Agent of Heaven

Chapter 183 Tai'a's Plan

Chapter 183 Tai'a's Plan

Jiang Xiaoyue never imagined that an underground palace could be built so magnificently.She has never seen the legendary Qinhuangdao, but even if it is Qinhuangdao, it will not be more majestic than the palace under the Temple of Heaven.

All the walls are made of blue bricks and stones as tall as a person, and the aisle is lit with ever-burning lamps.The dim and gloomy lights illuminate the ghostly and uncertain road.

After passing through the aisle, I saw a large hall with 360 five stars shining on the top.Looking carefully, it turned out to be 360 ​​five night pearls of different sizes.Each luminous pearl emits an inch-long starlight, flickering non-stop with a strange pattern.

Nezha Yang Jian and Kui Mulang were standing in the center of the hall at this time, and all three stood still, silent.This made the atmosphere very heavy all of a sudden.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "What happened?"

"Hey!" Yang Jian sighed directly: "Come over and have a look yourself!"

Jiang Xiaoyue walked in front of the three of them, but found that there was a stone platform here, and there was a sword box on top of the stone platform, but there was nothing in the box.

"This sword box has a restrained divine light and a secret aura. It is made of nine-day black iron as a whole. It is really a treasure!" Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed.

Kui Mulang smiled wryly and said, "If it's the same as what's in the sword box, then this sword box is really nothing."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Is there something in the sword box?" She looked carefully, but it was empty, she couldn't see anything.

Nezha said: "There were originally. It's a pity we came a step late!"

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "What was there?"

Yang Jian paused every word: "Dragon! Yuan! Sword!" These three words seemed to have infinite power,
Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Is it the Longyuan Sword, one of the five great swords forged by Ou Yezi?"

Nezha said: "That's right, it's the divine sword. But now, he may have become Tai'a's helper."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You mean the Dragon Yuan Sword has been taken away by Tai Ah?"

Nezha nodded and said, "He didn't know where he got the news that Longyuan Sword is here. He destroyed the Temple of Heaven yesterday, probably because of the Longyuan Sword that was suppressed under the Temple of Heaven."

Kui Mulang punched angrily on the stone platform where the Long Yuan sword was originally placed, and instantly the stone chips flew, and the stone platform turned into countless fragments: "What the hell is this Tai'a doing?"

Jiang Xiaoyue clutched her chin and began to think. In fact, this is a movement Mu Feng is very used to. It's just that she has been with Mu Feng for a long time, and she has acquired his habit unconsciously.

"Tai'a was originally the incarnation of one of the five great swords, and now he does not hesitate to expose his whereabouts to take away Longyuan, so his purpose is already obvious." Jiang Xiaoyue said.

Yang Jian said: "What do you mean? The purpose of Tai'a is to collect all five great swords?"

Nezha said: "Maybe it's more than that. When he fought against Mu Feng, he once said that his goal is to build a world where Qi Ling can live freely."

Kui Mulang said: "Like the demon world created by Empress Nuwa?"

Nezha nodded and said, "Looking at what he meant, it should be like this."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "How did Empress Nuwa create the demon world?"

Nezha replied: "It's not easy to create a small world. Even with Nuwa Empress's sky-reaching means, it is barely evolved by relying on innate treasures such as the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map."

Yang Jian said: "The Map of Mountains and Rivers! I understand, the purpose of Tai'a is..."

"Xuanyuan Sword!" Everyone said in unison.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "His purpose of collecting the five great swords should really be to recast the Xuanyuan Sword! Then use the supreme edge of the Xuanyuan Sword to open up a world that can completely break away from the Three Realms and exist alone like the demon world."

Yang Jian said: "Xuanyuan Sword is the number one holy sword in the human world. Its power is actually much stronger than that of the Shanhe Sheji Map. It should be only under the Taiji Map of Tushi Gongdao's grandfather. It is completely enough to open up a world. "

Nezha said: "No, Tai Ah must not be allowed to use Xuanyuan Sword to open up the world."

Everyone looked at Nezha suspiciously.

Nezha explained: "Although Shanhe Shejitu successfully evolved into the demon world back then, it itself merged into the demon world and never existed in the world again. And I once heard my master say that Xuanyuan Sword is It is a sacred object of the human race, which is related to the luck of the entire human race. If it should also disappear completely for the opening of the world, the human race will probably face annihilation."

Yang Jian nodded and said: "In ancient times, liches fought for hegemony, and the human race was humble and weak. It was only after Xuanyuan Sword appeared that it gradually became prosperous. Although Xuanyuan Sword turned into five after beheading Chi You, he was still able to suppress Luck, if Xuanyuanjian really disappears completely, I'm afraid that the human race will really become slaves of the monster race."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "So, no matter what, we must prevent Tai'a from collecting all five hundred swords!"

Yang Jian said: "That's it! But we don't know when Tai'a will appear. We also don't know where the other swords will fall..."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I don't know the whereabouts of Tai'a, but I do know the whereabouts of the five divine swords!"

"What!" The three were overjoyed upon hearing this.Yang Jian said: "Miss Xiaoyue, please tell me quickly, you know the whereabouts of which divine sword, tell us to get it quickly, and Tai'a will take the lead again."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "No need, because the Shengxie Sword is now in Afeng's hands."

"The Shengxie sword is in Afeng's hands? What's going on?" Kui Mulang asked.

Only then did Jiang Xiaoyue tell everyone about Mu Feng and herself going to the Peach Blossom Spring when they returned to the human world, Mu Feng subduing the Xie Sword and a thousand ghost soldiers of the Qin Dynasty.

Nezha clapped his hands and smiled after hearing this: "Okay! That's great! The Sword of Victory and Evil is in Mu Feng's hands, and Mu Feng is currently staying in the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain. Then Tai'a is very brave, He doesn't dare to go wild in the territory of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan! Now he won't be able to collect the five great swords."

Yang Jian's expression also relaxed a little and said: "Even so, we still have to snatch as many swords as possible. After all, no matter which one of the five great swords it is, there are ghosts and ghosts. The power of the test!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "According to the current situation, both Tai'a and Longyuan have become weapon spirits. Shengxie is with Mu Feng, and the only ones left are 'Chunjun Sword' and 'Zhanlu Sword' Already!"

Yang Jian said: "Miss Xiaoyue, the Ninth Bureau you are in has a small influence in the human world. Please do your best to collect all the information about these two divine swords!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Of course I won't let my second brother talk about it. I will tell my father when I see him. Use all the power of the Ninth Bureau. Look for 'Chunjun Sword' and 'Zhanlu Sword'."

Kui Mulang was worried in his heart: "Tai'a's mana is no longer under Mu Feng, and now he has another Long Yuan under his command. The two join forces, can we resist?"

(End of this chapter)

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