above all the masters in the capital. He came and disappeared without a trace. Even the few priests in the Forbidden City of the capital didn't find him."

Nezha asked, "Do you have any other clues?"

Jiang Quan looked at the young man with red lips and white teeth in front of him, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

Yang Jian immediately introduced: "This is my brother Nezha." He pointed to Kui Mulang again: "This is Kui Mulang, one of the 28 constellations."

Jiang Quan was shocked in his heart: "Nezha, Kui Mulang! These two are the first-class warriors in the heaven. They are both in the world? Could it be that something big is about to happen?"

Yang Jian said: "If you find anything, you can tell us. This matter is not something that your human forces can interfere with,"

Jiang Quan nodded and said, "Come with me!"

Yang Jian and the others followed Jiang Quan, and soon came to the edge of the ruins of the Temple of Heaven. The original magnificent and magical building, now only the ruins remained.Moreover, the surrounding stones also emitted foul air inexplicably.As soon as people get close, there will be a feeling of uneasiness.

And in the middle of the ruins, there is actually a bottomless abyss!

Yang Jian looked into the abyss with his head, the god's eye opened on his forehead, and the white light shot directly into the bottom of the abyss.After a while, he withdrew his eyes and said, "There is actually a palace below..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What? There is actually a palace? What does it look like?"

Yang Jian said: "It's hard to explain in words, we'll know when we go down." After speaking, he jumped down.

Kui Mulang and Nezha also looked at each other and jumped down together.

Jiang Xiaoyue also wanted to jump down, but was held back by Jiang Quan: "Girl, don't follow them to take risks. They are all immortals who have long been famous, and they must be extremely cautious when dealing with the underground. You are just a mortal, so don't go down and take risks." .”

This is because of a father's concern for his daughter.Jiang Quan, like all parents, does not want his children to be in danger.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Father, don't worry, I already have the ability to protect myself." After speaking, she also jumped into the dark abyss.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyue jumping, Jiang Quan felt like jumping too, but he was bounced back with a bang.Looking carefully at the top of the abyss, the red light is shining, and a barrier is slowly turning.

Jiang Xiaoyue knew that her father would definitely follow her, but she also knew that the underground must be very dangerous, so the moment she jumped down, she also set up a barrier.Stop Jiang Quan from following him down.

This dark abyss seemed to possess the power of sudden light, as soon as Jiang Xiaoyue entered it, she felt that all the light was swallowed up.There are strange rocks all around, and the sound of ding ding dong dong running water keeps going.

Jiang Xiaoyue shouted to the inside: "Second brother Yang, Kui Mulang, Nezha! Where are you?"

A white light shone in his direction, only to find that it was the light of God Yang Jian's eyes.Jiang Xiaoyue happily walked over, and found that Kui Mulang and Nezha looked around together, with expressions of seeing a ghost.

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered, "What's wrong?"

Kui Mulang lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "I never expected that there is such a magnificent and huge palace hidden under this dark abyss. Judging from the scale, it even far surpasses the Temple of Heaven on the ground."

Yang Jian said: "This underground palace doesn't look like an underground tomb. It seems that Tai Ah opened the Temple of Heaven for something in this underground palace."

Jiang Xiaoyue clutched her chin and said, "No matter Tai'a, let's investigate here ourselves, maybe we can find many valuable clues!"

(End of this chapter)

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