Agent of Heaven

Chapter 184 Departure, New York

Chapter 184 Departure, New York

In the military area not far from the capital, there are many guards all around, and the guards are strictly guarded.Ordinary people only know that this is a special place for acting in the military region.Only real practitioners know that this is the headquarters of the Ninth Bureau of National Security!A place that can be compared with Kunlun Yuxu Palace and Shushan Jiange.

There is a conference room several kilometers underground from the headquarters of the Ninth Bureau. Apart from Jiang Xiaoyue and his daughter, the only people who can sit here are Yang Jiankui, Mulang and Nezha.

Jiang Xiaoyue threw a document on the table, and said solemnly: "In the past three days, we have used all our strength, both openly and secretly, in nine innings, and finally succeeded in finding the whereabouts of the 'Chunjun Sword'."

Yang Jian said: "This should be a happy event, but looking at you, it seems that you are not happy at all."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That's right, there's really nothing to be happy about. Because the 'Pure Jun Sword' is about to be auctioned as an auction item!"

Nezha said angrily, "What? One of the holy swords of the dignified human race is going to be sold for a price?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It was done by foreigners."

Kui Mulang wondered: "How could Huaxia's Excalibur be auctioned off by foreigners?"

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed, "This is a problem left over from history."

Jiang Quan said: "Let me explain."

It turns out that this pure Jun sword was hidden in the Forbidden City in the capital in the past. The divine sword has a spirit, and as long as it does not meet a satisfied owner, it will not show its edge easily.So it looked like an ordinary ancient sword at the time.However, in a catastrophe a hundred years ago, China's luck was exhausted, and the Eight-Nation Allied Forces joined forces to take down the capital.A British officer brought the Chun Jun sword back to France as an ordinary antique and kept it in his collection.Later, the officer's family was in decline, and he owed a lot of money.So he decided to auction off the antiques his ancestors looted from the ancient China in a week later, and the Chunjun sword was the most valuable one among them.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the solid conference table was turned into ashes under Nezha's hands. He gritted his teeth and said, "These barbarians are too bullying..."

Yang Jian calmly said: "Now is not the time to argue with them, our first task should be how to get back the 'Pure Jun Sword'."

Nezha said: "Is there anything else to hesitate? Just go and grab back what should belong to our Huaxia!"

Kui Mulang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Nezha sneered: "Why, can those mortals still resist us?"

Kui Mulang smiled and said: "It is true that ordinary people cannot resist us, but do you know the specific whereabouts of 'Chunjun Sword'?"

Nezha looked at Jiang Xiaoyue in astonishment: "Miss Xiaoyue, you should know about this."

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head helplessly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. The storage location of this level of auction items is kept absolutely secret before they are actually sold."

Jiang Quan pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "Unfortunately, although our Bureau Nine is an organization of supernatural forces, every country has corresponding obstacles. Our strength is not enough to infiltrate foreign countries too much." , It is true that the whereabouts of the 'Pure Jun Sword' cannot be investigated."

Yang Jian said: "Then what other useful information do we know now?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "First, the auction will be held in a week's time at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York! Second, the organizer of this auction is the British royal family, behind which is the British mysterious force organization Special Affairs Six As a backing. There are many supernatural beings in this institution. Third, Tai A probably already knew about this matter, so he will definitely appear on the day of the auction."

Jiang Quan said: "The British Sixth Office is nothing to be afraid of, it's just a group of supernatural beings. Our nine rounds are enough to deal with them."

Nezha said: "Tai'a already has Long Yuan to help him, and his current strength may still be higher than ours, so the Pure Jun Sword cannot fall into his hands no matter what."

Kui Mulang said: "According to Tai'a's temperament, he will definitely take action to snatch it that day. It seems that we will face him head-on."

Yang Jian lowered his head and said in thought: "If I do my best, I will definitely be able to temporarily hold Tai'a back. Long Yuan will be handed over to Nezha and Kui Mulang. At that time, Xiaoyue, you will be responsible for snatching the Pure Jun Sword, and then go straight back to Wanshou Mountain In fact, he didn't think that the strength of himself and the others would be much worse than that of Tai Ah and Long Yuan, but once confronted with the enemy, Tai Ah could manipulate other people's magic weapons.This ability is too powerful, so I have to make the worst plan.

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said, "According to the current situation, this plan should be the safest."

Everyone also nodded, expressing their agreement with Yang Jian's plan.

Jiang Quan said: "Our Ninth Bureau has created fake identities for you in advance, so that you can sneak into the auction in advance. When the time comes, you can hide in the dark and take some advantage."

Yang Jian said, "Thank you very much!"

Jiang Quan smiled wryly: "Your opponent is too strong this time, and there is only so much we can help you with."

Jiang Quan arranged for the identities of the few people present to be rich businessmen from China, and they had all the ID cards.Even the clothes and outfits, as well as the itinerary for entry and exit are also arranged properly.

After several deliberations, everyone still chose to fly to New York.Although with their strength, they can fly much faster than the plane, but if they fly to New York so abruptly.Neither the Special Six in the UK nor the CIA in the US are fools, so they will naturally know that these people are absolutely extraordinary.Maybe a few people will be directly regarded as agents sent by the Ninth Bureau to execute some secret person.

So in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, but also to better hide their identities.Everyone still chose the most reliable and conventional way of travel.

Of course, these few people will naturally not take any civil airliner to the United States.What they took was a private jet arranged by a Ninth Bureau. The owner of this plane was actually a non-staff member of the Ninth Bureau, and was usually in charge of the Ninth Bureau's finances.But his identity to the outside world is the richest man in China, and he has done a good job of keeping it secret. So far, no one knows his real identity, so flying on his plane will not attract the attention of the British and American sides.

On the passenger plane, Nezha leaned against the porthole, looking at the few flying clouds outside, he was a little lost for a moment.

Kui Mulang asked, "What's the matter, Third Prince? It's not like you haven't been to the sky before, why do you show such an expression." In fact, the speed of the Hot Wheels under Nezha's feet is much faster than this plane.

Nezha said: "I just didn't expect that mortals can rely on tools to soar freely in the sky."

Kui Mulang smiled and said, "There are so many things you haven't seen. The development of the mortal world in the past few hundred years is not just these."

Yang Jian suddenly said: "From this point of view, what ordinary people can do today is much worse than us?"

The three gods were silent at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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